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The Big Picture - India's China policy post Doklam

His questions are so stupid just like the logic of Chinese cheerleaders after their Dokhlam defeat.

What has Tejas got to with the topic?
Only people who have been badly triggered by the defeat of China in Dokhlam would even begin to argue so stupidly.
Anyway, the defeat of Dokhlam - any heads rolling yet in the communist capital? :cheers:

admit that the question is just too challenging for irrelevant Indian like you and we will forgive you, a confession is better than humiliation :rofl:
admit that the question is just too challenging for irrelevant Indian like you and we will forgive you, a confession is better than humiliation :rofl:

Admit that both of YOUR countries are extremely triggered by the spanking China received at Dokhlam.
For an uneducated momo Chinese like you, it must be common. From Japanese to India, from nanking to Dokhlam, the legendary Chinese surrender is indeed legendary.
Admit that both of YOUR countries are extremely triggered by the spanking China received at Dokhlam.
For an uneducated momo Chinese like you, it must be common. From Japanese to India, from nanking to Dokhlam, the legendary Chinese surrender is indeed legendary.

nice try to escape a question again, next time learn a lesson from making an irrelevant statement such as "India is going to arm Vietnam and Taiwan to the teeth." , you don't know what you're talking about, don't put all Indians in shame.
nice try to escape a question, next time learn a lesson from making an irrelevant statement such as "India is going to arm Vietnam and Taiwan to the teeth." , you don't know what you're talking about, don't put all Indians in shame.

Look at how worried you lot are.
India alone gave a spanking in Dokhlam.

Imagine what Taiwan and Vietnam will do to you in fe years.

you can't answer his question as I see, so embarrassed isn't it and talk none sense to escape the question, what an irrelevant Indian.
Just remember they come here to troll and nothing...I really don't know why they are even allowed on this forum. They just bring down its quality. They are the most invalid and useless creatures ... just laugh on them and add to your ignores list...simple.
Anyway, i did not go through the video...But at the end of the day, no shots fired. Even for me, if India has stepped back from its stated position, it is a welcome decison. Rather pointing fingers to India, it was very good opportunity for China to initiate a war against India with an execuse that India encroached to its territory. But due to some strange reason, China did not. That does not mean, China is a peaceful nation who does not want to initiate a war, but it means, China is not yet ready to play a hard game with India...

So this is a situation, where both nation are playing waiting game where China is expecting to have a complete win over India in both militarily as well as diplomatically where as India is making sure, it is fully ready to protect itself in a full fledged war.
Anyway, i did not go through the video...But at the end of the day, no shots fired. Even for me, if India has stepped back from its stated position, it is a welcome decison. Rather pointing fingers to India, it was very good opportunity for China to initiate a war against India with an execuse that India encroached to its territory. But due to some strange reason, China did not. That does not mean, China is a peaceful nation who does not want to initiate a war, but it means, China is not yet ready to play a hard game with India...

So this is a situation, where both nation are playing waiting game where China is expecting to have a complete win over India in both militarily as well as diplomatically where as India is making sure, it is fully ready to protect itself in a full fledged war.

Sure China is preparing for war, what you think we're rushing with military build up in Tibet for? maybe India has realized that China is about to declare ultimatum so it softened it stand, you think we will allow Indian army to stand on our soil for eternity? Regardless if we're peaceful nation or not, Indian army stand on our soil and still expect us to be peaceful...that's rich. And yes this strange reason is India think that it has US and Japan on their side and China will hesitate to declare war, that's a dangerous assumption, Indian government is just gambling with the fate of India, we're 3 times of Indian military budget, 5 times of your economy what make you think we're not ready , we can have an attrition war with India to see who will be the first to collapse.
Sure China is preparing for war, what you think we're rushing with military build up in Tibet for? maybe India has realized that China is about to declare ultimatum so it softened it stand, you think we will allow Indian army to stand on our soil for eternity? Regardless if we're peaceful nation or not, Indian army stand on our soil and still expect us to be peaceful...that's rich. And yes this strange reason is India think that it has US and Japan on their side and China will hesitate to declare war, that's a dangerous assumption, Indian government is just gambling with the fate of India, we're 3 times of Indian military budget, 5 times of your economy what make you think we're not ready , we can have an attrition war with India to see who will be the first to collapse.

Quite expected reply. Again, nations do to serve their interest. So many threads has been posted in this topic. Again, i am not at all surprised with your reaction. But i am much more suprised, how come China did not initiate war and take it so easy..
Sure China is preparing for war, what you think we're rushing with military build up in Tibet for? maybe India has realized that China is about to declare ultimatum so it softened it stand, you think we will allow Indian army to stand on our soil for eternity? Regardless if we're peaceful nation or not, Indian army stand on our soil and still expect us to be peaceful...that's rich. And yes this strange reason is India think that it has US and Japan on their side and China will hesitate to declare war, that's a dangerous assumption, Indian government is just gambling with the fate of India, we're 3 times of Indian military budget, 5 times of your economy what make you think we're not ready , we can have an attrition war with India to see who will be the first to collapse.
But, you're almost getting everything you want with Kung-fu kicks!!!! You wanted some inroads into Bhutanese folks - you'vs cracked the Indian shield. You wanted an unhindered BRICS summit (OBOR in extension) - you've got it. You wanted to show Pentagon India's tolerance/capability limit- you've shown it. You wanted to put India into an arms race coupled with perpetual mobilization mode - you have done that. What more do you want in 2 months???? Compare this to US's 16 years in Afganistan!!!
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Quite expected reply. Again, nations do to serve their interest. So many threads has been posted in this topic. Again, i am not at all surprised with your reaction. But i am much more surprised, how come China did not initiate war and take it so easy..

Because India know that China is about to do something so it has step back to diffuse the tension, as I said again you think we will let Indian army stand on our soil for eternity? war is certainly an option on the table.
Anyway, i did not go through the video...But at the end of the day, no shots fired. Even for me, if India has stepped back from its stated position, it is a welcome decison. Rather pointing fingers to India, it was very good opportunity for China to initiate a war against India with an execuse that India encroached to its territory. But due to some strange reason, China did not. That does not mean, China is a peaceful nation who does not want to initiate a war, but it means, China is not yet ready to play a hard game with India...

So this is a situation, where both nation are playing waiting game where China is expecting to have a complete win over India in both militarily as well as diplomatically where as India is making sure, it is fully ready to protect itself in a full fledged war.

It may just be a lull before the storm though I wish the region stays peaceful but I think hurt egos and miscalculation, and vested interest will result in a big bloodshed and the better will be if one party over powers the other to mitigate the loss of human life.
Look at how worried you lot are.
India alone gave a spanking in Dokhlam.

Imagine what Taiwan and Vietnam will do to you in fe years.

Guess what, The truth hurts.
Taiwan looks India as shit, the most poor and filthy country. They are only fond of USA and Japan.
Guy, I can't stop laughing on your comment.
But, you're almost getting everything you want with Kung-fu kicks!!!! You wanted some inroads into Bhutanese folks - you'vs cracked the Indian shield. You wanted an unhindered BRICS summit (OBOR in extension) - you've got it. You wanted to show Pentagon India's tolerance/capability limit- you've shown it. You wanted to put India into an arms race coupled with perpetual mobilization mode - you have done that. What more do you want in 2 months???? Compare this to US's 16 years in Afganistan!!!

Over these two months, Chinese diplomats, commanders and generals have learn a great deal about India, it's a very good brain awakening for these decision makers over India so they wont take it lightly and caught off guard ever again such as DongLang affaire.

Indeed we have shown to US that we stand where coward not, no matter what kind of challenge ahead of us such SCS, NK or Indian border, we always manage to get out with a satisfactory result (not claim to be total victory). US will acknowledge that China will not be so easy to be push around even if they're making alliance around us.
But, you're almost getting everything you want with Kung-fu kicks!!!! You wanted some inroads into Bhutanese folks - you'vs cracked the Indian shield. You wanted an unhindered BRICS summit (OBOR in extension) - you've got it. You wanted to show Pentagon India's tolerance/capability limit- you've shown it. You wanted to put India into an arms race coupled with perpetual mobilization mode - you have done that. What more do you want in 2 months???? Compare this to US's 16 years in Afganistan!!!
That's a pretty objective analysis. China has achieved a lot without firing a single shot. Chinese soldiers are simply superior to their Indian counterparts in training, health and equipment that even a comparison is not possible. There will never be a time when India will be ready to defend itself against China. The war has not ended rather just began. India should know her allies will not of much help in such a war.
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