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The cheap enemy!


Sep 29, 2008
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I know we are not allowed to change the title but I have still done so to show the cheap tactics of India against our country. These guys can stoop to any low to hurt Pakistan and its poor. Really I re-call the great words of Shahid Khan Afridi - The Indians are small hearted.

How Pakistan won a skirmish with India over climate change funds

Songdo, South Korea is not a place that would normally spring to mind as a venue for an Indo-Pak confrontation. Last week, however, the boardrooms of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) witnessed a fascinating spectacle involving the two South Asian states. What was at stake this time? 39 million dollars and the livelihood of 700,000 of the poorest and most vulnerable people of our country.

Formed in 2010 and a centrepiece of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the GCF is the primary global vehicle to finance climate change-related interventions in developing countries.

In Songdo, where it is based, the GCF board met last week to review and approve 10 projects worth $800 million that would help millions of poor people adapt to the risks of climate change.

Among these projects was one submitted by Pakistan — a crucial first for our country given that we are one of the most at-risk places when it comes to climate change.

Supported by the United Nations Development Program, the project is meant to reduce risks and impact of flooding outbursts from glacial lakes in communities in Gilgit-Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Also read: Climate change - The perfect storm

The GCF’s independent technical committee concluded that the project would provide protection to more than 700,000 people, and gave it the go-ahead.

But not before significant drama and tension, as India attempted to have the decision derailed.

In a waffling set of attacks, Indian board member Dinesh Sharma, a Special Secretary in Indian Ministry of Finance, put forth several contradictory reasons for his opposition to the Pakistani project:

The science on glacial melt was weak and hence the project itself was weak; the project risk assessment, he felt, proved that there would be no impact (he was unable to clarify what he meant by ‘no impact’); and that somehow the mitigation work in Pakistan — mostly the installation of early warning and other sensory systems and capacity building of communities — could increase the risks that Indians on the other side of the border were exposed to.

The more Mr Sharma insisted that he was challenging the project on technical rather than political grounds, the more isolated he became. As his objections grew, the true nature of his hostility became more and more obvious to everyone on the board, even though he kept on insisting that his position was only meant to safeguard the credibility of the GCF. His position backfired and ended up generating significant sympathy for Pakistan from developed and developing countries alike.

Other board members who spoke up in Pakistan’s defence, which was a testament to the country’s case and conduct at the meeting.

Ultimately, group pressure from the entire board, including the South African co-chair, led to the Indian representative being isolated and having no choice but to go with the consensus in the room and approve the project.

And just for the record, this is not propaganda from a Pakistani patriot; the evidence is available in the documented recordings of all the proceedings on the GCF website.

For more context: Combating climate change - why it matters

As someone who has worked and collaborated extensively with my Indians counterparts in this field, it was sad to see India's opposition when there was no need for any.

As two developing countries, Pakistan and India have generally collaborated on climate change issues. But it seems that after having whipped up a hysteria against its neighbour in order to deflect attention from the very real challenges it faces in Kashmir, the Indian government has become a victim of its own narrative on Pakistan.

Since New Delhi cannot actually take the kind of military action it says it can take against Pakistan, the Indian government will use any trick in the book to try to isolate Pakistan otherwise.

After the hyperbole over 'surgical strikes', cancellation of the SAARC summit, and the Bollywood and kabaddi boycotts, it seems that the next platform of this campaign was the boardroom of the GCF.

Does India really need to take Indo-Pak politics into the realms of the global efforts against climate change? Clearly, the rest of the world does not think so.

For Pakistan there is a lesson in this as well. Songdo shows us that we are not isolated and that with a clear position, the right preparation and effective lobbying, the international community will back us where we are right.
They are going to do this cheap act every where they have been doing it but its going to be openly you forgot to mention they ask ICC to not to put them in same group with Pakistan.
wat a pathetic neighbour we have .. we dont do anything what they actually discuss in their defence forum
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We should be happy no? After a long long time the true nature of extremist indian is displaying itself. Congress did good at hiding this side of indian society (though they had benefit of no attention being paid to them), but now it is visible everywhere at every forum. Pakistan should be looking at to Exploit this hateful madness, make them reveal themselves more and more.................
Frankly my country at times does novice and stupid things like this, but then again you also behave the same like not allowing us into OIC, so it cuts both ways. But yes, very stupid behaviour.
i agree...Pakistani hearts don't come in bodies.....they come in shipping containers (considering how giganticus they are).
indian hearts (yes u heard it right, god makes distinction before he sends them down) are so small, that you need a magnifying glass to see them.
after the uri incident, indian hearts shrunk even more. now u need a microscope to see one.
meanwhile there is a serious problem in Pakistan, one is ina fix which is bigger ? the Pakistani hear or the Pakistani ego ?
i agree...Pakistani hearts don't come in bodies.....they come in shipping containers (considering how giganticus they are).
indian hearts (yes u heard it right, god makes distinction before he sends them down) are so small, that you need a magnifying glass to see them.
after the uri incident, indian hearts shrunk even more. now u need a microscope to see one.
meanwhile there is a serious problem in Pakistan, one is ina fix which is bigger ? the Pakistani hear or the Pakistani ego ?

What can we do, if you do false flags like Samjohta and now Uri to make your hearts even more smaller?

The root of the problem lies in the religious hindu extremism in the Indian society, which is getting worse every day! :agree:
Since New Delhi cannot actually take the kind of military action it says it can take against Pakistan, the Indian government will use any trick in the book to try to isolate Pakistan otherwise.

Modi seriously behaves like a "zanani"..his obsession is increasing day by day and so is the level of his cheapness. The man who won the votes on the name of destroying Pakistan.
What you expect from him and his pathetic nation?:crazy:

If India has focused on its betterment rather than enforcing its nose here..they must had toilets yet..or Modi has succeeded in providing 1 crore jobs..

In a try to isolate Pakistan ..India would give a chance to world to laugh loud on them.."Hanuman Sena" was just an example .Brace yourself ...There is more to come..!! :pleasantry:
What can we do, if you do false flags like Samjohta and now Uri to make your hearts even more smaller?

The root of the problem lies in the religious hindu extremism in the Indian society, which is getting worse every day! :agree:
see there are no saints in this world and so called islamik world is also not a very pecefull regon just forget how non muslim minorities were treated in past and present in any muslim majority state

so lets not talk about relegion based exterme pholosophies .... or as they say ... warna baat bahut door nikal jayegee :sarcastic:

thing is weather you like it or not or weather the sekular & communists idologe of india like it or not Indian nationalism which they call hindu nationalism is here to stay as its been a product of there over azelous muslim and christiam appeasement at the expense of hindu opression in every way possible for over 60 years and it had reached its breaking point under the UPA rule

now hindu which had to endure muslim invaders 800 year and 150 year british rule/ oprression have at last brocken the shakels and want its dignity and reputaion back the more they try to supress it the more it will come out and in a way they never imagined :coffee:

What can we do, if you do false flags like Samjohta and now Uri to make your hearts even more smaller?

The root of the problem lies in the religious hindu extremism in the Indian society, which is getting worse every day! :agree:
According to you, which type of extreamism is more dangerous.. Hindu extreamism ya Islamic terrorism??

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