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The City that never sleeps (NYC)

Chogy you like the gritty architecture, huh?
I do. I don't think it's gritty. It's more like art deco. Art deco makes one think of the 1920's and 1930's - the unique curves, the materials, cast iron, the stone. All of the super skyscrapers going up in Shaghai, Hong Kong, are (to me) soulless entities of glass and steel. BTW, I would class the WTC (RIP) among the soulless glass & steel entities.

Empire State building:
I went to New York once and spent a week there I loved it and I loved the people that I came across. I found it to be cosmopolitan and international. I lived in London several years and I think if you enjoy City life then these types of cities have a lot in common. I think studying or living there up to 30s is fine. Probably not ideal to bring up young kids though
pretty bad, been their couple times Bad traffic overcrowded, traffic was a so bad I had rent a Motorcycle.

i was there only for a couple of days . but seeing the traffic , no way was i going to rent a bike.
by the way cant decide if your avatar if bush or obama:lol:
I do. I don't think it's gritty. It's more like art deco. Art deco makes one think of the 1920's and 1930's - the unique curves, the materials, cast iron, the stone. All of the super skyscrapers going up in Shaghai, Hong Kong, are (to me) soulless entities of glass and steel. BTW, I would class the WTC (RIP) among the soulless glass & steel entities.

Empire State building:

That's the Chrysler Building!!!

I love its architecture.
The public in NYC is very mean to Muslims. :l
Although most New Yorkers and Americans aren't mean to Muslims, though can you blame the select few for having negative views about Muslims and Pakistanis? Especially after scumbags like faisal shezad tried to kill innocent people in Time Square?? Even then most people didn't discriminate and in fact there were Pro Palestine rallies held in Time Square a few days later.
The city can be a tough place, and it's one of the places on Earth where among so many people you can feel very lonely.
I partially agree, however there are Pakistanis as well as other South Asians whom you can easily single out of the crowd and most of them are more than willing to help (the 1st generation, the 3rd generation Pakistanis are rude), as well as other people, honestly i find New Yorkers as more accepting.
New York subways smell like a toilet and there is garbage and homeless people everywhere.
Due to the budget cuts there has been less money being spent on sanitation work in certain parts of the City and Subway system, however that wasn't the case before 2007-2008.

And New Yorkers are not friendly at all.
Yes, some people are rude and aggressive but that is not the case with most of the people.
NYC is a wonderful city -- a REAL city. Concrete jungle, as they call it.

i remember my most memorable moment was renting a bike near Columbus circle and cycling through Central park.

i also had a date with a girl i had met, took her out for sushi and a walk around the east village.....

very fast paced and so much to do, and the people are very courteous and nice
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