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The clock is ticking for USA....

Well if you guys think this is wrong how do you explain:

1. Hatred for pubicly funded healthcare

2. Hatred of new immigrants using social services

3. Hatred of so-called large government

4. Hatred of excessive tax rates

One possiblity is that Americans are simply idiots who hate good health, hate effective government and are all racist. But after meeting many Americans, they are simply more individualistic and hate the idea of paying people money who haven't earned it. Rather than being communal, Americans are individualistic. And that obviously leads to greater individual productivity. You can deny it all you want, but America has figured out a system to reward individual ambition and hard work, allowing those who start out with less or who aren't endowed with as much intelligence to push their way to the top. Obama is perhaps the prime example of this; in no other country could a minority arguably hated and enslaved just 50 years ago become the leader. Obama was not particularly smart -- not a scientist and law doesn't require much intelligence. But he worked hard by waking up at 5 in the morning every day and planned out his life, and now he is President :usflag:.

Obviously you haven't met enough. Forgive me but I'll have to be trite.

1. Hatred for pubicly funded healthcare
Teabaggers - populist movement manipulated by special interest groups who benefit from the business of private health care.

2. Hatred of new immigrants using social services
Xenophobia, fanned by the republican right.

3. Hatred of so-called large government
the republican right

4. Hatred of excessive tax rates
the republican right

What your points boil down to is why are Americans republicans? and deserves a much longer answer. You may have met Americans but I had to live with them :coffee:
What gave you that idea? My dad got his masters from a middle level chinese university then got a scholarship to study in Germany for his PhD. This is all conjecture based on what you think is the case.

Yes it is very much conjecture, but also personal experience and based on the difficulty of immigrants getting their credentials recognized. Perhaps it is different in Germany, and perhaps different in your dad's time. But if you come to Canada now with a degree from a mid-level Chinese university, you would have to go through retraining at a minimum to be considered for jobs. Meanwhile if you have Beijing University on your resume, you have a much easier time. That is not conjecture, but an unfortunate fact.

Note this says nothing about the quality of education of the mid-level Chinese or Indian universities. I have no doubt they are far more rigorous. Even Chinese or Japanese high school is harder than American college. But since we're talking about economics and not education that matters little; what matters is if I can take a diploma, go to another country and find a job. And I can do that with any so-called "second tier" American diploma like New York State, Texas A&M and so on.
Obviously you haven't met enough. Forgive me but I'll have to be trite.

1. Hatred for pubicly funded healthcare
Teabaggers - populist movement manipulated by special interest groups who benefit from the business of private health care.

2. Hatred of new immigrants using social services
Xenophobia, fanned by the republican right.

3. Hatred of so-called large government
the republican right

4. Hatred of excessive tax rates
the republican right

What your points boil down to is why are Americans republicans? and deserves a much longer answer. You may have met Americans but I had to live with them :coffee:

Teabaggers are a fringe movement and only a recent phenomenon.

I suppose the question is the chicken or the egg. Do many Americans support Republicans because of Republican propaganda, or do the Republicans exist because many Americans are wild west cowboy types who like living off the land and hate bloated government? Obviously I'm not going to convince you otherwise but I leave you with one food for thought: if it was just Republicans and teabaggers, this type of thinking would be easily decimated by Obama's political machine. It isn't, because the beliefs go far deeper than Republicans, worship of Reagan or xenophobia.
Obviously you haven't met enough. Forgive me but I'll have to be trite.

1. Hatred for pubicly funded healthcare
Teabaggers - populist movement manipulated by special interest groups who benefit from the business of private health care.

2. Hatred of new immigrants using social services
Xenophobia, fanned by the republican right.

3. Hatred of so-called large government
the republican right

4. Hatred of excessive tax rates
the republican right

What your points boil down to is why are Americans republicans? and deserves a much longer answer. You may have met Americans but I had to live with them :coffee:
Then obviously you must have been living in either a cave or out in the desert somewhere. The majority of Americans considered themselves slight-of-right, not Republicans. As for the rest, what is wrong about being wary of large government? The greater the institutional size and power of the government, the more intrusive it will be. May be this penchant for dictatorship is deeply ingrained in Chinese sheeple but not in the US.
americans, intelligent? are you kidding me? they're burger munching idiots. US high schoolers can't do basic algebra or write a sentence correctly and most college students can't tell if the black wire is + or -. shamed of living on welfare, you kidding? they love welfare and unemployment checks. they have more children to get more of it. they'd rather get unemployment checks than be waiteresses or bus drivers.

yes, their top 1% elite at harvard, princeton, yale, etc. are the top in the world, the rest are just faceless human cattle.
Do you really want to get into this near racist kind of mud slinging? It would not take me long to dig up all sort of mud about the Chinese people.
May be this penchant for dictatorship is deeply ingrained in Chinese sheeple but not in the US.

So Chinese "sheeple" have a "penchant for dictatorship"?

Sort of like the Chinese people in Hong Kong (where I live), Taiwan and Singapore?

Very poor stereotyping Gambit, as per usual.
So Chinese "sheeple" have a "penchant for dictatorship"?

Sort of like the Chinese people in Hong Kong (where I live), Taiwan and Singapore?

Very poor stereotyping Gambit, as per usual.

i don't think he meant ethnic chinese. he meant chinese nationalist (PRC).
Well if you guys think this is wrong how do you explain:

1. Hatred for pubicly funded healthcare
Why is your health my responsibility?

2. Hatred of new immigrants using social services
Nonsense. Compare US against Mexico regarding immigrants and see for yourself. Myself and my family are immigrants. We did not stay on government assistance for long. We started out in this country with menial jobs to get by.

3. Hatred of so-called large government
Nothing wrong with that. Notice that it is Europe and Asia that has this love for Big Brother.

4. Hatred of excessive tax rates
The word 'excessive' is open for interpretation, but essentially there is nothing wrong with being wary of taxes.

Obama is perhaps the prime example of this; in no other country could a minority arguably hated and enslaved just 50 years ago become the leader. Obama was not particularly smart -- not a scientist and law doesn't require much intelligence. But he worked hard by waking up at 5 in the morning every day and planned out his life, and now he is President :usflag:.
Obama is not merely intelligent but also shrewd. The downside of him is that he is naive and perhaps worst of all -- inexperience. The one thing that Americans respects more than anything is -- experience. Perhaps we respect this quality in a person than you Canadians, Europeans and Asians do. Howzzat for stereotyping? Obama was elected because the American people wanted a change and the American people are no less gullible to charisma, re: Kennedy, than Europeans or any other people. Unfortunately for US, Obama's inexperience and incompetence is showing. Occasionally, just like every citizenry elsewhere in the world, we need a national reminder of what matter more than charisma and intelligence -- experience -- and Obama is that rude alarm.
So Chinese "sheeple" have a "penchant for dictatorship"?

Sort of like the Chinese people in Hong Kong (where I live), Taiwan and Singapore?

Very poor stereotyping Gambit, as per usual.
Very good. Guess you missed the point I was trying to make regarding previous stereotyping by others about Americans. But I guess it is acceptable for everyone else to stereotype Americans but not vice versa. As usual. :D
i don't think he meant ethnic chinese. he meant chinese nationalist (PRC).

Normally I would give people the benefit of the doubt.

But Gambit has had posts deleted for stereotyping against Chinese before.
Normally I would give people the benefit of the doubt.

But Gambit has had posts deleted for stereotyping against Chinese before.
Yeah...Right...Just as I expected. You cannot and never will find anything remotely resembling 'burger munching idiots' coming from me. The Chinese members here have repeatedly associated my criticisms of the Chinese government to that of racism whenever those criticisms got too uncomfortable.
Very good. Guess you missed the point I was trying to make regarding previous stereotyping by others about Americans. But I guess it is acceptable for everyone else to stereotype Americans but not vice versa. As usual. :D

And I guess you didn't read the last page properly.

At the bottom of the last page I criticise a fellow poster for stereotyping against Americans.

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