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The botched strike: IAF found with its pants down - Again

indian generals dont run pizza papa jons business in america . they dont settle abroad .

Yeah. They only steal from the widows of their own soldiers.

Army, Navy chiefs offer to return flats

is it similar to the radar and electronic signature that IAF presented to prove their F-16 downing case ? just saying

No, nothing like it. The IAF presented a couple of pictures I could've made in paint. No radar or electronic signatures were presented anywhere.
Unfortunately there was a corridor of confidence that is long gone. Concrete proof of an Su-30MKI shot down over IOK would have shattered the Indian public's response had the information been released a lot earlier especially in Feb or March or April 2019. Everything else right now is hearsay and it only is built as facts based on a few documentaries and articles. We live in a day and age where R/T and HUD tape excerpts would make things such as evidence a lot more solid if it were to be released to the public.
We wouldn’t have heard of the R/T if Acdre Kaiser hadn’t openly revealed it. Unfortunately, this wary act of keeping the cards close or revealing details is a matter of schools of thought. Do you tell the Indians we heard them shiver in their cockpits? Well, someone did and now they doubled up on secure comms.
Do we show them Elint details that really show how many ‘trons we absorbed along with their emission characteristics, modes of operation, signal structure .. what the RDY-2 does when it goes into different modes?

Maybe one doesn’t need to release all of it, but generally Pakistani track record with information control isn’t stellar.
In and of itself, yes, you're correct, there's no difference in the credibility of the electronic and radar data claimed by both sides. However, if you look at the other supporting evidence, the PAF have a stronger claim. Abhi did not fire any missile from his Mig-21 as the indians claim, and there's no other evidence to suggest the PAF lost a Viper. On the other hand, the indians themselves have produced an AMRAAM which appears to have proximity exploded against some aircraft at least, the IAF ordered one additional Su-30MKI as "attrition" replacement, the indian chopper fratricide appears to have been on a SAR mission for the claimed Su-30MKI kill and the indian media themselves claimed a Su-30MKI was shot down before being told to shut up my the government.
What happens to an A2A missile after it misses the target? It self destroy after burning out the fuel, that was what happened to the AMRAAM presented by the IAF.

There is no evidence whatsoever to prove either F16 or Su 30 shot down that day.. its just fanboys from both side of the boarders who believe in their respective airforce's claims
What happens to an A2A missile after it misses the target? It self destroy after burning out the fuel, that was what happened to the AMRAAM presented by the IAF.

There is no evidence whatsoever to prove either F16 or Su 30 shot down that day.. its just fanboys from both side of the boarders who believe in their respective airforce's claims

Well if you want to take an objective stance, there's more evidence to suggest the Su-30MKI was shot down rather than a PAF viper, which is what most impartial observers agree with. But yes, unless there's any further details, it's claims vs counterclaims.
U.S. Infrared Satellite Data Could Settle The Debate Over Pakistan-India Dogfight
The constellation of orbital sensors can detect infrared events such as missile launches, artillery fire, and planes exploding in the sky.

@SQ8 @Raider 21 @The Eagle @MastanKhan @Hodor
U.S. Infrared Satellite Data Could Settle The Debate Over Pakistan-India Dogfight
The constellation of orbital sensors can detect infrared events such as missile launches, artillery fire, and planes exploding in the sky.

@SQ8 @Raider 21 @The Eagle @MastanKhan @Hodor

If those pictures or imagery was rosey for India, they would have paid millions of $ to save from humiliation given Delhi and DC close cooperation. However, if there's any evidence as such, would be helpful to put much of confusion or conspiracies to rest. May be @SQ8 can shed some light.

However, the so much of superiority complex and chest thumping of RSS gang, I don't think they would accept even such an evidence.
We wouldn’t have heard of the R/T if Acdre Kaiser hadn’t openly revealed it. Unfortunately, this wary act of keeping the cards close or revealing details is a matter of schools of thought. Do you tell the Indians we heard them shiver in their cockpits? Well, someone did and now they doubled up on secure comms.
Do we show them Elint details that really show how many ‘trons we absorbed along with their emission characteristics, modes of operation, signal structure .. what the RDY-2 does when it goes into different modes?

Maybe one doesn’t need to release all of it, but generally Pakistani track record with information control isn’t stellar.

These extra revelations weren't needed, if you ask me. Personally, I believe to make mark, let the success speak and enjoy the show without telling any grass root details as such. It shouldn't come out all but in the end, many of us even on this Forum would have cursed the Forces till kingdom to come.
If those pictures or imagery was rosey for India, they would have paid millions of $ to save from humiliation given Delhi and DC close cooperation. However, if there's any evidence as such, would be helpful to put much of confusion or conspiracies to rest. May be @SQ8 can shed some light.

However, the so much of superiority complex and chest thumping of RSS gang, I don't think they would accept even such an evidence.

These extra revelations weren't needed, if you ask me. Personally, I believe to make mark, let the success speak and enjoy the show without telling any grass root details as such. It shouldn't come out all but in the end, many of us even on this Forum would have cursed the Forces till kingdom to come.
I'm dismayed that after Iranian missile strikes on US base in Iraq last year, next day they obtained and posted dozens of images of strikes and damage to the base infrastructure, wonder if or why didn't Pakistan used same satellite facility.
I'm dismayed that after Iranian missile strikes on US base in Iraq last year, next day they obtained and posted dozens of images of strikes and damage to the base infrastructure, wonder if or why didn't Pakistan used same satellite facility.

That's another interesting point though. So can we safely assume and laugh a bit that none of the parties went for data so far? Or is it that one if the parties doesn't need to prove anything and other don't want to go down such a disappointing road. PAF came out victorious for many reasons as compare to IAF verbal campaign and then showing an exploded AMRAAM.
If those pictures or imagery was rosey for India, they would have paid millions of $ to save from humiliation given Delhi and DC close cooperation. However, if there's any evidence as such, would be helpful to put much of confusion or conspiracies to rest. May be @SQ8 can shed some light.

However, the so much of superiority complex and chest thumping of RSS gang, I don't think they would accept even such an evidence.

These extra revelations weren't needed, if you ask me. Personally, I believe to make mark, let the success speak and enjoy the show without telling any grass root details as such. It shouldn't come out all but in the end, many of us even on this Forum would have cursed the Forces till kingdom to come.
While it is possible those satellites will prove a point - it is not in the interests if the United States to release this information due to the complex nature of the relationships between India & the US which overlap Defense sales.

Indian leaderShip will commit hara kiri before buying anything American if this is revealed because they value their public image above all else...

once again

ABOVE ALL ELSE .. morals, ethics nothing
At least in the US someone cries foul - but in Militocracies like Pakistan or immature fascist regimes like in India currently which need public opinion on their side to continue business - image is everything. Oddly, the powers that be in Pakistan are actually much more kind(or weak) in tolerance of dissenting views than in India.
lol what is big thing here ?
a patriotic sahafi has knowledge of big things .that is all .

This patriotic shafi had a better security clearance than AOC central command. Looks like Indian media is more patriotic than the military leadership itself. Explains all the losses and tea parties. :D

Better read again. He is saying no such thing.
Infact he is saying while his competitor channel Aaj Tak is still stuck in Srinagar, his channel (Republic) has already reached Budgam where plane (Mi-17) crashed.

You have serious english comprehension issues. I will not care to educate you.

is it similar to the radar and electronic signature that IAF presented to prove their F-16 downing case ? just saying

Not the MS paint types that India showed. Whatever evidence PAF has released till now regarding our own strikes has been determined to be first hand. Starting from H4 strike videos to live display of all 4 missiles of nando. On the other hand, the live feed of Spice 2000s from Mirage 2000s was somehow lost during decoding. Followed by some radar glitches after being painted by JF-17s on 27th, the Mirage 2000's bugged out. :D Hence PAF has won in the information domain as well.
What happens to an A2A missile after it misses the target? It self destroy after burning out the fuel, that was what happened to the AMRAAM presented by the IAF.
Dear, all A2A missiles are not created equal. Even with the AMRAAM you need to study what are the publicized differences between c-5 , c-7 and D, and you will then hopefully realize the c5s pakistan has do not self destruct. But let me warn you, you will have to have a knack for research, dont expect a manual from Raytheon or Lockheed, instead you will find your self piecing together broken trails of information, news items, comments by ex-pilots, engineers etc
Dear, all A2A missiles are not created equal. Even with the AMRAAM you need to study what are the publicized differences between c-5 , c-7 and D, and you will then hopefully realize the c5s pakistan has do not self destruct. But let me warn you, you will have to have a knack for research, dont expect a manual from Raytheon or Lockheed, instead you will find your self piecing together broken trails of information, news items, comments by ex-pilots, engineers etc

Only the pilot himself can destroy the AIM-120C5. The auto self destruct capability was introduced in late 2006. The C6, C7 versions incorporated it.
Either these keyboard losers do not know about it or they just want their diaper changed. IAF has been training with Singaporeans and Thai for years. They know it, we know it.
For Indian regime:

Collateral sacrifice of 40 worthless Dalit jawans at Pulwama to win election was a good move.

For Indian media:

Creating hype and falsely accusing Pakistan to win high TRP for their program.

For Indian public:

Foolishly accepting Indian media hype, getting excited about fake Balakot strike, in return Indian Armed Forces losing three aircraft and number of military personnel and now finally realized that their leaders and media are the biggest liars who played with their sentiments and emotions just to gain election victory.
Either these keyboard losers do not know about it or they just want their diaper changed.
Uff..., you really shined the light on that one.
Not the MS paint types that India showed.
Is there any equipment that has such...eh...colorful signatures? Must be: Make In India
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