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The Conflict in Syria as it Relates to Turkey | Updates & Discussions

Oh really then why they help the sunni in Iraq. Why they buy Iraqi oil from isis.

and how many shea in Turkey ministers or Generals in the Army.
We are also helping Shia refugees and Yezidis, Turkey always helped everyone who needed protection even when Saddam used chemical weapons against Kurds.

The numbers of ministers and generals isnt clear since Turkey is secular and ones religion doesnt matter so they dont count people after their sect or religion.

But if it makes you happy the Janissarys (elite soldiers) of Ottoman Army was mostly Christians converted to Alevis from Haji Bektash order which is another form of Shiism.

Haji Bektash Veli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are also helping Shia refugees and Yezidis, Turkey always helped everyone who needed protection even when Saddam used chemical weapons against Kurds.

The numbers of ministers and generals isnt clear since Turkey is secular and ones religion doesnt matter so they dont count people after their sect or religion.

But if it makes you happy the Janissarys (elite soldiers) of Ottoman Army was mostly Christians converted to Alevis from Haji Bektash order which is another form of Shiism.

Haji Bektash Veli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Im all hope that soon Turkey get rid of erdogan and his party. Turkey deserve better rulers Turkey and Iraq can be a very close partner in many sectors of industry and economy Turkey without erdogan and his party can win many Arab and Islamic countries without the dirty job that erdogan do see so far you lost Egypt and Iraq to some limit and you may loose it at all.

Do you know erdogan regime asked Iran to use its soil to let Turkish trucks deliver it's products to Iraq because isis occupy mosul see what this guy doing to you by following his dream of bringing back the ottoman empire what an unfortunate.
No one has the right to test Turkey, Davutoğlu says in reply to Kerry

Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has replied to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s call to Turkey to join a coalition against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), saying no one has the right to “test” Turkey.

“No one can give a test to Turkey, as if it did not do what is necessary. We take our own decisions and will do what is necessary in order to protect our national interests,” Davutoğlu said in an interview late Sept. 22.

No one has the right to test Turkey, Davutoğlu says in reply to Kerry - DIPLOMACY
Like that one now I will call them internatianal forces of IS

if anything like this would happen than you would have following situation.. :

a chp greek origin and secular fraction maybe istanbul, antalya, izmir area.. with no church no mosque no jews and no other religion if someone dares to be religios he has to starve or die..
a big kurdish state with 100% kurdisch arian blood
a muslim remaining state.. a mixture of every folk in turkey
maybe a stabilizised Laz state a peacefull state with funny music
maybe some mhp state but I think they would be working for chp retards.. they wont go alone in the dark out :D
so all first three would be retard enough to kill each other..

or turkey will be a normal state with normal parties without idiots killing each other- except kurds.. I see some potential in our folk to go a good path..

Typical Akp election campaign fear speech.

Turkey had lived in tune without any of those scenarios you wrote above untill The Akp took the power.

After the Akp term, people have been separated into 36 ethnic branches and 3-4 relgious ones, with that policy Your scenario comes into a possible claim as it happens for Iraq and Syria right now! What is ironic is that What The Akp has caused is used by the same Akp as scary threat waiting for Turkey.

For example , some people in one of those ethnic groups claim a big part of Turkey, and also dreams of some other parts in other countries. The terrrorist wing and politic wing of those ''some people'' is in negotiation with The Turkish government (Actually The Akp) and in fight more lands in Iraq and Syria. The same people burn people in buses, burn schools, burn Turkish flags, burn Atatürk pictures, kill people, smuggle drug.

However, Some people like you come here and claim it is actually thoughts like mine that will cause problems for Turkey.


I also mention one problem that has big results for Turkey day by day, Which is that When The Akp jailed Secular and nationalist people at any position in the community, it also has left the area for The terrorist supporters and so called liberals.

Today Turkey cannot make any national policy in community, for example what tv channel you turn, you come across one of those people, i mean it is either a terrorist supporter or so called liberals. Therefore, Turkey is always trying to save others rather than Turks, and other countries other than herself.
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Turkey to build ‘camp’ for Syrian refugees’ cattle


Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) is planning to build a “camp” for cattle that were left on the Syrian side of the border by refugees fleeing jihadi militants.

Many Syrians who fled the clashes between Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants and Democratic Union Party (PYD) forces in Rakka’s Tel Abyad district, had to leave their cattle, sheep and goats in Syria, but have urged AFAD to take measures to rescue them.

AFAD head Faruk Oktay said they were now working to designate an area on the border where the animals can be safely kept.

“We don’t pay attention only to the humanitarian side of the incident. There is a mined area on the other side of the border and many animals are waiting there. We want to help Syrians who want to come here with their animals, and it is a problem to leave the animals there. They can die of hunger and thirst,” Oktay said, stressing that officials from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock were working on the project.

“We are building an area where their needs can be provided for,” he said, also underlining that all the animals will be comprehensively examined and “all necessary measures” will be taken against possible diseases.

Turkey to build ‘camp’ for Syrian refugees’ cattle - LOCAL
Erdogan says Turkey could give military support to U.S.-led coalition

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey could give military or logistical support to U.S.-led air strikes against Islamic State insurgents in Syria, President Tayyip Erdogan was quoted as saying on Tuesday. "We will give the necessary support to the operation. The support could be military or logistics," Erdogan was quoted by Turkish broadcaster NTV as telling reporters in New York.

Erdogan says Turkey could give military support to U.S.-led coalition | GlobalPost
Erdogan says Turkey could give military support to U.S.-led coalition

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey could give military or logistical support to U.S.-led air strikes against Islamic State insurgents in Syria, President Tayyip Erdogan was quoted as saying on Tuesday. "We will give the necessary support to the operation. The support could be military or logistics," Erdogan was quoted by Turkish broadcaster NTV as telling reporters in New York.

Erdogan says Turkey could give military support to U.S.-led coalition | GlobalPost

His speech is being misinterpreted. He never said "U.S.-led air strikes"

Look at his speech in general, he is talking about a buffer zone. And saying Turkey will fill it's responsibilities.

I was like :what: because according to this news. He is saying the exact opposite of our PM. When i listened to his speech things became much clearer.

Also, Denmark threatened us. :laughcry:

Now big dog is on the scene, fino dogs begin to bark. How cute.:lol:

"Türkiye bölgede büyük sorunlar yaşıyor. 49 Türk, IŞİD’in elinde olduğu için, Türkiye IŞİD ile mücadelede ortak güçlere katılmayacağını bildirmişti. Ancak şimdi esirler serbest kaldığına göre öne süreceği bir özür kalmadı. Türkiye IŞİD ile mücadeleye katkıda bulunmazsa tüm batı ülkeleri ve ABD sert tepki gösterir"
'Türkiye bize gelen Suriyelileri'de alsın' haberi
His speech is being misinterpreted. He never said "U.S.-led air strikes"

Look at his speech in general, he is talking about a buffer zone. And saying Turkey will fill it's responsibilities.

I was like :what: because according to this news. He is saying the exact opposite of our PM. When i listened to his speech things became much clearer.

Also, Denmark threatened us. :laughcry:

Now big dog is on the scene, fino dogs begin to bark. How cute.:lol:

"Türkiye bölgede büyük sorunlar yaşıyor. 49 Türk, IŞİD’in elinde olduğu için, Türkiye IŞİD ile mücadelede ortak güçlere katılmayacağını bildirmişti. Ancak şimdi esirler serbest kaldığına göre öne süreceği bir özür kalmadı. Türkiye IŞİD ile mücadeleye katkıda bulunmazsa tüm batı ülkeleri ve ABD sert tepki gösterir"
'Türkiye bize gelen Suriyelileri'de alsın' haberi
I think this is a more recent speech.

Erdoğan'dan 'IŞİD operasyonu' yorumu: Askeri ya da siyasi destek verebiliriz - Hürriyet DÜNYA
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I watched it. Erdogan isnt giving much info. All the journalists are trying to see if turkey will attack isis. Charlie was getting kind of mad. :D

Head of KKK Inspected border troops


Turkish Land Forces commander inspected troops along the Syrian border on Sept. 24, as the Turkish government signaled a policy change in actively joining the international coalition led by the United States against the jihadist threat in Iraq and Syria.

Land Forces Commander Gen. Hulusi Akar visited Turkey’s military facilities and troops deployed along the Syrian border, where he was briefed by officers in the field.

Turkey boosted its military presence along the Syrian border to deal with refugee influx in recent years and with the potential Syrian offensive last year. There are also reports that the army has intensified its military mobility in the region after the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) attacked the Syrian Kurds in the Kobane region bordering Turkey.

The development came after President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who is in New York to attend the U.N. General Assembly meeting, hinted that Turkey could actively support the U.S.-led aerial campaign against ISIL targets in Syria.

Talking to journalists in Ankara, meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Yalçın Akdoğan stressed that “military cooperation” was a wide definition that could have many different meanings.

“Asking whether Turkey will fire a bullet is one thing; asking whether it will engage in a military campaign is another thing. Militarily, you can provide human intelligence or visual intelligence. You can supply with logistics. You can take part in military campaign through various means,” Akdoğan said.

Recalling that U.S. officials wanted to see Turkey playing a central role in the fight against the ISIL, Akdoğan underlined that Turkey was geographically the closest country to the threat and it is already embroiled in the issue. The deputy prime minister said victory against ISIL can only be claimed by ground troops, hinting that the Free Syrian Army is the best option for this but it has not been provided with adequate weapons to fight against both the Bashar al-Assad regime and the ISIL.

“With whom you are planning to ally in the region? What is your objective? That’s why Turkey wants to see a broader Syrian policy,” he said.

Akdoğan stressed that Turkey’s level of participation in the coalition will be evaluated in the Cabinet and other state institutions. Erdoğan had said earlier that Turkey will make its decision after his return to Ankara next week.

Turkey’s top soldier inspects troops on Syrian border as gov't signals joining anti-ISIL bid - DIPLOMACY
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Oh really then why they help the sunni in Iraq. Why they buy Iraqi oil from isis.
and how many shea in Turkey ministers or Generals in the Army.
Turkey has not much Shias. They are less than 5% and are mostly Azerbaijani speaking turks live in eastern regions or in bigger cities. They have a huge population of Alevis though.
Anyway, as I have noticed it, shias are more willing to vote and join MHP, and CHP parties, and not the ruling AKP party, which is not surprising. So, as long as army, and other secular systems are concerned, shias have at least their own share or more, but about governmental posts which are controlled by AKP, it is not true.
Anyway, I agree with you about your points about AKP.
Kurds on twitter would never spread those pics. They only spread pictures that put Turkish soldiers in a bad light. I can't stomach how unthankful these people are (at least on social media). We helped them during Saddam and now we are helping them again and look what we get in return. :/
Kurds on twitter would never spread those pics. They only spread pictures that put Turkish soldiers in a bad light. I can't stomach how unthankful these people are (at least on social media). We helped them during Saddam and now we are helping them again and look what we get in return. :/

What I have noticed is that the ungrateful people and backstabbers always receive a harsh treatment. examples in ME and close region are greeks, armenians, kurds, persians, palestinians, Ba'ath party of Iraq, ...
They never learn their history lesson :lol:

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