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The Construction of a New Pakistani Identity

describe Canada and israel, Religious is our identity ethinicly and linguistically we are nothing secondry value they have. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said in his last khutba that no one is above unless Allah wants him to be above. so we need to work on Islamic Pakistan and keep on going till people from us stop crying for identity.
It seems we have a topic on this every quarter. There is this insecurity about identity, we need to get past that. Identity is in part who you are (including your history), what you believe and what you choose to see yourself as. It's complex and dynamic. We need to understand that, otherwise we'll always be hamstrung by identity.

IVC is a part of our indentity, it's not the whole of our indentity. The Muslim empires of the past are part of our indentity, they're not all of our identity. A part of our identity is the legacy of the British empire (ie fighting for freedom, as well as the legal and governance system we've taken from them). As a relatively new nation, the biggest part of our identity is the Pakistan movement and the ideas linked with that.

You have borders, you have a flag, you have a people within it. Build a nation and whatever it becomes is your identity. If you don't like it, change your nation, not your identity.
Kill all hardliners and extremist mullahs which will total up to 10 million.

Deport all Afghan refugees.

Ban madrassahs or heavily regulate them. Its not a full time education pathway.

Ban niqabs and hijabs.

Ban Indian content on TV.

Rediscover what made us a strong cultural power in the 60s.

Realign with secular British post colonial values which is what Jinnah wanted.

Remove religion from politics.

Rename country to Indus and get ready to become an economic and cultural powerhouse.
Do you know vast majority of nations are inorganic. Very rarely is homogeneity a natural state. Nature is diverse by design. United Kingdom looks organic but actually creation of thousand years of killing, repression and wars. The British state has pressure cooked modern Britain into one product and it was not pleasant. Britsh history is replete with massacres of Welsh, Celts, Scots etc in the making of Britain. But even today just underneath you can see the signs of the Celts, Anglos, Saxons, Vikings, Normans in the fabric of Scots, Welsh, English and Irish. United Kingdom as much as Pakistan is a union of four distinct entities much like Pakistan's four provinces ~ England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland.

But the unity is wrapped around the monarchy and the Union Jack. Not global Christianity, not Europe or some other transnational cause. Only this counts -

Quite constructive, thank you!

I shall say only this, do not question my loyalty to Pakistan, sir. I love it more than I do anything else on the face of the earth. My devotion to Pakistan is unquestioned.
I've only posted this thread to bring about discussion of a topic that actually merits discussion. I can not continue to watch my country burn helplessly.

The last thing I want is the Balkanisation of Pakistan based on religio-ethnic lines. I detest ethnic and caste divisions. I simply want us to be united and on one page in our national discourse.
That is the very point of this thread. To ensure that we are united as Pakistanis and nothing else. That we become inclusive and homogenous, and the segregation and prejudice we see in society is brought to an end.

Plus, I'm not a fascist. Nowhere near it.

And for all this you do not need a new identity.
Pakistan is enough for this
Kill all hardliners and extremist mullahs which will total up to 10 million.

Deport all Afghan refugees.

Ban madrassahs or heavily regulate them. Its not a full time education pathway.

Ban niqabs and hijabs.

Ban Indian content on TV.

Rediscover what made us a strong cultural power in the 60s.

Realign with secular British post colonial values which is what Jinnah wanted.

Remove religion from politics.

Rename country to Indus and get ready to become an economic and cultural powerhouse.

Indian content ban is necessary?
Kill all hardliners and extremist mullahs which will total up to 10 million.

Deport all Afghan refugees.

Ban madrassahs or heavily regulate them. Its not a full time education pathway.

Ban niqabs and hijabs.

Ban Indian content on TV.

Rediscover what made us a strong cultural power in the 60s.

Realign with secular British post colonial values which is what Jinnah wanted.

Remove religion from politics.

Rename country to Indus and get ready to become an economic and cultural powerhouse.

awww another christmas wishlist from the immigrants.......... nice
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