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The Big Picture - India's China policy post Doklam


"Details remain sketchy of how the worst border dispute between the two countries in more than three decades was defused after both sides announced on Monday they had agreed to an “expeditious disengagement” of troops from a remote Himalayan plateau.

Although the Chinese foreign ministry sounded triumphant announcing that the Indian troops had withdrawn, experts say it was Beijing who had compromised by seemingly accepting New Delhi’s demand that it stop road construction in the disputed area where China, India and Bhutan meet.

“Despite Beijing’s deliberate ambiguity, China has apparently made substantial concessions in order to end the dispute,” Yue said.

“India has got exactly what it has wanted. It was a humiliating defeat for China to cave in to pressure from India despite all the tough talk,” Yue said."
You were not able to build a road and thinking creating a high speed railway line which requires more planning and longer implementation phases? This is the attitude which no neighbors of China likes about China.
The road is already there till Doka La genius. Not a single inch was touched. :rofl:
Frankly speaking, after all this, I never expected this from China. I cant help but think that China has something up her sleves for India in the future.

"Details remain sketchy of how the worst border dispute between the two countries in more than three decades was defused after both sides announced on Monday they had agreed to an “expeditious disengagement” of troops from a remote Himalayan plateau.

Although the Chinese foreign ministry sounded triumphant announcing that the Indian troops had withdrawn, experts say it was Beijing who had compromised by seemingly accepting New Delhi’s demand that it stop road construction in the disputed area where China, India and Bhutan meet.

“Despite Beijing’s deliberate ambiguity, China has apparently made substantial concessions in order to end the dispute,” Yue said.

“India has got exactly what it has wanted. It was a humiliating defeat for China to cave in to pressure from India despite all the tough talk,” Yue said."
Comment of the year from another website by American guy:

It would have been worse for India than 1962. China would have considered it as a live fire exercise to test all their new impressive armaments. Then there would be no doubt in all of Asia that the dominance of the Middle Kingdom has returned.


You were not able to build a road and thinking creating a high speed railway line which requires more planning and longer implementation phases? This is the attitude which no neighbors of China likes about China.
Now that Indian dirty squatters are ejected, nothing is stopping us from building the road, as China said already. Or do you think Indian Army unilateral retreat helps you to stop us? :lol:
Comment of the year from another website by American guy:

It would have been worse for India than 1962. China would have considered it as a live fire exercise to test all their new impressive armaments. Then there would be no doubt in all of Asia that the dominance of the Middle Kingdom has returned.


Now that Indian dirty squatters are ejected, nothing is stopping us from building the road, as China said already. Or do you think Indian Army unilateral retreat helps you to stop us? :lol:
Now that Indian dirty squatters are ejected, nothing is stopping us from building the road, as China said already. Or do you think Indian Army unilateral retreat helps you to stop us? :lol:
Where is the road, Chieaps? Where is it? Show it before coming back with mental ejaculations.
Over these two months, Chinese diplomats, commanders and generals have learn a great deal about India, it's a very good brain awakening for these decision makers over India so they wont take it lightly and caught off guard ever again such as DongLang affaire.

Indeed we have shown to US that we stand where coward not, no matter what kind of challenge ahead of us such SCS, NK or Indian border, we always manage to get out with a satisfactory result (not claim to be total victory). US will acknowledge that China will not be so easy to be push around even if they're making alliance around us.
Perhaps that's the biggest outcome of this stand off that resulted in India chickening out and capitulating to Chinese pressure. But you've learned how Indians can twist the facts and fool their own people. They try to fool others but no one buys their crap anymore. Further, they use abusive and uncivilised language. So they are not capable of having any objective dialogue. That is the reason why Kashmir issue has not been solved. I believe that India only understand the language of bullets and all the disputes with India can only be solved through force and projection of power. The more power you have, the better.

This will help China and Pakistan greatly as both are now on the same frequency vis-a-vis India and I believe that both countries should collaborate to settle all the disputes with India through a joint military strategy. We should not waste time in dialogues.
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