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The Big Picture - India's China policy post Doklam

Donglang situation is de-escalating, lets assess what each country got out of this situation:

  • Diplomatic inroads into Bhutan in the near future (establishing of formal relations soon), with literal roads and railways within a few years. These transport projects were planned years before but needed an event to trigger the establishing of formal relations with Bhutan.

  • Testing of internal response (civilian and military) to a possible conflict with India and others. From an internal perspective it is a success as the potential conflict drew wide support through social media/official media within China and many civilians rushed to blood donation centres in hopes of saving the life of a Chinese soldier. Hawks within the PLA views the civilian government as not being vigilant enough when it comes to geopolitical concerns and always wanted them to "wake up". This event triggered a heightened awareness within civilians, government, military, and intellectual circles and possible funding increases for relevant agencies.
  • Excuse to build Western-section of South-North Water Transfer Project. It's harder diplomatically to do this when relations are good with India. The western portion is the most difficult and is drawing more support from scientists, government, and civilians recently.
  • Presented a more transparent PLA to other major powers. Although viewed by some as "war of words" it is a recent drive to be more transparent to avoid misunderstandings/miscalculation. The PLA will escalate the situation in accordance to its opponent's actions, starting from diplomatic channels to avoid unnecessary conflict.

  • Assessed China's escalation schedule. Knowing better how China will respond to a particular stimuli, India is able to better play situations with China. It can escalate tension to its benefit and release tension when before it touches China's bottom line. More border situations are to come.
  • Greater strategic importance as viewed by Washington. This will entail greater opportunities for India to exercise its geopolitical aims via American security apparatus in regions such as Afghanistan and Central Asia. More joint exercises and weapon deals are to come.
  • Substantial aid and investment package from China
  • An option to hedge India and China against each other for its development and reduce the control one country has over Bhutan.
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BEIJING, Aug. 29 (Xinhua) -- Chinese border troops are continuing their patrolling and defending the Dong Lang (Doklam) area, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Tuesday.

"We will make an overall assessment of the weather conditions and all related factors, and according to the actual circumstances complete construction plans for the Dong Lang (Doklam) area," spokesperson Hua Chunying told a daily news briefing.

On June 18, over 270 armed Indian troops with two bulldozers crossed the boundary into Dong Lang (Doklam), Chinese sovereign territory, to obstruct infrastructure construction.

China Monday confirmed that India had withdrawn personnel and equipment from Dong Lang (Doklam) after a military stand-off lasting more than two months.

Dong Lang (Doklam), which borders India's Sikkim state to the west and the Kingdom of Bhutan to the south, is part of Chinese territory and has been under Chinese rule for a very long time.

Hua said for a long period of time, China has constructed infrastructure facilities including roads to meet the needs of soldiers and civilians, and improve their living conditions.

1) China did not withdraw
2) China will continue construction.


Now we finally know the meaning of disengagement, it meant India withdrawing.
Indians are so irrelevant they like to make irrelevant talk...I like to amuse myself with them:lol:

No one irrelevant, you are showing your lack of knowledge by calling someone irrelevant. Every country is important. This goes to show that chini posters on pdf are here to post whatever irrelevant :blah::blah: and try to pass that as official chini stand, not going to happen guys!!! :no::no:



BEIJING, Aug. 29 (Xinhua) -- Chinese border troops are continuing their patrolling and defending the Dong Lang (Doklam) area, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Tuesday.

"We will make an overall assessment of the weather conditions and all related factors, and according to the actual circumstances complete construction plans for the Dong Lang (Doklam) area," spokesperson Hua Chunying told a daily news briefing.

On June 18, over 270 armed Indian troops with two bulldozers crossed the boundary into Dong Lang (Doklam), Chinese sovereign territory, to obstruct infrastructure construction.

China Monday confirmed that India had withdrawn personnel and equipment from Dong Lang (Doklam) after a military stand-off lasting more than two months.

Dong Lang (Doklam), which borders India's Sikkim state to the west and the Kingdom of Bhutan to the south, is part of Chinese territory and has been under Chinese rule for a very long time.

Hua said for a long period of time, China has constructed infrastructure facilities including roads to meet the needs of soldiers and civilians, and improve their living conditions.

1) China did not withdraw
2) China will continue construction.


Now we finally know the meaning of disengagement, it meant India withdrawing.

Someone throw a bone to this guy.
Donglang situation is de-escalating, lets assess what each country got out of this situation:

  • Diplomatic inroads into Bhutan in the near future (establishing of formal relations soon), with literal roads and rail ways within a few years. These transport projects were planned years before but needed an event to trigger the establishing of formal relations with Bhutan.

  • Testing of internal response (civilian and military) to a possible conflict with India and others. From an internal perspective it is a success as the potential conflict drew wide support through social media/official media within China and many civilians rushed to blood donation centres in hopes of saving the life of a Chinese soldier. Hawks within the PLA views the civilian government as not being vigilant enough when it comes to geopolitical concerns and always wanted them to "wake up". This event triggered a heightened awareness within civilians, government, military, and intellectual circles and possible funding increases for relevant agencies.
  • Excuse to build Western-section of South-North Water Transfer Project. It's harder diplomatically to do this when relations are good with India. The western portion is the most difficult and is drawing more support from scientists, government, and civilians recently.
  • Presented a more transparent PLA to other major powers. Although viewed by some as "war of words" it is a recent drive to be more transparent to avoid misunderstandings/miscalculation. The PLA will escalate the situation in accordance to its opponent's actions, starting from diplomatic channels to avoid unnecessary conflict.

  • Assessed China's escalation schedule. Knowing better how China will respond to a particular stimuli, India is able to better play situations with China. It can escalate tension to its benefit and release tension when before it touches China's bottom line. More border situations are to come.
  • Greater strategic importance as viewed by Washington. This will entail greater opportunities for India to exercise its geopolitical aims via American security apparatus in regions such as Afghanistan and Central Asia. More join exercises and weapon deals are to come.
  • Substantial aid and investment package from China
  • An option to hedge India and China against each other for its development and reduce the control one country has over Bhutan.
I think you missed out that India will now thread very carefully in disputed areas. I agree they basically gave China the excuse to have an aggressive policy. Before this, we still took the liberty to check on Indian sensitivities when engaging South Asian nations. Now it will be direct PR war with Bhutan, I believe Bhutan will choose the Nepal route. They are already contemplating direct diplomatic ties.
Donglang situation is de-escalating, lets assess what each country got out of this situation:

  • Diplomatic inroads into Bhutan in the near future (establishing of formal relations soon), with literal roads and rail ways within a few years. These transport projects were planned years before but needed an event to trigger the establishing of formal relations with Bhutan.

  • Testing of internal response (civilian and military) to a possible conflict with India and others. From an internal perspective it is a success as the potential conflict drew wide support through social media/official media within China and many civilians rushed to blood donation centres in hopes of saving the life of a Chinese soldier. Hawks within the PLA views the civilian government as not being vigilant enough when it comes to geopolitical concerns and always wanted them to "wake up". This event triggered a heightened awareness within civilians, government, military, and intellectual circles and possible funding increases for relevant agencies.
  • Excuse to build Western-section of South-North Water Transfer Project. It's harder diplomatically to do this when relations are good with India. The western portion is the most difficult and is drawing more support from scientists, government, and civilians recently.
  • Presented a more transparent PLA to other major powers. Although viewed by some as "war of words" it is a recent drive to be more transparent to avoid misunderstandings/miscalculation. The PLA will escalate the situation in accordance to its opponent's actions, starting from diplomatic channels to avoid unnecessary conflict.

  • Assessed China's escalation schedule. Knowing better how China will respond to a particular stimuli, India is able to better play situations with China. It can escalate tension to its benefit and release tension when before it touches China's bottom line. More border situations are to come.
  • Greater strategic importance as viewed by Washington. This will entail greater opportunities for India to exercise its geopolitical aims via American security apparatus in regions such as Afghanistan and Central Asia. More join exercises and weapon deals are to come.
  • Substantial aid and investment package from China
  • An option to hedge India and China against each other for its development and reduce the control one country has over Bhutan.

Also include that India shown way to many countries on how to deal with china. It will only enhance India's status lowering china's.

Asian nations must be looking at this standoff closely to learn from India and mature steps it has taken. And not fall to china's three prong war without firing a bullet.

You mentioned good points on how china will make inroads in Bhutan, just goes to show how big is china's loss and what things can be expected in future from china.


They now know who is friend and who is not, you will be going through 100 more round of border talks with them on Doklam. Investment is welcome as you cant go to a war with your assets in that area.

I think you missed out that India will now thread very carefully in disputed areas. I agree they basically gave China the excuse to have an aggressive policy. Before this, we still took the liberty to check on Indian sensitivities when engaging South Asian nations. Now it will be direct PR war with Bhutan, I believe Bhutan will choose the Nepal route. They are already contemplating direct diplomatic ties.

total lip service, mouth exercise and fat talks. And you are a captain on pdf :lol::lol::lol:
Donglang situation is de-escalating, lets assess what each country got out of this situation:

  • Diplomatic inroads into Bhutan in the near future (establishing of formal relations soon), with literal roads and rail ways within a few years. These transport projects were planned years before but needed an event to trigger the establishing of formal relations with Bhutan.

  • Testing of internal response (civilian and military) to a possible conflict with India and others. From an internal perspective it is a success as the potential conflict drew wide support through social media/official media within China and many civilians rushed to blood donation centres in hopes of saving the life of a Chinese soldier. Hawks within the PLA views the civilian government as not being vigilant enough when it comes to geopolitical concerns and always wanted them to "wake up". This event triggered a heightened awareness within civilians, government, military, and intellectual circles and possible funding increases for relevant agencies.
  • Excuse to build Western-section of South-North Water Transfer Project. It's harder diplomatically to do this when relations are good with India. The western portion is the most difficult and is drawing more support from scientists, government, and civilians recently.
  • Presented a more transparent PLA to other major powers. Although viewed by some as "war of words" it is a recent drive to be more transparent to avoid misunderstandings/miscalculation. The PLA will escalate the situation in accordance to its opponent's actions, starting from diplomatic channels to avoid unnecessary conflict.

  • Assessed China's escalation schedule. Knowing better how China will respond to a particular stimuli, India is able to better play situations with China. It can escalate tension to its benefit and release tension when before it touches China's bottom line. More border situations are to come.
  • Greater strategic importance as viewed by Washington. This will entail greater opportunities for India to exercise its geopolitical aims via American security apparatus in regions such as Afghanistan and Central Asia. More join exercises and weapon deals are to come.
  • Substantial aid and investment package from China
  • An option to hedge India and China against each other for its development and reduce the control one country has over Bhutan.
I see a high speed railway line into Doklam and Bhutan so we can move in tanks for the next phase of attack on chicken neck area.
Also include that India shown way to many countries on how to deal with china. It will only enhance India's status lowering china's.

Asian nations must be looking at this standoff closely to learn from India and mature steps it has taken. And not fall to china's three prong war without firing a bullet.

You mentioned good points on how china will make inroads in Bhutan, just goes to show how big is china's loss and what things can be expected in future from china.


They now know who is friend and who is not, you will be going through 100 more round of border talks with them on Doklam. Investment is welcome as you cant go to a war with your assets in that area.

total lip service, mouth exercise and fat talks. And you are a captain on pdf :lol::lol::lol:
Think about it this way, all along Bhutan thought India could face China directly, this withdrawal is a big wake up call and also changes the status quo fundamentally. Bhutan might be tempted to approach China directly and seek a counter balance to India. People normally look for the strongest bad *** around the neighborhood for protection.

Bhutan is already showing signs they are opening up to Chinese. Time will tell whether I am right but I bet in the next 5-10 years, Nepal and Bhutan will be economically connected to China, India cannot play the geographic isolation card anymore. Today half of Nepali trade is already handled through the Tibetan railways. More will come. Interesting times ahead.

Btw, China will also expedite the Gwadar base and deployments to IOR. India just gave us an excuse. :lol:


Q: Could you tell us that how many Chinese soldiers are still deployed at the Dong Lang area?

A: This is a very specific question. What I can tell you is that The Chinese border troops continue with their patrols and stationing in the Dong Lang area. China will adjust and deploy its military resources in accordance with the need of guarding the border and the situation on the ground.

this chick is the best part of humor in this forum:flirt:

Q: Could you tell us that how many Chinese soldiers are still deployed at the Dong Lang area?

A: This is a very specific question. What I can tell you is that The Chinese border troops continue with their patrols and stationing in the Dong Lang area. China will adjust and deploy its military resources in accordance with the need of guarding the border and the situation on the ground.

this chick is the best part of humor in this forum:flirt:
Oh actually India's fear of chicken neck cutting is real. China just needs to build the road and now we decided to build a high speed railway into Donglang to sustain a full invasion of India. We attacked this summer by building our road. India had no choice but to respond. But instead of fighting, India retreated so now China has no obstacle to our high speed railway. The full invasion of India by cutting chicken neck is underway!

Q: Could you tell us that how many Chinese soldiers are still deployed at the Dong Lang area?

A: This is a very specific question. What I can tell you is that The Chinese border troops continue with their patrols and stationing in the Dong Lang area. China will adjust and deploy its military resources in accordance with the need of guarding the border and the situation on the ground.


All ding jing long plang has come to nought keep denying good as long as it keeps you happy

tu yaar ab mujhe punjabi may gala na da

Oh actually India's fear of chicken neck cutting is real. China just needs to build the road and now we decided to build a high speed railway into Donglang to sustain a full invasion of India. We attacked this summer by building our road. India had no choice but to respond. But instead of fighting, India retreated so now China has no obstacle to our high speed railway. The full invasion of India is underway!

dont worry about our chicks continue mega ton nuking let the humor go on

I see a high speed railway line into Doklam and Bhutan so we can move in tanks for the next phase of attack on chicken neck area.

ok xi sab sa direct laja tu this wish has to be fulfilled
All ding jing long plang has come to nought keep denying good as long as it keeps you happy

tu yaar ab mujhe punjabi may gala na da

dont worry about our chicks continue mega ton nuking let the humor go on

ok xi sab sa direct laja tu this wish has to be fulfilled
:rofl:. Run COW WARDS! RUN
India is well on it's way to finger China in SCS & Taiwan.

India's position will be that since China is building inside Kashmir occupied by Pakistan, the same logic applies in SCS and Taiwan as well.

India is firmly pushing back at China and it will many allies in SCS who will join the pushback, especially now that China has been exposed as a paper dragon.

why bother poking your head everywhere ?
I see a high speed railway line into Doklam and Bhutan so we can move in tanks for the next phase of attack on chicken neck area.
You were not able to build a road and thinking creating a high speed railway line which requires more planning and longer implementation phases? This is the attitude which no neighbors of China likes about China.
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