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The Cold Start Doctrine Watch.

There will be more than hesitation , boy , its called a dilemma . Not asking you to buy anything from me , just asking you to not buy things on our behalf and present it to us :D . I asked you to explain me the Indian thing of " putting the life of billions of Indians at risk " just because of a few ( ten at max ) thousand troops but you never replied . Yes , its a doctrine alright , but no one has never explained it before to me , because Indian " thresholds " ( at least the real ones where they lie aren't being crossed ) and the political leaders would be quite reluctant and may ask the Indian Army to consider other options instead of endangering the population .

As for the Kargil conflict , Indians didn't cross the Line of Control let alone the International border , boy , isn't that so ? That is when we both didn't even have the robust delivery systems and the conventional disparity wasn't what it is today . Imagine it now .

It all your imaginations only, boy! You decide 10k enter your place and just push nuke button.

Pushing red button for India is easy than the 'hesitation' of Pakistan to push first. Boyy!! Unless until if a major city is falling like Lahore or Karachi, which will not be the aim for the pro active strategy. It mostly like the Kargil stuation like we occupy Neelam valley and you try to regain it. You gonna nuke the valley? best of luck for that then.

You underestimate a nuke strike. There will be enough warning for Pakistan for unacceptable damage (the same as Kargil time, I have seen the footage our Army Chief warning the unacceptable damage). Heck by the time IAF will have complete air superiority (after 1-2 weeks of war).

Nuke is a last option for Pakistan, any country I must say not disintegrate.
It all your imaginations only, boy! You decide 10k enter your place and just push nuke button.
Pushing red button for India is easy than the 'hesitation' of Pakistan to push first. Boyy!! Unless until if a major city is falling like Lahore or Karachi, which will not be the aim for the pro active strategy. It mostly like the Kargil stuation like we occupy Neelam valley and you try to regain it. You gonna nuke the valley? best of luck for that then.

Back to Square One ? No , you didn't read the previous arguments and I am not in a mood of repeating them again and again . Read my previous posts on when Pakistan decides to go " tactical " and then completely " nuclear " . The real hesitation lies for India in crossing the borders first , the Pakistani ones come later unfortunately . You do not know the thresholds and neither are they static nor decided by the adversary . A falling of a major city is a threshold but this isn't limited to that . You may want to read a certain General's interview signalling at various dimensions . Well actually , if it is something as little as that , which I maintain that it is , seeing the current rapid mobilization capabilities of Indian Army today , there's no need for Islamabad to go nuclear for it can fight/retaliate effectively conventionally . The nuclear weapons are a last resort measure while a tactical nuke is just a step before that .

Drones, Abottabad, deaths of tens of thousands of Pakistani civilians, deaths of thousands of Pakistani troops - good enough reasons to go to war.

I hate to break it to you but both the drones and well the Abbottabad were/are approved by the military of Pakistan . The political parties can cry for all they want , but the drone strikes are going to continue because they are useful in killing terrorists , at places where we cant effectively strike them down . I am not rationalizing anything though , its a violation of sovereignty still but something backed/sanctioned by the state itself and the state cant commit treason against itself . I fail to see , any other thing in your post in which nuclear weapons may have helped . We are fighting an asymmetric war with the militants/terrorists - how can a nuke help , tell me ?
Back to Square One ? No , you didn't read the previous arguments and I am not in a mood of repeating them again and again . Read my previous posts on when Pakistan decides to go " tactical " and then completely " nuclear " . The real hesitation lies for India in crossing the borders first , the Pakistani ones come later unfortunately . You do not know the thresholds and neither are they static nor decided by the adversary . A falling of a major city is a threshold but this isn't limited to that . You may want to read a certain General's interview signalling at various dimensions . Well actually , if it is something as little as that , which I maintain that it is , seeing the current rapid mobilization capabilities of Indian Army today , there's no need for Islamabad to go nuclear for it can fight/retaliate effectively conventionally . The nuclear weapons are a last resort measure while a tactical nuke is just a step before that .

Even the thread itself going the rounds. And NO, I do not buy that the real hesitation with India..even I'm following this thread from beginning. It is not a mere machine gun fight that a player simply decides the usage at the very next moment in case of nukes. You can different dimensions regarding going tactical but it is not practical. What if there is no troop movement at all but air campaign? IAF can get complete air superiority within first week even accepting loses in air and continue to campaign and given accuracy of today's weapons it will hurt more than the land campaign. Or a sea denial? what will be the threshold in those situations?

There are quite lots of different dimensions of 'pro active strategy' itself. If he Indian aim to go for a proactive fight aftermath of a massive terror attack is just to 'punish' Pakistan or to acknowledge that we will are not a soft state, can be very much achievable given the growing disparity.
There are quite lots of different dimensions of 'pro active strategy' itself. If he Indian aim to go for a proactive fight aftermath of a massive terror attack is just to 'punish' Pakistan or to acknowledge that we will are not a soft state, can be very much achievable given the growing disparity.

Because every time the argument is repeated , the Indians seem to forget that the Pakistanis are capable of/will fight conventionally first and still consider the nuclear weapons as last resort . Well I still maintain that the real hesitation/dilemma lies with " whoever crossing the border and thinking of fighting a war under control/checks " first , disagree with it , it doesn't really matter to me . Going tactical in my view has only one dimension , the final alarm to be sounded before it gets out of control , a call to retreat and stop it all , a final warning . I do not expect any " gradual escalation " after it though TNW itself falls within the concept . There are a lot of what-ifs , you see , but I am yet to think of anything that can work for you , meaning that Indians can achieve their objectives without dominating/crippling the conventional war-fighting capability of Pakistan and " punish " it as envisioned - without crossing a threshold which it is , in itself is . Predicting thresholds are a real problem because they fluctuate with time and situation .
I hate to break it to you but both the drones and well the Abbottabad were/are approved by the military of Pakistan . The political parties can cry for all they want , but the drone strikes are going to continue because they are useful in killing terrorists , at places where we cant effectively strike them down . I am not rationalizing anything though , its a violation of sovereignty still but something backed/sanctioned by the state itself and the state cant commit treason against itself . I fail to see , any other thing in your post in which nuclear weapons may have helped . We are fighting an asymmetric war with the militants/terrorists - how can a nuke help , tell me ?

As I said "by Indian standards" - your idea of "sovereignty breach" is most likely much different than ours.

We wouldn't for one moment have bought into the "approved by our own regime to fly foreign drones and heli's into our territory and target our own people" BS even for a second.

If our political parties cry about some issue (for e.g. your politicians crying about drones) that means that's the final decision and "there's no deep state or anyone above the government" to override it.

We decide who is a terrorist by investigations and a trial - we don't leave it on foreign forces to determine who is a terrorist inside our territory and let foreign forces decide who they get to kill.

I never spoke of using nukes on your western border - I said "what's happening on your western border has given you enough reason for you to go to war multiple times". I agree that I was wrong - I should have said what's happening on your western borders would have given "us" enough reason to go to war if we were you.

Trust me , I would very much like to discuss it , but it isn't for the thread . We are at war with the terrorists and the state itself allows the Yanks to drone the areas , where it cant afford to effectively strike . I agree though , that your standards/conditions are way different than ours . That is it what we need to know for here . Nuclear weapons are good for symmetric warfare maybe , this isn't one - its asymmetrical as I said .

P.S On a lighter note , this is something I appreciate about India and her foreign policy .
There will be more than hesitation in such case , boy , its called a dilemma . Not asking you to buy anything from me , just asking you to not buy things on our behalf and present it to us :D . I asked you to explain me the Indian thing of " putting the life of billions of Indian citizens at risk " just because of a few ( ten at max ) thousand troops but you never replied . Yes , its a doctrine alright , but no one has never explained it before to me , because Indian " thresholds " ( at least the real ones where they lie aren't being crossed ) and the political leaders would be quite reluctant and may ask the Indian Army to consider other options instead of endangering the whole population .

You are talking about the use of tactical weapons when major thresholds have been breached, i.e. as a quasi strategic weapon. Other arguments, made by many, indicate the seeing of a tactical nuke more as a quasi-conventional weapon. The scenarios of use is completely different in both cases, even if the outcome may be the same. Your particular scenario has less chance of happening, i.e. a breach of major thresholds.

As for your question on "putting the life of millions(there are no billions) at risk", the counter question that needs to be asked is that at what stage will Pakistan put all its people at risk? As a response for shallow thrusts that do not risk a total collapse of the Pakistani state? In any case, if Indian formations/assets are targeted in a nuclear strike, the dilemma would only be whether to respond to it in a tit for tat manner or overwhelmingly. There is not about to ever be a likelihood of no response. Either way, the ball will be lobbed back to the Pakistani court. 2 nukes on your soil (first one by you) enough or do you want to risk more? Don't worry about the doctrine too much, even without it being done as said, Pakistan would still suffer serious consequences. Explain, in such a scenario what logic would there be to use a nuke in the first place?

As for the Kargil conflict , Indians didn't cross the Line of Control let alone the International border , boy , isn't that so ? That is when we both didn't even have the robust delivery systems and the conventional disparity wasn't what it is today . Imagine it now .

India didn't cross the LC because the political class perceived an advantage to not doing so. There was no removal of that option from the table, on the contrary, it would have almost certainly been exercised if Pakistani held positions hadn't started falling like dominoes. That was pretty much understood by everyone concerned.
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You are talking about the use of tactical weapons when major thresholds have been breached, i.e. as a quasi strategic weapon. Other arguments, made by any, indicate the seeing of a tactical nuke more as a quasi-conventional weapon. The scenarios of use is completely different in both cases, even if the outcome may be the same.You particular scenario has less chance of happening, i.e. a breach of major thresholds.
As for your question on "putting the life of millions(there are no billions) at risk", the counter question that needs to be asked is that at what stage will Pakistan put all its people at risk? As a response for shallow thrusts that do not risk a total collapse of the Pakistani state? In any case, if Indian formations/assets are targeted in a nuclear strike, the dilemma would only be whether to respond to it in a tit for tat manner or overwhelmingly. There is not about to ever be a likelihood of no response. Either way, the ball will be lobbed back to the Pakistani court. 2 nukes on your soil (first one by you) enough or do you want to risk more? Don't worry about the doctrine too much, even without it being done as said, Pakistan would still suffer serious consequences. Explain, in such a scenario what logic would there be to use a nuke in the first place?

Precisely , what have you been getting from my post all along ? Well , the other arguments , more or less points to the Tactical nuclear being used a " gradual escalation " which is something I disagree with many members here , even though it falls within the concept . Because every Indian option exercised after that , will only add to the insecurity of Strategic Forces Command and bring them one step closer to " Use Em or Lose Em " scenario . Something which can be used as a final warning to " hope " the adversary to retreat itself and thus save both countries before an all out exchange happens . My particular scenario au contra-ire has a higher chance of doing what shouldn't be done , crippling/destroying the Pakistani conventional ability to fight/deter the Indian aggression without which the " objectives of Cold Start " is not possible , is a threshold . Whether you consider it one or not , because if that happens the country is at adversary's mercy next and its non conventional options are threatened .

Regarding India fighting a war within limits or not crossing the threshold(s) or red line(s) , I do not consider it possible realistically because the thresholds are of various dimensions and keep fluctuating according to ground realities and kept intentionally vague , you cant predict the enemy's thinking and response and the enemy is not going to take any assurance/guarantee from you . The mere realization of this fact is enough to say that the whole idea of " controlled war " is flawed . The total collapse of the Pakistani state is a threshold of the highest order , but there are several other before it , before it comes to that " ultimate one " . @notorious_eagle Anything to add here , mate , on the assurance/guarantee being put forward by Indians , funny and laughable as they are , to not put the country in danger and not cross any red lines . If anyone here has some idea of the Game theory and in particular the Nash equilibrium , he will understand what I mean by that .

The counter question has already been answered many times in the thread by me , Pakistan will only choose to retaliate with a TNW strike first , ordering the SPD to get ready its " strategic nukes " , only if there's a danger to country's existence or integrity or a threshold has been / is in the process of / being crossed , not before . By the time , it comes to that , there would be nothing more to lose from our side so we will make our final bet - a warning strike and then wait for response for the other side to either retreat and control it , consider other options or go for the massive retaliation as planned resulting in nuclear holocaust . The dilemma first is to cross the border not knowing the thresholds and hoping to fight a war inside it with the added confusion and the fog of war , for now the conventional deterrence is enough to keep Indian Army at bay , but in future the India's mass mobilization capability in a short time will grow , will come to play . Consider it as a future safeguard , whatever you can bring now , Islamabad can deal with it conventionally . Well though you say it , what I think of the Indian political leadership is that they will push IA for other options other than a " point of no return " for a couple of IBG's , your thresholds aren't being crossed . Every nuclear strike ( whether strategic or tactical ) made after that , will just keep both countries going up on the escalation ladder until the MAD - the logical end to it happens . The logic to use a nuclear weapon first is to not let the country's fall at your mercy , because it exactly means if the conventional forces are down , Pakistan will lose the ability to launch nuclear weapons even and we know what that means . About " Pakistan will suffer serious consequences " , yes it will , because it will make sure that the enemy doesn't exist anymore too . Read the Samson's option and do not hope us to sign another treaty of Versailles .

India didn't cross the LC because the political class perceived an advantage to not doing so. There was no removal of that option from the table, on the contrary, it would have almost certainly been exercised if Pakistani held positions hadn't started falling like dominoes. That was pretty much understood by everyone concerned.

Nuclear deterrent did play a part in that decision to not cross both the Line of Control and International border . Of course , all options are kept at the table , but if the nuclear weapons haven't been here , wouldn't you have crossed the border and tried to invade the 84,000 km2 of Kashmir which you claim ?
Nuclear deterrent did play a part in that decision to not cross both the Line of Control and International border . Of course , all options are kept at the table , but if the nuclear weapons haven't been here , wouldn't you have crossed the border and tried to invade the 84,000 km2 of Kashmir which you claim ?

There were no nuclear weapons for first 53 years of independence ....
There were no nuclear weapons for first 53 years of independence ....
Neither was the conventional disparity and the international diplomatic opinion that much in favor of India as it is now . I do not believe in any supposed Indian love for Pakistan or dharma , please do not try to convince me about it .
There were no nuclear weapons for first 53 years of independence ....

It is because India did not and does not has the conventional firepower required to punch through Pakistan's Defences. If it was possible to breach Pakistan's defences; IA would have marched to Islamabad, install a new regime and disband PA of her arms.
Neither was the conventional disparity and the international diplomatic opinion that much in favor of India as it is now . I do not believe in any supposed Indian love for Pakistan or dharma , please do not try to convince me about it .

I think the conventional disparity was pretty much evident on both Western and Eastern front in 1971. And Yes, it was not due to Dharma and certainly not due to any love for Pakistan. Its a simple Cost Benefit analysis. Apart from nonsensical counter saber rattling by the Pakistani fanboys on this forum, there is nothing much that India gains from attacking Pakistan and in today's day and age, holding on to captured land against an insurgent population/militia is too cost prohibitive. As Pakistan is finding to its cost in its tribal regions and Balochistan.
So while Nukes may give a status to Pakistan, in practical sense, does not give it anything it did not have to begin with.

It is because India did not and does not has the conventional firepower required to punch through Pakistan's Defences. If it was possible to breach Pakistan's defences; IA would have marched to Islamabad, install a new regime and disband PA of her arms.
And with this logic, Pakistan's Nukes are then pretty much for nothing except show and for some attention (sometimes wanted, sometimes unwanted) from the world polity..
It is because India did not and does not has the conventional firepower required to punch through Pakistan's Defences. If it was possible to breach Pakistan's defences; IA would have marched to Islamabad, install a new regime and disband PA of her arms.

And which part of this is bad for the people of Pakistan?
Well though you say it , what I think of the Indian political leadership is that they will push IA for other options other than a " point of no return " for a couple of IBG's , your thresholds aren't being crossed . Every nuclear strike ( whether strategic or tactical ) made after that , will just keep both countries going up on the escalation ladder until the MAD - the logical end to it happens .

That is both an dangerous and illogical assumption to make. If Indian political leaders were to be so scared by the use of tactical nukes that they would scream for a halt, then how would the act of ordering the shallow thrusts in the face of Pakistani nukes be explained? Once any attack actually takes place by Indian forces, it must be understood that Pakistan's nuclear bluff has been called. Then the only options is to either do what India needs you to do which would mean a substantial reversal in your proxy use and save Pakistan or risk annihilation by continuing with the escalation. Where is the logic now? If indian forces have moved into Pakistan, it must mean that the threat of Pakistani nuclear option has been accounted for and factored in. That scenario simply does not allow for the luxury of further testing India's resolve. It is because a threashold has already been breached that Indian forces would be involved in action within Pakistan in the first place. Use of a nuclear weapom against Indian assets/formations is a definite breach of the Indian threshold. The minimum acceptable response will be a similar use of a nuke against Pakistani forces. Believing anything else is simply delusional & best left to others who insist on wallowing in it. Not you.
Use of a nuclear weapom against Indian assets/formations is a definite breach of the Indian threshold. The minimum acceptable response will be a similar use of a nuke against Pakistani forces. Believing anything else is simply delusional & best left to others who insist on wallowing in it. Not you.
Sorry but the Scenario which you are suggesting reminds me of warsaw pact's and NATO's dilema and will definitely lead to unlimited escalation and atlast a Strategic nuclear exchange
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