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The atrocities in the 1971 civil war

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Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Whether they hold any weight in the real world is a totally different argument.

The East Pakistan insurgency had largely been controlled militarily - independence would not have been achieved without Indian military intervention, heck, even the insurgency, instability and unrest would not have gotten to the point it did without covert Indian intervention.

:disagree: I do not agree, it was not an Insurgency, even after all these years it seems, we have not reconciled with the past, we do not want to admit the disastrous mistakes our own hands committed against our own brethren. :disagree:

An "Honest question", Who was more Pakistani?

The West who neither founded the Muslim League, nor was fore front in its Pakistan minded resolutions, or the East? For how many years of its Pre-Pakistan history, was the All India Muslim League mainly a work of the struggle and effort of the East Pakistanis (Bengalis)? :disagree:

Ya the biggest political party with 100% seat in parliament in East Pakistan declared independence means insurgency to some people is just living in a fools world. Army was broken, civil adminstration broken even diplomatic missions defected. Does that mean insurgency??? Give me a break.
Yes after 26th of March Bangladesh government seeked help from India, Russia and they were successfull in securing those.

I totally agree, to summarize it all in my own words (please take the time to go through it):

The East Pakistanis created the All India Muslim League from scratch, served as its bastion for years, many of the revolutionary leaders were from there, but when Pakistan came into being, we ditched most of them.

Ignored of basic development and need for decades, we made sure in that time to make them realize how poor and ungrateful they were, how their short stature and dark color didnt look good on us! (the common West Pakistani never felt or said this, for them the Bengalis were true brethren but the elite sure did, and external powers made sure the elite did it for countless years to come)

After being treated like that, they had to liberate themselves from this tyranny, their intent in the beginning was NOT Separation :disagree: (Sheikh Mujeeb's statements and Bhutto's are a testament to that) it was political rights and freedom.

Some of our friends (guess for your self) made sure the Army and Elite in the West would make rebels and criminals out of the Bengalis and ..... they did :disagree:

and our oldest and dearest friend (India) made sure they make this political rights movement into a strong armed resistance if the need be. (I dont blame the Indians at all, and I dont hate them for it or any other act attributed to them, just answer my question all blind patriots and blind India Haters: If you call them enemy, what else did you expect? ........But the real sad thing is... even after knowing that, did any West Pakistani do anything at all to counter it, to help his Bengali brethren? tend to their pain, their misery, their needs? .........NO :disagree:

When due rights are not appreciated, brotherhood changes into contempt, contempt to anger and anger to hatred :frown:

and in times of need, the Bengalis found themselves high and dry under the cold sky ......... and smiling demon looking at them ...... with open arms......


that demon (pakfanboys would love this terminology) gave them arms, ammo and everything that makes war.

The result : A brotherhood broken, a country divided and history separated.......... But what did the West Pakistanis gain out of it?

the elite who always serve their own power

the people who stood silent while their Bengali brothers suffered.....

its a story written in Blood.

and I find only one criminal in it, the West Pakistani people, Us !!!

I have come to this conclusion after studying a great deal about it
, and I ask my Bengali brothers only this:

Please forgive us for the sins that the generations before us committed, those crimes against you, Please find in your hearts the forgiveness, Please forgive us for we were weak, we stood by while you suffered, Please forgive us!
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East Bengal Regiment soldier revolted after hearing about the "Operation Searchlight".When they heard W Pakistani army were targeting civilians,they mutinied.Mutiny took place at 19th March too,if my memory serves me right.

He is right that without Indian help,our independence was impossible.But another fact is also equally true,after 26th March,United Pakistan was impossible.

And about covert Indian ops,I don't know whether its true or false.What I do know is that the magnitude of these ops are being magnified.Just like we magnified the number "3 million deaths",hence losing credibility.

One has to remember,defected bengali military officers and soldiers fled Pakistan and joined the war.Besides the local East Pakistan Rifles and Pakistan army's East Bengal Regiment took up arms.With arms provided,they were trained enough to fight West Pakistan army,which was in strategically disadvantageous position.
Independence was an illusion , illusion created by external forces

Every thing starts with spread of rumors, and wispers , its called psycalogical warfare that most of ordinary Pakistani were not aware of , and it includes attack on mindset and free thought process.

After 1965 war , the external forces , and spy agencies were active , and also Pakistan was embargoed with weapons sanction from our you know who FRIEND ... and our fleet was outdated or getting old - so it was hard for us to defence our freedom and our brothers in east - this gave chance to enemy - spies to plant seeds of deceptions

"ALOT of the allegations would start with - WE HEARD ... a news or certain group
heard a news this was going on - where did they heard the news who told who
becomes lost in translations - its quite possible the same ppl who spread the rumors
were same ones that left bombs and gunned down , ppl in certain villages "

E.g is we see similar strategy being employed in Karachi , target killing etc just a point I am trying to make - most of times these operations are carried out by highly trained spies and other resources whose main purpose is to spread confusion and assit in goals

An Illusion was created that some how, west Pakistan was gaining alot of beef, from deals reality is that East already had rich farm land and highly developed cities , East while had great farming as well had constant problemcs with floods and other issues.

Secondly - roughe leaders were given funds, to launch their polical - destability campaiges by other nations -

a) How Bangladesh was inferior
b) How they had no trade revenues
c) How they are under privlidged
d) How they can be independent , Free nation

A new leader was "created" to incite the schemes and revolts
his job was to spread , lies and polictical seggration issues based on race , the strategy is nothing new.

British and others used the strategy to divide Ottoman empire. The basic principle of that strategy is to prob up nationationalistic views based on race, and then bring in disrupt to a nation's progress, once the job is done the , "PERSON" normally the political leader is Assasinated - which creates a VOID , and then the SYSTEM install any
person of choice to rule of the population via Proxy system

So as far as I know as soon as the "FREEDOM" qoutes , was achived, what happend nothing

a) Bangali leader was assasinated right after the freedom was achieved
b) The party the was suppose to be all 4 Bangali people turned out
to be just someoe who robs the poor in end
And so call freedom was controlled by Army eventually
c) Bangladesh , has not prospered - since 70's its the same nation it
was even with all of the "SO Called" REVENUE now it recieved

WHY DID THE PEOPLE IF EAST PAKISTAN NEVER FOUND THE IDEALS THEY SEEKED , where did all those ppl went who promised the green lush glories , and independence - they were gone their job was done - East Pakistan just became another state , with limited rousources, and unable to make any political statemet on world

Its done before - its easier to control smaller sized nations then giant natios who spread , across thousads of miles like china or russia - its a global game -

Same floods come in each year, killing people , and same old misery

In the end it is the Military in Bangladesh that came to power - so all those dreams of democracy and freedoem laid to rest -

Mean while Pakistan as continued to develop - and to be honest we miss our brothers for east greatly its a sad chapter in our history

If Indeed , Pakistan was robbing Bangladesh severely - why did they not prosper after the divide , its simple , it was all illusios and stories created to , incite people to revolt - once the job was done the people singing the tunes, and hyping up issues left with their bags in the special operation bags not before getting ride of the old ally - :sniper:

Why would they risk all the old friendly contacts being exploited ???:coffee:

If Pakistan and Pakistan West was together - we would have now been both Nuclear power and by now 1-2 dams were built to solve Bagladeshis flood problems I am 100% sure on that issue.

I think the biggest flaw in the story is the idea that if Bangladesh was formed , some how it would be the biggest greatest nation , but it did not happened, and before people realised that and revolted they were locked down political free speech taken away from them and Army was in charge -

What every happens All pakistanis still love our brothers from east -

We see a similar campaign taking place now , in balouchistan but we have Nuclear weapons and lots of fighters its not as, it was before when we had no airforce in East Pakistan -

Further Read
Arab Revolt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Displays how race was used as a weapon to divide Ottoma Empire

Regardless brothers in East Pakista will always be our brothers -
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Good analysis but bit biased.
You are right on this. Yes we did not prosper as expected and the democracy remained illusive till 1990. We had two lost decades 70's and 80's. But BD needed some ground work as we started from scratch after 1971.

If we set aside discrimination, there were not much work done in human development, birth control or education in 1947-71. So we inherited those drawbacks and the natural disasters. In 1970's cyclone we lost half a million of our people which reduced to quarter million in 1991 similar cyclone and now we can only loose few hundreds. Shelter centers are built, embarkment are in place and we have the finest disaster management and early warning system in the world. Flood is no more a problem for us as we switched our major crops in winter season and 80% of our land is under irrigation. We invented water and salinity tolerant crops which helped us to feed 16 crore people out of this scarce land.
Our 98% kids are going to school now and more girls in high school than boys. We have the second lowest in population growth rate in south asia after srilanka. We buit one of the 5 biggest city in the world.

We overtook India in textile export this year and compete with chinese in equal footings. We export as much as Pakistan and import half of Pakistan. Our economy now is bigger than combined economy of Srilanka+Nepal+Bhutan+Myanmar. We are the only economy in south asia which has a current account surplus by a healthy amount.

We are the biggest exporter of Jute, Our shipbuilding started putting its mark in the world arena. We are the biggest ship breaker in the world. We will start exporting cars in Europ by 2012. We have the world's biggest textile and footwear industry in Bangladesh.
We also created the world's biggest NGO's who works not only within our boundary but all accross africa, south asia including Pakistan, china, Afganistan etc. They are self sustaining and not dependent on donor countries.

We invite our W. Pakistani business friends to all our events from Fashion shows to Trade fairs to even in every silly things we do here and we are encouraged by their enthusiasm in participating to the same.

Yet we have a long way to go and we are looking forward to those days. We probably wont be able to do all those goodies if we were with India or with Pakistan. We needed to take care of our own $hit
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And Bangladesh Constitution is Islam based since we Muslim regained sovereignty of Bangladesh from dalal Mujib in 75. :smokin:

YOur so called Islamic constitution is declared illegal by high court and it is going to revert back to originals. So keep dreaming.
YOur so called Islamic constitution is declared illegal by high court and it is going to revert back to originals. So keep dreaming.

In all legality this Awami govt will render illegal as election was conducted by an illegal entity by so many count including Fake-ruddin being citizen of another country. Awami govt using AJ office and other means influencing judiciary and posting party loyal judge in different HC benches. Rafique-ul Huq Lawyer who defended Hasina in time of needs already spoken out against Awami pressuring judiciary.

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YOur so called Islamic constitution is declared illegal by high court and it is going to revert back to originals. So keep dreaming.

Since when court has the autority to declared constitution is legal or Illegal? It has do be pass in the Parliament and awami leauge sure can do that with their majority however I do not think you guys have the balls to reinstate the 72 constitution in it's original form cause your prime minister and your law minister has said that they will keep "Bismillah" and "Islam" in it's place than naturally question arises how the hell you going to reinstate original secular constituion unless Awami leuge is lying as usual or testing the endurance of bangldeshi tauheedi muslims. :undecided:

You heard the phrase. It ain't over until over." Now if your awami government can do that than I personally show you guys some respect otherwise you guys are just pethetic and weak in your Believe. :smokin:
Since when court has the autority to declared constitution is legal or Illegal? It has do be pass in the Parliament and awami leauge sure can do that with their majority however I do not think you guys have the balls to reinstate the 72 constitution in it's original form cause your prime minister and your law minister has said that they will keep "Bismillah" and "Islam" in it's place than naturally question arises how the hell you going to reinstate original secular constituion unless Awami leuge is lying as usual or testing the endurance of bangldeshi tauheedi muslims. :undecided:

You heard the phrase. It ain't over until over." Now if your awami government can do that than I personally show you guys some respect otherwise you guys are just pethetic and weak in your Believe. :smokin:

Since the constitution is written. The authority is given by the constitution itself.
Bismillah is not part of the constitution so it can remain as is, or I would rather suggest to translate that to Bangla so everybody regardless of religious orientation can say those words. AL says they will not let BNP to do dirty Bismillah politics playing with the sentiment of people. So they are out smarting crook BNP this time.

Since the constitution is written. The authority is given by the constitution itself.
Bismillah is not part of the constitution so it can remain as is, or I would rather suggest to translate that to Bangla so everybody regardless of religious orientation can say those words. AL says they will not let BNP to do dirty Bismillah politics playing with the sentiment of people. So they are out smarting crook BNP this time.


What kind of Idiot are you? How is it that Bismillah and state religion Islam is not part of Constitution when it was included in the constitution through series of amendments in the pariliment? You have to delete Bismillah and state religion Islam if you wish to reinstate original constitution. There is no other way around it.

Stop being a pethetic double standard losers and implement what you believe like us. :smokin:

Perhaps you suggest us to translate surah from quran in bangla to recite in salat as well.(Nauzubillah). You need stop drinking that bharati piss drink before developed massive Kidney failure or perhaps too late.
What kind of Idiot are you? How is it that Bismillah and state religion Islam is not part of Constitution when it was included in the constitution through series of amendments in the pariliment? You have to delete Bismillah and state religion Islam if you wish to reinstate original constitution. There is no other way around it.

Stop being a pethetic double standard losers and implement what you believe like us. :smokin:

Perhaps you suggest us to translate surah from quran in bangla to recite in salat as well.(Nauzubillah). You need stop drinking that bharati piss drink before developed massive Kidney failure or perhaps too late.

Watch your mouth dude, as you brag about your familly. Learn how to respect people first then their point views. Its a practice and never be too late to adopt even if you were not raised that way.
Rest no comments... your intellegence dont have that capacity to grab what i said in my post and will not be in any of my subsequent post
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What kind of Idiot are you? How is it that Bismillah and state religion Islam is not part of Constitution when it was included in the constitution through series of amendments in the pariliment? You have to delete Bismillah and state religion Islam if you wish to reinstate original constitution. There is no other way around it.

Stop being a pethetic double standard losers and implement what you believe like us. :smokin:

Perhaps you suggest us to translate surah from quran in bangla to recite in salat as well.(Nauzubillah). You need stop drinking that bharati piss drink before developed massive Kidney failure or perhaps too late.

Now now now. Stop it. Promoting our exports I am certain is not permitted on :pdf:. By the way , if you are based in the USA you may buy our piss drinks at discounted rates at most Walmarts. I am certain that you must still hanker for its taste :D
If we set aside discrimination, there were not much work done in human development, birth control or education in 1947-71. So we inherited those drawbacks and the natural disasters. In 1970's cyclone we lost half a million of our people which reduced to quarter million in 1991 similar cyclone and now we can only loose few hundreds. Shelter centers are built, embarkment are in place and we have the finest disaster management and early warning system in the world.

Ya, it's well done but not any big done as these developments are usual with the elapse of times and generations.

Flood is no more a problem for us as we switched our major crops in winter season and 80% of our land is under irrigation. We invented water and salinity tolerant crops which helped us to feed 16 crore people out of this scarce land.

Well recovered by BD. Also we have very fertile land so we can recover our natural disasters like flood quickly.

Our 98% kids are going to school now and more girls in high school than boys. We have the second lowest in population growth rate in south asia after srilanka. We buit one of the 5 biggest city in the world.

Ya, it's very well and big done.

We overtook India in textile export this year and compete with chinese in equal footings. We export as much as Pakistan and import half of Pakistan. Our economy now is bigger than combined economy of Srilanka+Nepal+Bhutan+Myanmar. We are the only economy in south asia which has a current account surplus by a healthy amount.

Ya, it's very well and big done by BD.
But the problem is I do not feel proud for our garment sectors. Because here we have developed because of our low cost of labor. This not any technological achievement by us. We just invested, imported machine and used our cheap labor. But, of course, that is a excellent work by BD to maintain our garment products up to intentional high quality.

We are the biggest exporter of Jute, Our shipbuilding started putting its mark in the world arena. We are the biggest ship breaker in the world.

Well done by BD.

We will start exporting cars in Europ by 2012.

Where you've got this news?

We have the world's biggest textile and footwear industry in Bangladesh.

Well done by BD.

We also created the world's biggest NGO's who works not only within our boundary but all accross africa, south asia including Pakistan, china, Afganistan etc. They are self sustaining and not dependent on donor countries.

Great work by BD.

We invite our W. Pakistani business friends to all our events from Fashion shows to Trade fairs to even in every silly things we do here and we are encouraged by their enthusiasm in participating to the same.

Well done by BD.

Yet we have a long way to go and we are looking forward to those days. We probably wont be able to do all those goodies if we were with India or with Pakistan.

Not sure about what would happen if we were with Pakistan cos we could be very developed if we were together and could establish a good relation between us. At least, we would not have to face Indian dominance and dependency in this bad way.

But why there is a question to be with India?
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Not sure about what would happen if we were with Pakistan cos we could be very developed if we were together and could establish a good relation between us. At least, we would not have to face Indian dominance and dependency in this bad way.
Yes we could in ideal scenario and that was the idea in 1947. Bigger is better. But we had no say in Pakistan affairs as we could not contribute politically, administratively. So we had to depart from Pakistan.
But why there is a question to be with India?

Because we departed from India in 1947.
1. Getting back to the topic, Bengalee elements of Pak military / paramilitary resisted when fired upon. These were the people who trained and led almost the entire youth of Bangladesh who came out to defend their homes and hearth.

2. It would have been silly for Indira's govt not to support the Bangladesh movement for many reasons. One of them is the popular support the Bangladesh cause had gained all over India, but specially among the Bengalees of India. Add to this the golden opportunity to break-up Pakistan, and take revenge of 1965 War. Through this operation India also saught to sort out the extremists / Naxalites, Nagas, Mizos and other separatist movements. Bangladesh leadership in exile was also able to get the support of the Soviet Union thru veteran Communist leader Moni Singh and Socialist leader Muzaffar Ahmed - both of whom were well known to the Soviet Polit Buro; and the Soviets in fact encouraged India to support.

3. The other point is, India had no choice but to support the insurgency and act to reach the final classical phase of such operation by launching conventional war. Otherwise, both Bangladesh and N E India would have faced rise of communist extremism and the tempo of separatist activities would have risen. It seems Pak leaders never seem to have understood these.

4. In the War of Liberation, Bengalee political leaders led by Awami League provided the laison / linkage with Indian leadership, and also internally among various civilian elements. The Bangladesh military officers provided the vital linkage among various fighting groups / subgroups. Where necessary Indian Army laison, communication, artillery fire control officers, etc were provided.
I agree with AgNoStIc MuSliM

Few Hindu loving mukti could not have achieved nothing if you did not shelter, trained and financed them. Separation of Pakistan has more to do with bharat, anti Islamic elements and traitors joint conspiracy than common east Pakistanis.

Musjib's and his whole family's violent death, mukti being miss treated by most Bangladeshis, death of other awami leaders, killing target of awami leaders, label as bharati dalal and awami out of power most of the time in the history modern Bangladesh proved my theory.:smokin:
We are a free country and will remain free ferom the clasps of foreigners that include both Pakistan and India. Under what logic you are prescribing a secondary role for the Bangali Muslims? Do not come to this forum with BD flag, you are not fit to be a citizen of a free country.
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