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The Big Debate : Will India use Rafael ?

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Apr 28, 2011
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As we all know Pakistan's foreign minister did a press conference where he said that Pakistan has intelligence reports that India is planning to conduct a surgical strike to divert attention from various internal crisis. Although I doubt that India will try it, Also there is no guarantee that if they are dumb enough to try it, they would do it through their Air Force. Still if they choose the Air Force, will they use Rafael or not. So guys what do you think ?

Will India use Rafael ???

No question of using Rafael plane. It is most probably for deterrence. The era of conventional war is over.

If u know about our next PM u never ask this question! :yahoo:

If u know about our next PM u never ask this question! :yahoo:

Every one knows about Indian PM apart from Indians themselves. He is a fascist, dumb, illiterate, opportunist, can't get a hard on and a Chi Walla to name the few. Only in India PM with such credentials are elected so buzz off. He doesn't have got the balls to try it again unless he is high on the cow piss again. Rafael are good planes but not the game changers and can be countered by PAF effectively unless clouds can lend helping hand to IAF.
The issue here is psychological, nothing else. IAF needs to win something to allow them to sing and dance on their media channels for the next decade. The humiliation of 2019 still burns them.

If a raid is coming, there is no doubt that Rafale will be used. They're desperate to make a kill.

Pakistan's best strategy is to use their desperation to our advantage and draw them into another trap. Rafale is a dangerous adversary.
If u know about our next PM u never ask this question! :yahoo:

That would be a dream to have this dothead after Modi. It would be awesome to have a totally f*cked up and internally hatred filled and divided Endia before we come again and conquer to rule it for another 1000 years.
No they won’t be any strike.
No they won’t risk such a highly valued asset. The loss of one of these jets would be catastrophic.
Can we also stop making such speculation threads as well.
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