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The Attack on Pakistan's Erieye

high ranking officials have been doing some hanky panky while performing their duties. I wonder why is that, is it because PAF chief has Zardari's support?
By hanky panky I mean to say negligence in performing their duties ( i can't really find the right word to explain it). Low ranking officers are not really pleased with the treatment.
I think its time COAS gives some a$$ whoping to PAF chief,
I can laugh and laugh on this one
Two terror alerts were issued prior to the attacks. One was on 2nd April mentioning PAF base kamra. Second was on 10th August mentioning PAF bases around lahore but the excat date of the attack as 27th Ramzan. yet nothing was done.

last week photo of Adnan Rasheed With Ehsan


This idiot was Ex-PAF himself thats why he was assigned planning the attacks

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