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The Arabazation of Islam

Feb 2, 2009
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In the past few decades,there has been a noticable trend amongst non-Arab Muslims to try to move towards a more Arabic identity.This is based on the premise that since the Quran was revealed to the Arabs their culture should have more influence on the daily lives of all non-Arab Muslims an example of this can be seen in how some Muslims in South Asia have started to say "Allah Hafiz" instead of "Khuda Hafiz" since "Allah" is more Arabic than the Farsi "Khuda" since basically to them,using more Arabic=being a better Muslim .Here are a couple of articles from India and Pakistan respectively which point this out clearly:

Allah Hafiz instead of Khuda Hafiz, that’s the worrying new mantra

DAWN.COM | Columnists | Allah Hafiz to Khuda Hafiz

I personally think that as some Muslims adopt Salafism and try to return to the "purer" form of Islam of the days of the Prophet Muhammed then some Arabs would want to use it to gain more power which they have gained since the decline and collapse of the Ottoman Empire.Since for most of the past 1200 years, the Muslim world has been dominated by non-Arab powers,even today in the Middle East, two of the most influential and powerful Muslim nations are Turkey and Iran.

I personally think it actually contradicts some Hadiths which say that no race of humanity should be favoured over another.

Pakistanis must remember that they are PAKISTANIS not ARABS. We must be proud of both our hindu and muslim heritage, and realise that distancing ourselves from south asian culture will not help with the current identity crisis.
as muslims we know that there is nothing in arab that we call our self arabs bcoz our holy prophet(PBUH) clearly said that arab has no superiority over non arab..but still we love our prophet culture and as well our pakistani culture
I have observed a sense of ' superiority' among arabs when dealing with non arab muslims.

It is evident in almost everything they do or say during work.

Why is this when from what I have read in this forum, all should be alike.
as muslims we know that there is nothing in arab that we call our self arabs bcoz our holy prophet(PBUH) clearly said that arab has no superiority over non arab..but still we love our prophet culture and as well our pakistani culture

Why should we love our prophet's (pbuh) culture? He is our prophet because of religion, not because of his culture. Pakistanis need to stop emulating arabs, and just be ourselves.
I have observed a sense of ' superiority' among arabs when dealing with non arab muslims.

It is evident in almost everything they do or say during work.

Why is this when from what I have read in this forum, all should be alike.
care to elaborate please
this is a false claim that the arab say that being arabic makes u a better muslim and as my father says all the prophets were sent to the arab because they were the most backward. In Pakistan alot of people hate arab governments because they are spineless cowards and there seems to be growing suppourt for iranians and their president mahmoud ahmedinejad because they are strong and independant. I personally take pride in my culture and race more than religion what have these arabs given us but war and suicide bombers while they take orders from uncle sam why dont they fight jihad in their own country
I have observed a sense of ' superiority' among arabs when dealing with non arab muslims.

It is evident in almost everything they do or say during work.

Why is this when from what I have read in this forum, all should be alike.

yes all should be alike and if anyone acts as superior he or she is acting against Islam.

In the eyes of Allah S.W.T. only those who are pious and honest and decent and humble and truthful and Believe in Wahadat are superior, and he will be the judge of that on the day of judgment.
Visit any Arab or Iranian forum and see their view about Pakistan and Pakistani Muslims.They consider themselves far supperior then us just because they are camel jockets.To hell with Arabs and Iranians..Fuk'em.

Saad brother take it easy. We all have issues. Don't worry about what they think but just be a good Muslim and try to please Allah and love our beloved prophet...........:)

Qur'aan is in Arabic so we must learn Arabic to recite and pray. Sunnah is basically the life of prophet (S.W.A) and we have to follow it more or less thus Arabic influence is unavoidable if you are to stay as practicing Muslim.
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All reasons for others to treat us badly is because we immigrate to make our lives better and for better opportunities in other lands, had we been smart than we would not waste our money on buying arms from others, but spent that money to invest in our people and stay in our own countries and earn the respect and not decadence of others.

" Believe that you are defeated, believe it long enough, and it is likely to become a fact".
Why should we love our prophet's (pbuh) culture? He is our prophet because of religion, not because of his culture. Pakistanis need to stop emulating arabs, and just be ourselves.

Who is loving the culture? The idiotic article about the concern around "why we say Allah hafiz instead of Khuda Hafiz" in itself is a non-issue.

Muslims are supposed to emulate the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). This emulation includes the Islamic greetings of Assalamu alalikum and not khuda hafiz or Allah hafiz. You say whatever you want to, however emulation of the life of the Prophet (pbuh) is something that is highly recommended.

These are all supererogatory issues. You follow his lifestyle, you earn ajr. If you do not then you just do the faraid. Urdu language is a mix of Arabic, farsi, Turkish and Sanskrit. As such evolution in the usage is inevitable. We may stop saying Allah/Khuda hafiz altogether and stick with the arabic greeting of AoA. WHat is wrong with that?

This is a non-issue gents. There are greater problems to worry about instead of bothering with KH/AH or AoA.
Pakistanis must remember that they are PAKISTANIS not ARABS. We must be proud of both our hindu and muslim heritage, and realise that distancing ourselves from south asian culture will not help with the current identity crisis.

and thats the Problem:Muslim heritage CONTRADICTS hindu heritage. Its like trying to mix oil into water.
One believes you must while the other forbids.

Islam does not mean Arabasation, YOu can be a Muslim and adopting certain things in your/a culture provided in does not go against the teachings of Islam.

Unless, alirulesall123 you are saying that Pakistanis should be proud of thier Indian culture (and not the Hindu way of life) and being a Muslims then thats ok.

However I would like to point out that we need to be careful that our proudness of our culture DOES NOT TURN INTO NATIONALISM and divide our people further. This message does not apply only to Pakistanis but as a Muslim as a whole and Muslim around the world which we live in sorrow state .
arabization needs to be stopped i like my pakistani DESI CULTURE arab culture can stay in the middle east where it belongs.Pakistan today is suffering coz of arabs all of 9/11 hijackers were arab yet it's pakistanis and afghans who are being killed today as a result of their actions :angry:
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Mr. Khans you are right, but we seem to be not capable of telling that to those who are making us fight each other and in turn we do what ever they say and not what is right.

We have failed us and continue to do so by our own stupidity. We have no one to blame but us.

the solution is easy. and is in the sayings of our Beloved prophet. P.B.U.H.

Verily your deeds will be brought back to you, as if you yourself were the creator of your own punishment.

"Who is the best man?" Muhammad replied, "He is the best man whose life is long and whose actions are good." "Then who is the worst man?" "He whose life is long and whose actions are bad.
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Visit any Arab or Iranian forum and see their view about Pakistan and Pakistani Muslims.They consider themselves far supperior then us just because they are camel jockeys.To hell with Arabs and Iranians..Fuk'em.

Seconded, who are they to think that they are better muslims just because of their ethnicity?
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