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The Conflict in Syria as it Relates to Turkey | Updates & Discussions

I said turn them to their brother arab-farsi countries. They are not our business. Each foreign tourist who sees these long beard weirdos, would not return back to Turkiye :lol: They don't deserve to be in Turkiye.
you said dont let them into Turkey

That's an awful news. They should not let them enter to Turkiye. It would be even more difficult to deport them back later. To be honest I am in for deporting all Syrian refugees. They are only a source of problem. We need to send them to some arab country like KSA, Egypt, or Iran.

I said turn them to their brother arab-farsi countries. They are not our business. Each foreign tourist who sees these long beard weirdos, would not return back to Turkiye :lol: They don't deserve to be in Turkiye.
Every country that has a hand in syria should take some refugees or atleast pay compensation to turkey. Iran, America, Russia, Gulf States, E.U should all pay up.
you said dont let them into Turkey
I mean don't let the new ones to come to Turkey, and deport the 1.5million that are already wasting turks tax money, and if we want to show good will, just provide accommodations to send them to Arab-Farsi lands.
Every country that has a hand in syria should take some refugees or atleast pay compensation to turkey. Iran, America, Russia, Gulf States, E.U should all pay up.
They obviously won't. who wants a burden?
1 august:

20 september:

Multinational IS forces:
That's an awful news. They should not let them enter to Turkiye. It would be even more difficult to deport them back later. To be honest I am in for deporting all Syrian refugees. They are only a source of problem. We need to send them to some arab country like KSA, Egypt, or Iran.

fully agreed. not long ago they were accusing turkey of being kurdish enemy and hailing that son of a bitch öcalan. those backstabbing fucktards shouldn't be allowed into turkey. kurds did the same during 90ies. they begged turkey to let them enter turkey, as they were fleeing saddam and they thanked turkey by increasing pkk terrorism and giving support to pkk in northern iraq. let them feel the consequences of their ingratitude. ungrateful bunch of mofos.
fully agreed. not long ago they were accusing turkey of being kurdish enemy and hailing that son of a bitch öcalan. those backstabbing fucktards shouldn't be allowed into turkey. kurds did the same during 90ies. they begged turkey to let them enter turkey, as they were fleeing saddam and they thanked turkey by increasing pkk terrorism and giving support to pkk in northern iraq. let them feel the consequences of their ingratitude. ungrateful bunch of mofos.

It is not prophecy but the truth that After the akp term, Turkey will go into a massive clean up from those arab lovers, terrorist supporters and so called liberal fools in the state and among citizens. Untill that time we have to witness those things as a punishment for us that had not done some homeworks in time and therefore had had to let those people come into power.

I hope untill that time, things like the border of the country could remain the same.
@telkon @Islamic faith&Secularism
I totally agree with you guys. We don't need to be nice with the ones who insult us on a 24/7 basis. As Islamic faith said, a clean up is really needed.

Multinational IS forces

Like that one now I will call them internatianal forces of IS

It is not prophecy but the truth that After the akp term, Turkey will go into a massive clean up from those arab lovers, terrorist supporters and so called liberal fools in the state and among citizens. Untill that time we have to witness those things as a punishment for us that had not done some homeworks in time and therefore had had to let those people come into power.

if anything like this would happen than you would have following situation.. :

a chp greek origin and secular fraction maybe istanbul, antalya, izmir area.. with no church no mosque no jews and no other religion if someone dares to be religios he has to starve or die..
a big kurdish state with 100% kurdisch arian blood
a muslim remaining state.. a mixture of every folk in turkey
maybe a stabilizised Laz state a peacefull state with funny music
maybe some mhp state but I think they would be working for chp retards.. they wont go alone in the dark out :D
so all first three would be retard enough to kill each other..

or turkey will be a normal state with normal parties without idiots killing each other- except kurds.. I see some potential in our folk to go a good path..






Over the past two days, Turkey opened its doors to nearly 100,000 Syrian refugees who have fled from the advance of ISIS, according to the Turkish Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency


ISTANBUL — Over the past two days, Turkey has welcomed 100,000 displaced Syrian Kurd refugees who have been crossing into Turkey from the north of Syria in order to flee an advance by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) fighters, the head of the Turkish Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), Fuat Oktay, said. This flow is one of the biggest influx of refugees Turkey has received since the Syrian civil war started more than three years ago.

Turkey opened a stretch of its frontier along a 30-kilometer distance on Friday after Syrian Kurdish civilians fled their homes from the border town of Ayn al-Arab - known as Kobane in Kurdish - following clashes between ISIS militants and Kurdish forces that are affiliated with the Syrian Kurdish political party known as the Democratic Union Party (PYD).

The Syrian civilians seeking shelter from ISIS attacks on Kobane are being registered at the office of admissions that was set up by AFAD, following their entry from eight entrance points into Turkey. The number of refugees, around 45,000 people on Friday, increased to 65,000 on Saturday and rose to 100,000 on Sunday.

Turkey provides medical screening for the newly arrived refugees, Oktay said. Oktay listened to the refugee families' problems in the tent-camps and said that Turkey will provide them with humanitarian aid.

The institution of AFAD takes necessary measures for effective emergency management and civil protection nationwide in Turkey. "The deputy prime minister had announced the number of our [new] Syrian guests as 65,000, but this number rose to 100,000 as of today. We are continuing to open our doors within the same framework," Oktay said. ISIS's advances in northern Syria have prompted calls for help by the region's Kurds who fear an impending massacre in Kobane, which sits in a strategic position close to the Turkish border. Iraqi Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani called on Friday for international intervention to protect Kobane from ISIS's advance, saying the insurgents must be "hit and destroyed wherever they are."
ISIS militants, using heavy arms, have seized at least 64 villages around Kobane since the attacks started on Tuesday. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that the militants slaughtered at least 11 civilians on Saturday, two of whom were boys. Ankara has been maintaining an open door policy since the Syrian crises began almost four years ago, and Turkey is already sheltering approximately 1.5 million Syrian refugees. In order to provide effective humanitarian aid, Turkey has been pressing the U.S. and its allies in the U.N. Security Council (UNSC) to help Ankara establish a buffer-zone along its border with Syria. However, Turkey's buffer-zone demand was ignored even after Damascus's use of chemical weapons on civilians last May. The Turkish National Security Council (MGK) gathered last week to evaluate the scope of the buffer-zone and effects of the U.S.' airstrikes on ISIS before the UNSC assembles on Monday in New York City where it is expected to discuss the U.S.' plan for fighting ISIS militants in Syria and Iraq.

According to many experts, the number of refugees will keep increasing unless stability is restored in the region. Various humanitarian aid foundations in Turkey have been providing refugees coming from Iraq and Syria with essential needs. ISIS has made territorial gains in northern and eastern Syria in recent months in line with lightning offensives in Northern Iraq that have led to the seizure of large swathes of territory. The U.S. is striving to build a broad international coalition to fight the terrorist group in Syria and Iraq. On Thursday, the U.S. Congress approved plans to arm and train moderate Syrian rebels fighting ISIS.

Fleeing ISIS, 100,000 Syrian Kurds cross into Turkey | MidEast | Daily Sabah
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send them back to isis.. idots I would not let them in, these gypsies can go back..
But they're suffering from a civil war?
if they suffer then they should be thankfull to get to to a save haeven

but if it is so bad that they have to atack us then they should go home where it is better.. you save them you feet them in return they will say how bad we had been and how much horor it was.. that is their mentality.. send them back if they want to atack someone then they should fight isis and not us this folk just flees from the ones who are brutal to them,, then they atack those who are kind to them because they think kindness is weakness
if they suffer then they should be thankfull to get to to a save haeven

but if it is so bad that they have to atack us then they should go home where it is better.. you save them you feet them in return they will say how bad we had been and how much horor it was.. that is their mentality.. send them back if they want to atack someone then they should fight isis and not us this folk just flees from the ones who are brutal to them,, then they atack those who are kind to them because they think kindness is weakness
Are they linked to PKK, YPG, Pesh or whatever? They don't seem to be but merely unarmed citizens fleeing. Something that Turkey can easily handle.
Are they linked to PKK, YPG, Pesh or whatever?

whats your problem? we dont have to babysit them.. if they are unarmed they should be friendly.. these retards come as visitor and then they are making trouble.. I say send them back..

where is their lovly pkk? where are the pushtmerga heros? why are they coming to us? why not their pushmergaland? why us?

if they want something what will they give in return? their return should be peacefull behavior nothing more nothing less we want.. but it seems that this gypsy behavior is just kurdish mentality..
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