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The Arabs are paying the price for peace with Israel

Möbius Curve

Dec 5, 2018
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January 22, 2019

In the past few years, Israel, the alien state in the region, has been sleeping in peace in a way that it has never dreamt of since it was founded more than seven decades ago. Meanwhile, the Arabs are drowning in war and blood day after day. If we expand our awareness and attention to what is happening, we find that the deeper the Arab states sink into war, the more unprecedented peace and happiness that Israel and its military occupation enjoy.

Over the past five years, Israel has launched a series of raids on Syria and carried out carefully planned military operations across the border, including the assassinations of Samir Qantar, Imad Mughniyeh, and others. It has also carried out military operations elsewhere, including the assassination of Engineer Mohamed Zouari in Tunisia and the assassination of Palestinian academic and researcher Fadi Al-Batsh in Malaysia. It may have even carried out more killings in other countries without anyone realising, especially since Israel does not immediately admit to such operations. It only confessed a few years ago, for example, that it had killed the martyr Wadie Haddad in Iraq in 1978, 30 years after the assassination which people thought was a natural death.

Israeli raids and operations in recent years are an important indicator of the peace and relative relaxation enjoyed by the state, at a time when the Arabs are preoccupied with their internal conflicts, which have cost them enormously in human and material terms. The richest Arab countries suffer from deficits in their budgets and suffocating economic crises, while the poorest Arab countries, such as Syria, Yemen and Libya, are standing in line waiting to die. Their citizens who have escaped death by gunfire and bombs are facing starvation and extreme cold temperatures in refugee camps, or maybe even being drowned in their attempts to escape to the shores of Europe.

According to Elias Khoury, the editor of Palestine Studies magazine, there is a link between peace with Israel and the Arab internal war, pointing out that the Arab world is paying the price of that peace, which is far greater than the price of conflict and war with the Zionist state. At least 72,000 Arab martyrs have been killed in the wars with Israel, which is far fewer than those lost in inter-Arab conflicts. In Lebanon, for example, more than 120,000 people died in the civil war alone. Khoury asks whether this deceptive peace is merely a door to hell for the Arab world. Have the past few years proven that the price of peace is higher than the price of war?

The answer may well be yes, especially if we take into consideration the Machiavellian theory that when people face an external danger, they come together and forget their internal disputes. They rally behind each other in order to face the external threat and defeat it.

To say that the Arabs are paying the price of peace with Israel or that Israel is enjoying peace at great cost to the Arabs amounts to one and the same thing. Israel is reaping the benefits of the Arabs being in perpetual conflict. Ultimately, it is the sole beneficiary. The fact that it is being allowed to get away with attacking targets in Syria and assassinating its enemies with apparent impunity is not the only benefit that the Israeli government has obtained from Arab conflicts. It is also sitting back and watching Arab leaders fall over themselves in the race to normalise relations with the Zionist state in our midst.

The biggest tool of war the Israelis have are Mizrahi Jews. The know mid east languages cultures sentiments and feelings. And can effectively stay embedded in Arab societies for a long time even making their way into corridor of power, engineering social changes and waging 5gen wars.

They also remember how they were defeated and kicked out of Medinah. And harbor deep anger and resentment against muslims.
Very sad story,
there is not any honor remain for some Arab countries.
They became total Zionists dolls.

The biggest tool of war the Israelis have are Mizrahi Jews. The know mid east languages cultures sentiments and feelings. And can effectively stay embedded in Arab societies for a long time even making their way into corridor of power, engineering social changes and waging 5gen wars.

They also remember how they were defeated and kicked out of Medinah. And harbor deep anger and resentment against muslims.
So, do you Suggest house of Saud are undercover Zionists??
One genuine question - it is a well known fact that Muhammad drove out the Jews from middle East as he was establishing Islam . Isn't it fair that the Jews are given some sort of land of their own ? No trollers ,sarcasm or angry post please. Jusy wabt to know opinion.
Syria have been supporting Kurdish rebellion in Turkey and now Turkey have ravaged Syria By Supporting Islamist Militants in Syria with US help. Infighting between Islamist Militants backed by Turkey, Saudi Arabia UAE and Syrian Government backed by Iran and Russia have ravaged Syria to Ground.
Yemen is destroyed by Fighting between Saudi Arabia and Iran Backed Hauti Militants.
ISIS was created by Iraqi Sunnis Strengthened by Syrian Sunnis as a result of Sunni Shia Conflict of Middle East.
Libya was destroyed by Islamist Militants with the help of French and UK Airforce all ground fighting was done by mujaheddin.
A Lot of facts the OP simply ignored while analyzing Arab World.
Turkey-Syria, Iran-Saudi Arabia, are much more bloody and hateful conflicts in middle east right now devastating the ME.
Except Syria Yemen Libya and Iraq There is nothing happening in Arab World. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Jordan etc and even outside Arab world Turkey and Iran all are living peacefully.
I wish some day same OP will be writing about an explanatory Arab or other Anti Israel Country that how that country have developed itself and surpassed Israel in Industrial Output, Agriculture Research and Economy instead of these far fetched feel good Conspiracy theories.
I don't need to comment on Arab Israel Conflict but if some one wants to compete with Israel, Beet their Industry and Economy.
They could also be undercover house of Khomeini or Imran Khan.

Dont get too excited so soon dude.
Are we Arabs ???
You were speaking about Arabs.
Saudis have no shame they completely became Zionists and American puppet.
The biggest tool of war the Israelis have are Mizrahi Jews. The know mid east languages cultures sentiments and feelings. And can effectively stay embedded in Arab societies for a long time even making their way into corridor of power, engineering social changes and waging 5gen wars.

They also remember how they were defeated and kicked out of Medinah. And harbor deep anger and resentment against muslims.

Here the chronology in the formation of MOSSAD:

1915 November: Netzah Yisrael Lo Yeshaker (NILI), a clandestine pro-British spying organization, is founded in Ottoman Turkish-ruled Palestine by Aharon Aaronsohn, his brother Alexander Aaronsohn, his
sister Sarah Aaronsohn, Avshalom Feinberg, and the Belkind brothers.

1917 February: The first contact is made between the Netzah Yisrael Lo Yeshaker (NILI) center at Atlit and British intelligence in Cairo. The connection is maintained by sea for several months and the British receive useful
information from the group. September: The Turks catch a carrier pigeon sent from Atlit to Egypt, furnishing clear proof of espionage within the Jewish population. One of the group, Na’aman Belkind, is captured by the Turks. 1 October: NILI is uncovered by the Turkish police; Turkish soldiers surround its members in Zikhron Ya’akov and arrest many people, including Sarah Aaronsohn. 5 October: Sarah Aaronsohn attempts suicide after four days of torture: she shoots and mortally wounds herself, dying on 9 October.

1919 May: Aharon Aaronsohn is killed in an air accident; Netzah Yisrael Lo Yeshaker (NILI) finally breaks up.

1920 The Haganah underground militia is officially established.

1936 Ezra Danin, together with Ephraim Dekel and Emmanuel Wilensky, lays the foundations of the Arab Department in the Haganah.

1939 The Mossad Le’Aliyah Beth is created to organize illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine.

1940 June: Shaul Avigur, in a memorandum to the Haganah command, proposes establishing a joint countrywide information service. September: Avigur’s proposal goes into effect, and the Information Service (Sheruth Yedioth, or Shai), the Haganah’s intelligence arm, is officially established.

1941 The Palmah underground militia creates the Syrian Platoon, commanded by Yisrael Ben-Yehuda and Yehoshua (Josh) Palmon, who have made a major specialist contribution to Shai; members of the platoon
speak Arabic and operate in Syria.

1942 Due to World War II, the Mossad Le’Aliyah Beth activities are wholly suspended for the duration of the war.

1943 The Palmah sets up the Arab Platoon, a unit of combat and intelligence officers disguised as Arabs for covert missions. It is known by its codename Shahar.

1944 The Palmah sets up the German Platoon, consisting of Germanspeaking Palestinian Jews, commanded by Shimon Avidan. They are parachuted into Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe to encourage resistance and collect intelligence. The Mossad Le’Aliyah Beth activities are resumed when Palestinian Jews learn the full extent of the “Final Solution.”

1945 Yolande Harmer is recruited in Egypt to the Political Department of the Jewish Agency during a visit to Egypt by the department’s head, Moshe Sharett; posing as a journalist, she is considered one of the best spies in Egypt. July: Briha (Escape), an organization for the illegal immigration movement of Jews to Palestine from postwar Soviet-occupied Eastern Europe, begins activities.

1946 In Hadera, Palmah’s Arab Platoon organizes courses on intelligence, as a result of cooperation between Zerubaval Vermal (Arbel), nicknamed Chifab, later a founder of combat intelligence in Israel Defense
Forces (IDF), and Yehoshua Flomin. Participants are taught Arabic and hear lectures to gain an acquaintance with the Arabs.

1948 14 May: The State of Israel is declared. 15 May: Israel becomes an independent state. 7 June: Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, after consulting with Shai’s acting director Reuven Shiloah, resolves to establish
three intelligence organizations instead of Shai: Military Intelligence (MI), attached to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) General Staff; a domestic secret service, later known as the Israeli Security Agency (ISA); and a foreign intelligence service. The first two are initially subordinate to the IDF; the foreign intelligence service is intended to be subordinate to the minister of defense until the end of Israel’s War of Independence.

So, Israeli's started infiltration of Arabs from 1946, that's why they are very deeply entrenched there!
Jews from middle East as he was establishing Islam
Jews were never forced out of anywhere other than Medina. Even today you will find sizable Jewish communities in many Arab counteries.
Two Arab countries made pace with Israel: Egypt and Jordan. They are fine. Price are paying those who at war with Israel.

Jews were never forced out of anywhere other than Medina. Even today you will find sizable Jewish communities in many Arab counteries.
Only Morocc has tiny Jewish community of couple thousands (compare to hundreds thousands before). All other Arab countries weer cleansed of Jews.
One genuine question - it is a well known fact that Muhammad drove out the Jews from middle East as he was establishing Islam . Isn't it fair that the Jews are given some sort of land of their own ? No trollers ,sarcasm or angry post please. Jusy wabt to know opinion.
It was an act of war, and according to just laws, they all should have been killed, but they were just expelled from their homes. They provided help and Intel to the enemy, which if had prevailed Madina, would have killed everyone there.
And Izabella of Spain did the same to Muslims and Jews. So, you see?
Two Arab countries made pace with Israel: Egypt and Jordan. They are fine. Price are paying those who at war with Israel.

Only Morocc has tiny Jewish community of couple thousands (compare to hundreds thousands before). All other Arab countries weer cleansed of Jews.
When all the jews will gather in palestine then their turn will come.
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