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The cancellation of the purchase of the air defence system for the TSK.


Jun 18, 2012
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United Kingdom
The purchase of the air defence system for the TSK is being delayed

The annocement was made after the meeting of the SSIK.

What does this mean?

This can suggest that Turkey is developing it's own air defence system; so there is no need for a purchase of foreign system.


I know it say's delayed in the article, but i believe they will cancel it.
Retarded they're all retarded.

We can't develop a long range air defence system with good quality at least in that decade.

That link says its delayed btw, not cancelled, if they're still sane they should solve that problem quickly.
Retarded they're all retarded.

We can't develop a long range air defence system with good quality at least in that decade.

That link says its delayed btw, not cancelled, if they're still sane they should solve that problem quickly.

I know it say's delayed. However i think they are going to cancel it. They delayed this meeting to.
It won't be cancelled, simple as that. These are critical systems for our national security and we don't have required experience over these systems to develop one of ours.

Because of Syria our relationships with Russia and China are unsettled right now. They are waiting for the situation to resolve and then probably a non-NATO system will be procured.

I'm hoping for S400

and can anyone change the thread title please? it's falsely alarming :)
the foreign new air defence system is may be unnecessary for TSK within these years

the air force is strong enough to defend the country,especially after F-35s come

develop a domestic air defence system may be a better idea,even that can not march PAC-3

finally Russian weapons can't be trusted after 1982....such as The MIG-29,The T-72......
We can't develop a long range air defence system in near future and f-35 has at least 3-5 years to start its service in inventory.

We need them.
@trajanus these systems will also provide ballistic missile defence which is also required these days.

And if US wills selling THAAD rather than patriot with not-so-good operational history. I'm all for it. :) But since THAAD isn't participating in the tender S400 is the best choice.
Why is their a delay?

C'mon share thoughts..
S400 will not be sold within these years

They only sell outdated s-300

Also Russian will give the data to some other countries

@trajanus these systems will also provide ballistic missile defence which is also required these days.

And if US wills selling THAAD rather than patriot with not-so-good operational history. I'm all for it. :) But since THAAD isn't participating in the tender S400 is the best choice.

You don't think Russian will sell monkey model and give the data to Iran or Syria ?Also use russian s-300/400 to versus Russian-made ballistic missiles?

At least the US will not sell weapon to Iran or Syria
S400 will not be sold within these years

They only sell outdated s-300

Also Russian will give the data to some other countries

You don't think Russian will sell monkey model and give the data to Iran or Syria ?Also use russian s-300/400 to versus Russian-made ballistic missiles?

At least the US will not sell weapon to Iran or Syria

Russians gave codes of Iranian anti-defence systems to Israel,so I am pertty much sure that if its in their intrest they would give Turkish codes to hostile countries too. They can't be trusted.
Russians gave codes of Iranian anti-defence systems to Israel,so I am pertty much sure that if its in their intrest they would give Turkish codes to hostile countries too. They can't be trusted.

Exactly; this also applys to there systems. This is why turkey need's it's own domestic air defence system.
Exactly; this also applys to there systems. This is why turkey need's it's own domestic air defence system.

If we are being realistic, Turkey can't develop long range air-defence systems for atleast two decades, there is a project for short to medium range anti-defence system but long range system isn't on our capibility for now. But I would support Patriot Pac-3 systems, There isn't any country that US has good relations in our neighbourhood so US is the safest choice.
If we are being realistic, Turkey can't develop long range air-defence systems for atleast two decades, there is a project for short to medium range anti-defence system but long range system isn't on our capibility for now. But I would support Patriot Pac-3 systems, There isn't any country that US has good relations in our neighbourhood so US is the safest choice.

Why Turkey cant develop LRADS at least in two decades?
And why are we in a rush, is there a war in close future, or are we out of NATO shield?

I think better to build our own as we did in MILGEM or ALTAY or ANKA or GOKTURK or SOM etc
Lets keep low profile in foreign relations unlike mr genious davutoglu and his zero problem b.s. and invest in our own industry

Your own systems are always better than foreign ones, cause they are yoirs and noone knows them but you.
Has anyone simply thought that perhaps there are more pressing needs right now?

It is common for militaries to delay or even cancel systems.

I would think with Iran so close you need some kind of anti-ballistic system. But in such a case, US systems will be provided within days. So no real immediate danger there.
Why Turkey cant develop LRADS at least in two decades?
And why are we in a rush, is there a war in close future, or are we out of NATO shield?

I think better to build our own as we did in MILGEM or ALTAY or ANKA or GOKTURK or SOM etc
Lets keep low profile in foreign relations unlike mr genious davutoglu and his zero problem b.s. and invest in our own industry

Your own systems are always better than foreign ones, cause they are yoirs and noone knows them but you.

Ofcourse local built systems would be more beneficial to our country but I said we can't because we don't have the ''know how'' for both air-defence missiles and radars. We have a short to medium range air defence project going on right now and we sucessfully developed short range air defence system.

SSM and ASELSAN signed conract for short and medium range air defence missile development.

Short Range conract is about 320 million euro, medium range contract is about 250 million euro

Source: http://ekonomi.milliyet.com.tr/asel...i/ekonomidetay/21.06.2011/1404939/default.htm ( I am sorry but I could only find it in Turkish)

Short Range Air Defence System ( You can see from pictures that it can be implant on many different platforms and it even have the ability to lock and fire while moving )



Medium Range Air Defence System

Cabatli posted the designs but unfortunately I can't find them.

But Long range is another level, we can develop it if we spend enough money but it won't be good as already existing ones. Even China requested S-400 even though they have their own version of S-300.

Has anyone simply thought that perhaps there are more pressing needs right now?

It is common for militaries to delay or even cancel systems.

I would think with Iran so close you need some kind of anti-ballistic system. But in such a case, US systems will be provided within days. So no real immediate danger there.

Agreed but depending on other countries for defence isn't something any country would choose when they have other options.
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