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The Chinese army is not unpredictable like the Pakistani army : Indian war

Hey, this is just a memoir, a picturesque and well written account of an old soldier recounting his experiences on the borders. He does not have any recollection which depict the Chinese in any dishonorable or negative manner. I agree that there was no need to bring in Pakistan in the title when the entire account deals with the author's experiences on the Chinese borders.
Just saw on another thread (now closed), a moderator deleting posts on the grounds of 'Petty fighting'. I loved it. That is the way it should be. 99% of the posts nowadays constitute 'petty fighting'. Someone posts an article form a journal about which he may or may not know anything and everybody starts 'petty fighting'. Most of the posts are of the 'I will kick you, no, I will kick you first' variety and deserve to be deleted.
Hey, this is just a memoir, a picturesque and well written account of an old soldier recounting his experiences on the borders. He does not have any recollection which depict the Chinese in any dishonorable or negative manner. I agree that there was no need to bring in Pakistan in the title when the entire account deals with the author's experiences on the Chinese borders.

Agreed with the bold part but then this thread wouldn't be that attractive as it is right now. :D
The Indian Army swears by the doctrine, ‘Not an inch of Indian soil will be given to the enemy’. The Indian Army knows its job and how to do it.

All it needs is an order — and nobody, just nobody will get away with even the slightest intrusion.

The latest acquisition of sophisticated aircraft and other military hardware will also go a long way in keeping any enemy at bay, both physically and psychologically.

Always remember, that the Indian Army has a glorious tradition of bravery and valour, even when the chips are stacked against it. It will not allow any neighbour to change that. We are well prepared and ready.

1962 will not be allowed to happen again. Take the word of an old war veteran for it.

Loved these Lines.. :)
You didn't know? We got a bloody nose! Period!

But that's history. Check out what happened in the 1967 Nathula incident and in 1986 at the Sumdorong Chu valley where the Chinese got a taste of their own medicine! At Nathula, 400 PLA soldiers were killed and dozens of artillery gun positions and bunkers destroyed! :azn:


was this required ?
Sure,no war in prediction.Indian occupy our land and chinese soldiers shaked hands ....


Indian military experts predict "'Nervous' China may attack India by 2012"

'Nervous' China may attack India by 2012: Defence expert

A leading defence expert has projected that China will attack India by 2012 to divert the attention of its own people from "unprecedented" internal dissent, growing unemployment and financial problems that are threatening the hold of Communists in that country. "China will launch an attack on India before 2012. There are multiple reasons for a desperate Beijing to teach India the final lesson, thereby ensuring Chinese supremacy in Asia in this century," Bharat Verma, Editor of the Indian Defence Review, has said.


'Nervous' China may attack India by 2012: Defence expert - Indian Express

This Indian "expert" Bharat Verma himself is so desperate in wanting a war with China, or his position as a war-monger may be lost.

Back to the topic.

Instead , the Chinese Army is very unpredictable. They not only unpredictably taught India an unpredicted bloody lesson in 1962, now the Indians have already predicted a war, but the unpredictably peace-loving Chinese never launch it. Let’s see how the itchiness for war among India war-mongers would eventually evolve…
Good to know the Chinese army and soldiers are a little different and less war mongering than the Chinese members on this forum .
Wish we had better quality of members from a generally very intelligent and pragmatic society .

P.S- Why do some Pakistani members seem irked after reading this article ?

A question as well , why are Pakistanis more unpredictable and Chinese less ? Does it have something to with desperation levels ? Or the fact that Chinese are known to be more more brainy and Pakistanis more emotional ?
A BS article. Pakistan is mentioned for the sake of mentioning. The author presents no evidence as to why he thinks Pakistan army as unpredictable before labeling them for the sake of labeling.
Does it have something to with desperation levels ? Or the fact that Chinese are known to be more more brainy and Pakistanis more emotional ?

An Indian saying Pakistanis are more emotional......get a grip will you. Your so called military veteran talks about Pakistan for the sake of blabbing and nothing more. Does he produce any evidence or facts as to why he labels Pakistan army unpredictable? What has Pakistan got to do with the whole thing mentioned in the article. This shows how much obsessed Indians really are with Pakistan. Isnt really hard to figure out the who's more desperate.
A BS article. Pakistan is mentioned for the sake of mentioning. The author presents no evidence as to why he thinks Pakistan army as unpredictable before labeling them for the sake of labeling.
Some guesses: the surprise of Pakistan's initiating the 1965 conflict, the murderous stupidity of 1971, the puzzling glacier war which makes so little military sense...probably written for Indian audience, no need to mention what they consider common knowledge.
Some guesses: the surprise of Pakistan's initiating the 1965 conflict, the murderous stupidity of 1971, the puzzling glacier war which makes so little military sense...probably written for Indian audience, no need to mention what they consider common knowledge.

Doesn't that make Pakistan very predictable?
A BS article. Pakistan is mentioned for the sake of mentioning. The author presents no evidence as to why he thinks Pakistan army as unpredictable before labeling them for the sake of labeling.

1965 secret operation gibraltar , 1999 secret operation kargil , regular ceasefire violations ?

all these are historically accepted and well documented facts . What more proof do you need ?

---------- Post added at 11:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:34 PM ----------

An Indian saying Pakistanis are more emotional......get a grip will you. Your so called military veteran talks about Pakistan for the sake of blabbing and nothing more. Does he produce any evidence or facts as to why he labels Pakistan army unpredictable? What has Pakistan got to do with the whole thing mentioned in the article. This shows how much obsessed Indians really are with Pakistan. Isnt really hard to figure out the who's more desperate.

Chill maar yaar . don't get so emotional ;)

You just proved my point btw . Your post was overloaded with desperation and emotions :lol:
Biggest problem with india is that is its attention seeking atitude.....no one really cares about india...but indians keep on doing something so that they make it into headlines of world news..... indian public from an ordinary steet vendor upto the the indian army chief.....it seems they all suffer from inferiority complex...cause as a nation they dident did anything worth in previous centuries.....whenever an outsider like me hears the word indian...the first word that comes to mind is slave then...ajmal kasab...now if 10 gunmen can takeover mumbai for a week then u can well comprehend the sort of failed state people call it.

when indians dont find anything to be proud of they start dicussing bollywood....now why would chinese soldiers listen to bollywood?this is just pure bullshet....you are writing a defence article and you are bringing in bollywood in it...
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