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The Concept of the Pan-Malay Union: A discussion

Indonesian perceives the term of Malay (Melayu) more as cultural identity of some ethnic group of people live in Western part of the country. The rest of us like the Javanese, Sundanese, Balinese, Timorese, Bugis, Minahasa, Papuan, etc never considered themselves as Malay.
In Vietnam, during the late years of World War II, young revolutionary Thái Dịch Lý Đông A provided a vision of a federation of all Southeast Asian countries which he called the Federation of the Great South Sea (Đại Nam Hải). He constantly emphasized the need to integrate South East Asia and aspired for the outbreak by all peoples in the region to resolve impasses of the time leading to a fight for self-determination. Regrettably, Lý Đông A was assassinated by Vietnam communist shortly after World War II and his contention for an integrated South East Asia was in time forgotten.
In general, during the initial period, we observe that from Filipino intellectuals, first to seek to learn from the West, came politicians who had a longer vision and better understanding of relative positions among nations or national blocs in international politics. Thus, initial notions of integration were born here first, albeit motivated by a desire to be “regional leaders” and notwithstanding Filipinos limited understanding of Western civilization.
Thai leaders were clearly more myopic in using Japan to dispel British-French imperialists, especially the French on the eastern side, hoping in the best case to take the whole Southeast Asian subcontinent and the worst case some of Laos and Kampuchea territory.
As Lý Đông Á rightly observed: “The Great Thai doctrine is no more than the Great Viet doctrine that’s born premature, and can be likened to a fascist paradigm. Thailand is simply Japan’s lackey. Thai no longer determines its own fate, which is dependent on Japan. If Japan wins, Thailand might take some small parts of our territory…”
However, Lý Đông A also believed that if Japan lost, Japan (and Thailand) would become secret supporters of the revival and restoration of Vietnam. In reality, whether it followed the fascist’s policy of vertical strength through arms in the world war, or the capitalist’s policy of horizontal strength economy, Japan has never given up its imperialist intention toward our Southeast Asia.

very interesting indeed, thks you.
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To be fair, although NEP(new economic policy) has not ended paper, it is not strictly/rigidly enforced as most people think. I think the government would like to back away and move towards inclusiveness. Its just politics and elite interest that gets into way (ruling coalition would lose in elections).

I am not so sure. Can you give some examples.

For one its just selective group version of ASEAN its doom to fail just like ASEAN for one thing it would never work since who is to say who is really malay or half or not its stupid and waste of effort hell ASEAN has better success than this stupid concept to me its just racist anti thesis to colonialism due to at the time Malaysia, The Philippines (being the first to fight and freed its self and colonized and free again in 1946) Indonesia were just starting out as free countries and seraching for something to hold on too and believing a confederation would help but now its just stupid idea You have ASEAN a far better stupid idea.

Indonesia and Malaysia cannot even agree on a common Bahasa.
How does that negate the fact that China's per-capita GDP is 4x that of India, and Indian companies should be able to compete on price?

The point is that, despite being more expensive that Vietnam and Philippines, Indians still dominate the IT outsourcing market, including the H1-B visa quotas. Part of the reason is ethnic nepotism by Indians, not because Indians are inherently better than the Viets or Filipinos..

Affirmative action is governmental discrimination that is deemed necessary to balance private business discrimination.

One can spout naive slogans, indicating ignorance of the subject, but the reality of discrimination in private business is of serious concern, and many governments have programs to redress this discrimination.
In the prosecution of war against the Allied powers, the Imperial Japanese Army had committed acts of excessive brutality on Allied soldiers, allied prisoners of war and the indigenous locales, including the Chinese minorities. Their being in the crossfires of the fighting was truly regrettable.

The emigration of Chinese into Southeast Asia in large waves started in the 19th century, with the weakening of the Qing Dynasty's control of China and subsequent rise of warlordism, the quality of life of Chinese people made it a necessity to move to greener pastures. You're right, however, that the Chinese civil war and the Japanese Empire's subsequent invasion into China further intensified the Chinese emigration to escape the war and fighting.
Haha, my family too. Life was already hard, invasion from Japan was the deal breaker. My advise is the Japanese must not join US invading other countries. We were mostly war refugee.

Whenever talking about Malaysia Malay racism, some people will try to cite "Chinese racism" which existence is overblown. The fact is with or without Chinese, Malaysian Malay will cry victim and shitt on minorities, as they are Islamofascist.

In Malaysia, Indians are poorer than Malays yet Chinese are being used as a voodoo in order than Malay can continue to impose racism on everyone else. A better way is socialism, where rich people both Chinese and Malays are taxed to subsidize the poor, but Islamofascist will have none of this.

Malay's bully against minorities is not about protecting aboriginals but it is an outward manifestation of Islamofascism. Nowadays, Malay are preventing Iban from accessing the aboriginal privilege. On the other hands, Arabs and Indian Muslims are given bumiputera status freely. Malay are also mulling to formalize giving Bangla bumi status, who are 100% foreigners.

Every single minorities in Malaysia hate Malay bully. Meanwhile Malay always cry they are victims, a very common mindset of Islamofascist.
Reminds me, there is some issue about the Bangsamoro deal which is backed by Malaysia. There are a few who say that this may be a good chance for Malaysia to "balkanize" Mindanao, having Bangsamoro as a Malaysian state as the deal is somewhat controversial as it is "unconstitutional" and there is this news

MILF to keep firearms even after Bangsamoro law passage | Headlines, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com
MILF to keep firearms even after Bangsamoro law passage
By Alexis Romero (philstar.com) | Updated October 8, 2014 - 5:03pm

MANILA, Philippines - The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) will continue to keep its firearms even after the passage of the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL).

An editorial posted on the MILF website luwaran.com said the decommissioning of the firearms would be done in four phases.

The first phase is what the MILF described as “goodwill” symbolic decommissioning of 75 firearms by yearend.

The second phase, MILF said, would involve the decommissioning of 30 percent of its weapons upon the passage of the BBL in Congress and upon its ratification in a plebiscite.

The BBL will implement the final peace agreement signed by the government and the MILF last March. The measure has been certified urgent by President Aquino and is expected to be discussed by lawmakers when they resume sessions this month.

The MILF said another 35 percent of the firearms would be decommissioned upon the establishment of the Bangsamoro Police.

The remaining 30 percent of the MILF weapons would be decommissioned two months before the signing of the Exit Agreement provided that the peace panels, third party monitoring team and facilitator certify that all commitments have been completed.

Under the normalization annex of the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro, the MILF will undertake a graduated program for decommissioning of its forces so that they are put beyond use.

The decommissioning shall include activities that would ensure a smooth transition of the MILF forces towards a productive life.

Critics believe MILF forces should be required to surrender their firearms once the Bangsamoro region that will replace the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao is formed. They pointed out that it is hard to talk peace to an armed group.

The MILF said decommissioning is “simply no surrender of firearms nor of their destruction.”

“They are not given or surrendered to the government. It is not disarming the MILF per se, as some uninformed media people would like to say,” the group said.

“Most likely, the models in Northern Ireland and Nepal will be followed whereby firearms turned over are put in warehouses under the care and protection of third party decommissioning body composed of international and domestic eminent persons,” it added.

The MILF said decommissioning is “a very emotional and sensitive issue.”

“But because of its (MILF) sincerity and determination to solve the Bangsamoro Question in Mindanao, it has to undertake an ultimate sacrifice in exchange for peace and the settlement of the centuries-old conflict in Mindanao,” the group said.

“The MILF is staking itself to the scrutiny of time and history and the vicious attacks of critics to prove that this is the right track to solve this question of problem.”

Does this mean something else? They are given a status that is almost like "One country, Two Systems."
Reminds me, there is some issue about the Bangsamoro deal which is backed by Malaysia. There are a few who say that this may be a good chance for Malaysia to "balkanize" Mindanao, having Bangsamoro as a Malaysian state as the deal is somewhat controversial as it is "unconstitutional" and there is this news

Does this mean something else? They are given a status that is almost like "One country, Two Systems."

Malaysia is a exporter of terrorism to the region. They export it while keep thinking Malays are victim, a typical Islamofascist mindset. Their newspaper are not even shy to admit they fund and export terrorism to neighbors.

Malaysian-trained MNLF fighters join Sulu army | Free Malaysia Today

Malaysian security forces are now facing battle-tested, Malaysian-trained commanders of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), who know Sabah like the palm of their hands.

Hadji Acmad Bayam, former chief propagandist of the MNLF, revealed this yesterday to the Manila Bulletin, adding that these MNLF forces may have at their disposal a huge arsenal, which they hid deep in Sabah’s rugged terrain when they returned to the Philippines after their rigid training.

Among the firearms are Belgian-made G1 and FAL, which the late Libya leader Colonel Moammar Gadaffi supplied through Malaysia.

Bayam said he was confident the Malaysian authorities were not able to find the hidden MNLF firearms because they were kept very well by the MNLF commanders who stayed behind in Sabah.
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Malaysia is a exporter of terrorism to the region. They export it while keep thinking Malays are victim, a typical Islamofascist mindset. Their newspaper are not even shy to admit they funded and export terrorism to neighbors.

Malaysian-trained MNLF fighters join Sulu army | Free Malaysia Today

Malaysian security forces are now facing battle-tested, Malaysian-trained commanders of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), who know Sabah like the palm of their hands.

Hadji Acmad Bayam, former chief propagandist of the MNLF, revealed this yesterday to the Manila Bulletin, adding that these MNLF forces may have at their disposal a huge arsenal, which they hid deep in Sabah’s rugged terrain when they returned to the Philippines after their rigid training.

Among the firearms are Belgian-made G1 and FAL, which the late Libya leader Colonel Moammar Gadaffi supplied through Malaysia.

Bayam said he was confident the Malaysian authorities were not able to find the hidden MNLF firearms because they were kept very well by the MNLF commanders who stayed behind in Sabah.

I guess this is Malaysia's retribution for the botched 1968 Operation Merdeka which was exposed by none other than Pres. Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III's father, former Sen. Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino, Jr., which in turn is the son of a World War 2 collaborator.

Also, we already had the ARMM which was made possible by the 1976 Tripoli Agreement and the 1996 Final Peace Agreement (with the MNLF), both were interceded, ironically by Muammar Gaddafi. The thing is, the MILF seceded from the MNLF and their objective is to continue the fight for a Philippine-free Bangsamoro... which, as the saying goes "History repeats itself", a splinter group from the MILF, which is the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (or BIFF) broke away from the MILF with the same objective the MILF had when it broke away from the MNLF and there are some news that states that the BIFF and MNLF join forces and recently, the BIFF pledge their allegiance to the ISIS/ISIL.
Also, we already had the ARMM which was made possible by the 1976 Tripoli Agreement and the 1996 Final Peace Agreement (with the MNLF), both were interceded, ironically by Muammar Gaddafi. The thing is, the MILF seceded from the MNLF and their objective is to continue the fight for a Philippine-free Bangsamoro... which, as the saying goes "History repeats itself", a splinter group from the MILF, which is the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (or BIFF) broke away from the MILF with the same objective the MILF had when it broke away from the MNLF and there are some news that states that the BIFF and MNLF join forces and recently, the BIFF pledge their allegiance to the ISIS/ISIL.

So what is the Philippine Military's position on this? Is there an all out war to annihilate the BIFF , MILF ?
So what is the Philippine Military's position on this? Is there an all out war to annihilate the BIFF , MILF ?

At the moment no we still giving the current peace agreement a chance which is a wast of time in opinion but still giving peace a chance is still a better one than war its hard to fight your own brothers you can thank history and foriegn interferance for that the Islamic countries and malaysia for that now its bitting them in the a$$ for their backstabing long ago a taste of their own medicine if you will.
At the moment no we still giving the current peace agreement a chance which is a wast of time in opinion but still giving peace a chance is still a better one than war its hard to fight your own brothers you can thank history and foriegn interferance for that the Islamic countries and malaysia for that now its bitting them in the a$$ for their backstabing long ago a taste of their own medicine if you will.

Agreed. However, in my own opinion, it would be best if the Philippine Army's SOCOM (Southern Command) be prepared to put down instances of violence in the event that entities in the south were to cause instability and renege on Peace Agreement with Manila. I would actually really like to see the Philippine Army invite the Japan Ground Self Defense Force to participate in training exercises in Mindanao.

At the moment no we still giving the current peace agreement a chance which is a wast of time in opinion but still giving peace a chance is still a better one than war its hard to fight your own brothers you can thank history and foriegn interferance for that the Islamic countries and malaysia for that now its bitting them in the a$$ for their backstabing long ago a taste of their own medicine if you will.

FORT BONIFACIO, Taguig City – The Chief of Staff of the Japan Ground Self Defense Force (JGSDF), General Kiyofumi Iwata, visited the Philippine Army on September 8-9, 2014.

Army Chief Lt Gen Hernando DCA Iriberri welcomed Gen Iwata at Headquarters Philippine Army on Monday, September 8. Gen Iwata was accorded with military honors upon his arrival.

Discussed during the visit were measures on how to further improve the existing relationship between the Japan Army and Philippine Army, with the end goal of greater military cooperation and assistance:
Strengthening the defense cooperation between Japan and Philippines.


Gen Iwata also visited the Philippine Army’s Special Operations Command (SOCOM) in Fort Magsaysay and witnessed the Capability Demonstration of one of the Army’s elite forces, the Light Reaction Regiment. The Army’s elite forces also showcased their capabilities, particularly in terms of equipment and armaments.

Chief of Staff of Japan Ground Self Defense Force visits Phil Army | Philippine Army Public Affairs
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I am not so sure. Can you give some examples.

Obvious ones:
Housing for example, developers do not always give 5% discount yet getting approve by banks and government institution. Bumiputera worker quota not strictly enforce.

Not so obvious ones:
You need to chat with businessmen and lawyers. There are some loopholes around it. It was highlighted during Taib Gate scandal.

I don't like the ruling coalition but I do not think they will ever lose.

Whenever talking about Malaysia Malay racism, some people will try to cite "Chinese racism" which existence is overblown. The fact is with or without Chinese, Malaysian Malay will cry victim and shitt on minorities, as they are Islamofascist.
In Malaysia, Indians are poorer than Malays yet Chinese are being used as a voodoo in order than Malay can continue to impose racism on everyone else. A better way is socialism, where rich people both Chinese and Malays are taxed to subsidize the poor, but Islamofascist will have none of this.
Malay's bully against minorities is not about protecting aboriginals but it is an outward manifestation of Islamofascism. Nowadays, Malay are preventing Iban from accessing the aboriginal privilege. On the other hands, Arabs and Indian Muslims are given bumiputera status freely. Malay are also mulling to formalize giving Bangla bumi status, who are 100% foreigners.
Every single minorities in Malaysia hate Malay bully. Meanwhile Malay always cry they are victims, a very common mindset of Islamofascist.

Religion? Nah, its money my friend. You don't know how many malays are used to goverment contracts. For example Proton is build on a pyramid of Bumiputera contractor. That the reason Proton isn't competitive. That is why UMNO can't lose. A Malay once told me to be rich, you just need to enter politics. Absurd right? UMNO became more religious because they need to compete with PAS.
Obvious ones:
Housing for example, developers do not always give 5% discount yet getting approve by banks and government institution. Bumiputera worker quota not strictly enforce.

Not so obvious ones:
You need to chat with businessmen and lawyers. There are some loopholes around it. It was highlighted during Taib Gate scandal.

I don't like the ruling coalition but I do not think they will ever lose.

Again I am not so sure. Yes, hiring now is loosens. Yes there are always loop holes but these are being close up. Example, We Chinese used to be able to use a Malay name to apply for new shares (pink forms) since Bumis get a much higher chance of getting these shares and once we have the share have it transferred to ourselves. Now those transfer forms has to be sign in person.

Oh isn’t housing discount for Bumis now 7%.
Then there is the Petronas Petrol Stations. Permits are given to Bumis only. Then those expensive Multi Purpose Van Taxis. I only see Malay owners.
Then Bumis can apply for a loan to setup a business. They are allow up to fail up to 3 times without the need to repay these loans. They even get free advice. I have Malay colleagues that have quit and used these privileges. One now owns several petrol stations and drive a Mercedes and one owns a bicycle shop.

Even if they are not interested in business. They can get a loan, buy a Mercedes and then declare fail. Of course the government will check to see if they are really serious, and will stop them from getting another loan.

The way I see it these Malay privileges will never go away. During Mahathir times he did reduce it but now it is actually rising.
With the Malay votes now split, which Malay politician dare to give this up ? Not even Anwar.

I also come across Malay posters that says that they deserve these privileges since Malaysia gave so many Chinese citizenships at independent (Which is also true). At independent Malaysia's Chinese population was 35%. Together with Indians and other minorities we made up 50% of Malaysia.
So what is the Philippine Military's position on this? Is there an all out war to annihilate the BIFF , MILF ?

It seems that there are no plans to wage all out war against them. One possible reason is collateral damage, the other is that the PH military doesn't have the necessary weapons yet but the most likely reason has something to do with politics - both local and foreign.
Again I am not so sure. Yes, hiring now is loosens. Yes there are always loop holes but these are being close up. Example, We Chinese used to be able to use a Malay name to apply for new shares (pink forms) since Bumis get a much higher chance of getting these shares and once we have the share have it transferred to ourselves. Now those transfer forms has to be sign in person.

Oh isn’t housing discount for Bumis now 7%.
Then there is the Petronas Petrol Stations. Permits are given to Bumis only. Then those expensive Multi Purpose Van Taxis. I only see Malay owners.
Then Bumis can apply for a loan to setup a business. They are allow up to fail up to 3 times without the need to repay these loans. They even get free advice. I have Malay colleagues that have quit and used these privileges. One now owns several petrol stations and drive a Mercedes and one owns a bicycle shop.

Even if they are not interested in business. They can get a loan, buy a Mercedes and then declare fail. Of course the government will check to see if they are really serious, and will stop them from getting another loan.

The way I see it these Malay privileges will never go away. During Mahathir times he did reduce it but now it is actually rising.
With the Malay votes now split, which Malay politician dare to give this up ? Not even Anwar.

I also come across Malay posters that says that they deserve these privileges since Malaysia gave so many Chinese citizenships at independent (Which is also true). At independent Malaysia's Chinese population was 35%. Together with Indians and other minorities we made up 50% of Malaysia.

Maybe. I do feel the Chinese would crush Malays in a fair fight in economy and education. My concern is Malay household debt is incredibly high. I saw many of their payslip, loans application especially government servants.

also come across Malay posters that says that they deserve these privileges since Malaysia gave so many Chinese citizenships at independent (Which is also true). At independent Malaysia's Chinese population was 35%. Together with Indians and other minorities we made up 50% of Malaysia.

Malays were lesser, that is what i heard from an old guy. Because the British count a lot non-Malay locals into it. Many took Malay identity after independent.
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