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The Army Retools Its Recon Planes For The Pacific Era


Jan 18, 2009
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If you know anything at all about Army aviation, then you know that soldiers fly helicopters. When the Army and the Air Force became separate services after World War Two, the Air Force got almost all of the fixed-wing planes and the Army got almost all the rotorcraft. However, there are a handful of exceptions to this general rule — areas where the type of aircraft each service typically flies isn’t well suited to a mission it must perform. For instance, the Air Force uses helicopters for combat search and rescue. In the case of the Army, the biggest exception to the rotorcraft-only rule is tactical reconnaissance: it operates a small fleet of turboprop airplanes for collecting battlefield intelligence useful to operational commanders.

The Army doesn’t say much about this fleet, because its success depends partly on secrecy. Try to find a current photograph of the RC-12 Guardrail signals-intelligence plane, and you’ll see what I mean. The antennas mounted on the airframe tell enemies a little bit too much about what it is capable of doing. So even if you’ve spent your entire adult life in the defense business, you may not know what roles the Army’s nine EO-5C reconnaissance planes perform in Latin America, the Middle East and Northeast Asia. In fact, chances are you’ve never even heard of them.

Usually, that’s just fine with the Army. It doesn’t want the Taliban to know it has an airborne radar that can see through darkness or clouds or rain to generate high-quality imagery of scenes many miles away. The system is so good it can actually monitor how footprints in the sand change over time. Now that’s precision — the kind of precision you need when trying to hunt down rag-tag insurgents whose main operational advantage is being able to hide. The same plane, better known as Airborne Reconnaissance Low (or ARL), can intercept and fix the location of hostile radio transmissions (presumably including cell phones), track moving ground targets and generate high-quality electro-optical imagery in both the infrared and visible-light portions of the spectrum.

Pretty nifty, right? Well the Army has all sorts of ideas for other sensors it could mount on the planes that can see through foliage and even into the ground, but the planes are already so overloaded with equipment that they take the better part of an hour to get to their operating altitude. That isn’t surprising, because like all the other fixed-wing aircraft in the Army’s tactical recon fleet, they were acquired quickly in response to an urgent threat, and no one realized at the time how versatile and useful they might eventually become. ARL, for instance, was assembled fast in the early 1990s by a company called California Microwave to assist U.S. Southern Command with what are now called stability operations in Central and South America.

If the Army had realized the same plane would later be modified and upgraded for service in the Balkans, Korea, Afghanistan and Iraq, it might have spent a little more time picking the airframe used for the mission. By the time it acquired several used DeHavilland of Canada Dash-7 regional airliners in 1991, the plane was already out of production — a victim of the high maintenance costs its four engines imposed on owners. But it had some distinct advantages in the tactical recon role: its high wing enabled sensors to have an unobstructed view of the ground, and its four engines enabled it to climb out of small airports with short runways — the kind of airstrips found in much of Southcom’s operating area.

Today, a quarter-century after DeHavilland (now part of Bombardier) ceased production of the Dash-7, the Army knows it needs a new airframe to host the ARL mission. With only a few dozen still operating around the world, it is getting hard to find spare parts or qualified mechanics. And it isn’t just the EO-5C airframe that needs to be modernized. The Army has spent fully half of the last 25 years fighting counter-insurgency campaigns in Southwest Asia, not to mention side actions in places such as Panama and the Balkans. As it joins the rest of the joint force in shifting strategic focus to the Pacific, a tactical recon fleet that has become increasingly oriented to irregular warfare needs to be revamped for a broader array of military challenges.

Earlier this year, the Army delivered an “aerial intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance” strategic plan to Congress outlining how it proposes to retool its fleet. The plan would retire about half of its airborne recon assets and consolidate to four airframes: ARL, Guardrail, a twin-engine sensor aircraft developed with overseas contingency funds called the Enhanced Medium Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System (EMARSS), and the Gray Eagle unmanned surveillance drone. Northrop Grumman NOC -0.13% is currently the lead player on ARL and Guardrail, while Boeing BA -0.48% is prime contractor for EMARSS and General Atomics builds the drone; Northrop and Boeing contribute to my think tank.

If this plan is successfully executed, the Army will end up with a more affordable recon fleet that is better suited to the requirements of the Pacific region. However, success is by no means assured. Every one of the major airborne reconnaissance programs that the Army was planning to develop in the 1990s was eventually canceled, leaving the service at a disadvantage when it found itself leading two counter-insurgency campaigns in the next decade. It had to rely on aging Cold War recon systems, quick-reaction programs developed in response to immediate tactical needs, and the assets of other services to secure truck routes and target the Taliban.

The haphazard way in which reconnaissance capabilities were acquired for the campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq dictated some sort of rationalization once those conflicts wound down, and the Army’s new airborne recon strategy is its first comprehensive attempt at making the necessary changes. The basic idea is to field a smaller fleet of more capable reconnaissance platforms that can contribute to the concept of “regionally aligned, mission-tailored forces” set forth in the Army’s strategic planning guidance. The nine new aircraft planned to comprise the Airborne Reconnaissance Low fleet bulk especially large in service plans for the Pacific.

As Army leaders think about how to recapitalize their ARL planes, they would do well to remember the lessons of the past. The first lesson is to avoid the cost and complexity that results from trying to develop a plane that can do every conceivable mission at the same time. The Army and Navy took that approach a few years back with a program called the Aerial Common Sensor, and it collapsed because they were trying to stuff too much capability into too little plane. If the Army really believes in “mission-tailored” capabilities, then it ought to develop a modular design for ARL sensors that allows various systems to be easily installed or removed as circumstances dictate. The alternative is to carry around a lot of excess baggage that reduces aircraft endurance.

The second lesson is to avoid the long-term support costs associated with buying an airframe that is out of production. The Army needs to select a widely used plane that is still in demand, so it can enjoy the advantages of a robust supplier base for spare parts and a large pool of qualified mechanics. That would seem to drive it toward Bombardier‘s Q400 version of the Dash-8, an airframe based on the Dash-7 that has the same high wing needed for unobstructed sensor views but a more fuel-efficient, maintainable twin-engine design. All of the earlier versions of the Dash-8 are now out of production, which means if the Army favors one of those it could soon be facing the same support problems seen on the Dash-7.

A final lesson is to recognize that in a world of novel threats and new technologies, the demands placed on the Airborne Reconnaissance Low fleet will probably continue growing. That means buying an airframe and developing a sensor architecture with the option for future growth. The Army already understands that the sensors and other equipment on ARL planes must be open-architecture systems that allow flexibility in the future, but it would be a mistake to embrace an intricate design that barely manages to fit everything into the available space, because new needs will inevitably emerge later. So buying a plane with the carrying capacity and internal volume of the Q400 or its equivalent is vital to avoiding the kind of limitations the recon fleet faces today.

Sometimes the phrase "fog of war" is all too literal a description of the confusion that reigns in wartime, as this picture of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan illustrates. The Army operates a fleet of tactical recon aircraft such as EO-5C Airborne Reconnaissance Low planes that can see through darkness, dust, clouds and rain to track elusive threats like the Taliban. (Image credit: AFP/Getty Images via @daylife)


The Army Retools Its Recon Planes For The Pacific Era - Forbes
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