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The Concept of the Pan-Malay Union: A discussion

Before the revolt, the EIC was quite moderate to Indians in terms of racism but was economically and politicly reckless (e.g. pig and beef cartilages for musket balls in the Indian army). Only After the revolt and the crowing of Queen Victoria's crowing as Empress of India, did the British actually put large scale officials from Europe and settlers to keep an eye on everyday affairs and used Race as instrument not only to divide the sub-continent but also to place Anglo on top the racial ladder to segregate Indians from public building (no White-Woman-Indian man marriages, Some Top hotels in Bombay said 'No Dogs, No Indians' etc)

I am aware of these things, but many of the Brits aren't aware of these things and try to deny it.
What about Minangkabau ?

Minangkabau is disctint but closely related to Malay.
Indonesian minangkabau will not considered themselves as Malay as they have different tradition and culture. The most distinctive is strong matrilineal tradition of Minangkabau where women hold higher status than men.

That is why a lot of Indonesian make a fuss about "rendang" being called as "Malay cuisine"

This is in stark contrast from Malaysian Minangkabau~ which culturally and tradition wise undistinguishable from Malay. Not sure whether they still matrilineal. But I bet the dominant patriachy culture of Malay will rendered this tradition extinct.
Why would they target race? Why not targeted those disadvantaged directly?This is ridiculous~
Even if affirmative action creates a more balance share of economy amongst various ethnic group, the root problem is still not address. Chinese will still cling to chinese, malay will still cling to malay, etc. There still be animosity between each ethnic group.

And guess what, the Malay will never foregoes the affirmative action for fear they won;t compete with Chinese without it~ this is of course defeat the purpose of affirmative action.

such root problem of 'multiracial unity' , from what you post was never an issue. Every race in Msia have their own representative in parliament to raise any issues that prevent some race from living a normal life that is to make wealth and to increase property.

Malaysia is still a young country anyways, to comparatively measure the achievement of Msia towards a 'liberalized-developed nation'. There is still a long century way to go
such root problem of 'multiracial unity' , from what you post was never an issue. Every race in Msia have their own representative in parliament to raise any issues that prevent some race from living a normal life that is to make wealth and to increase property.

Malaysia is still a young country anyways, to comparatively measure the achievement of Msia towards a 'liberalized-developed nation'. There is still a long century way to go

I think that it is only a natural progression, by the end of this decade, that the NEP will be terminated. That's my conservative estimate.
The Emergence of the 'Malay Race' , the role of Taiwan and the Philippines as Conduit to the Malay Archipelago:


This makes the ethnic groups of the Malay Archipelago one of the oldest groups in the Greater Southeast Asian Region.

When there is a match between Malaysia and Thailand, Chinese Malaysian mostly cheers for Thailand. LoL
(correct me if Im wrong)

I think the best way is for Chinese Malaysian to emigrate from Malaysia. Soon when the % of population drop to a threshold, an unlucky event may occurs.
When there is a match between Malaysia and Thailand, Chinese Malaysian mostly cheers for Thailand. LoL
(correct me if Im wrong)

I think the best way is for Chinese Malaysian to emigrate from Malaysia. Soon when the % of population drop to a threshold, an unlucky event may occurs.

That's a bit biased dont you think? I'm sure majority of Malaysian Chinese have loyalty to Malaysia. Any case, the indigenous Austronesian groups of the Greater Malay Archipelago + Malay Peninsula would be either the 3rd largest ethnic group in the world. Indonesia (256 million) + Malaysia (30 million) + Philippines (106 million) + Brunei (~ 1 million). Austronesians are actually a massive race, one that is close to 400 million.

We're talking about a massive civilization one that is one of the oldest in the region as well.
The Emergence of the 'Malay Race' , the role of Taiwan and the Philippines as Conduit to the Malay Archipelago:



And now this map will be use by some that the entire Philippines belong to China and we Filipinos are just soiling "China's possession"
And now this map will be use by some that the entire Philippines belong to China and we Filipinos are just soiling "China's possession"

Well, my friend, if we examine the region in the anthropological lens, we are all interrelated, yes? But what is interesting is that the old theory that Malay Migration to the Philippines by way of Borneo and other islands in present day Indonesia and Malaysia --- is actually false. Present day Austronesians in present day Indonesia, Malaysia and Southern Thailand actually came to their present locales by way of the Philippines and Taiwan. The ethnic groups in the northern Philippines such as the Ifugao who live in the Banaue Terraces -- are actually an old subclave of Austronesians who came to the region by way of Taiwan from Mainland China --- and are a living remnant of Proto-Malay.
You're forgetting religion fault lines.

The entire Malay Archipelago is a cross roads of East and West, my friend. Prior to the advent of European Imperialism and Christianity, the entire Archipelago practiced a mixture of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Animism and indigenous ancestral worship. For example, in the Philippines, tho the country is supposed to be a Christian country (Roman Catholic majority), the local people there do belief in pre-hispanic religious beliefs in spirits and demons, and minor deities which local folk refer to as 'enkantos' or 'diwatas'. The same applies also in some parts of Indonesia , for example in the island of Sulawesi , the Minhasan people practice Islam, or Christianity, but many also belief in spirits and pre-islamic, pre-christian religious beliefs systems. In the sense of religion , there is almost a stratification of religious beliefs.

Beyond religion, however, genetically speaking, a man from say Sumatra is genetically identical to a man from Central Philippines. In fact, the phenotype even supports this. The Austronesian Race (Malay Archipelago) is a massive race, close to 400 million of them. Aside from Han Chinese, the Austronesians are second largest 'race' in Asia.
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Beyond religion, however, genetically speaking, a man from say Sumatra is genetically identical to a man from Central Philippines. In fact, the phenotype even supports this. The Austronesian Race (Malay Archipelago) is a massive race, close to 400 million of them. Aside from Han Chinese, the Austronesians are second largest 'race' in Asia.

When Srivijaya collapse many Malays from Sumatera migrated to other islands including (now) Philippine archipelago. The name Visaya is derived from Sri Vijaya, name of the old empire.
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