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The Arab World Isn't Just Silent on China’s Crackdown on Uighurs. It's Complicit

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Since when did Shia Iran care so much about Uighurs in China?

This is China's internal affairs. Their house their rules.

Same thing in Pakistan, my house, my rules.

Kashmir is Indias internal affairs??? Their house their rules???
Kashmir is Indias internal affairs??? Their house their rules???
Wow are you that retarded?

Kashmir is disputed territory according to the United Nations.

The Uighurs are not.

Show your true flags you Indian.


Kashmir is Indias internal affairs??? Their house their rules???
before crying for the rights of Uighurs,

what about the rights of Sunni Muslims in Iran. Shia Iran oppresses Sunni Muslims in Iran.

You hypocrite.
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Yeah, mind you Israeli real genocide of Palestinians, mind you Jews killings of Muslims. You Israelis the most unfit people in the world to have any rights whatever of accusing Han Chinese committing fabricated genocide on Uyghurs. You shameless Israelis go clean up your own shit instead of you Jews such as you and Antony Blinken poking your noses at Chinese affairs and spreading Chinese genocide lies to whitewash and cover up you Jews' crimes and sins around the world ! BBC = British Bullshit Company as everybody knows it !
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And what the Chinese are doing to Uighurs has nothing to do with seperatism and terrorism. If these were the reasons then China could simply apply Russias Chechniya model to Uighurs, than terrorism and seperatism would stop.

China has totally different aims, and the best evidence for that are the Hui Muslims!

Huis are basically islamized Han Chinese, they are ethnically, linguastically, culturally similar to Hans.
And Huis have never engaged in seperatism and violent activities!

And still Huis are oppressed! Of course, their oppression is not as radical as the Uighur oppression, because as I said Huis are basically Hans, but still they are targeted only for their religion!

And if you also claim that Hui oppression is fake....ok, then Kashmiri oppression never existed as well!!!

Hui Muslims are ethnic Hans and have never engaged in seperatism and violent activities and still they are targeted only for their religion!!!

Hui Muslims are ethnic Hans and have never engaged in seperatism and violent activities and still they are targeted only for their religion!!!

Mind the women's human rights violations such as men in your country are allowed to have 4 wives, women are like properties of their men like only allowed to go some places with their husbands' approvals and women are not allowed to participate in certain professions and gatherings such as soccer matches,. Mind the Sunni minority oppression in your own country. Go clean up your own shit instead of poking your nose at Chinese affairs of fabricated religious oppression in China.
If you are an under cover Indian, then shame on you, mind you Indians killings of Muslims in Kashmir and mind you Indians widespread human rights abuses of minorities in your Endia.
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Arabs don't care about the rights of Palestinians, Arabs, or Muslims. After destroying themselves they want to be like the West, but without the political freedoms that made the West what it is, which means they don't understand why the West is powerful and dominant.
Because they colonized Africa, the Middle East, Asia, enslaved black people, and genocide Native Americans.

I think it is mainly because of the stories about the Uighurs camps. Can you explain what is the story behind those ?
There are a total of 12M Uyghurs, of which 2M are imprisoned in concentration camps. Everyone has relatives missing, but they do not rebel against the government. Whenever foreign tourists interview them, they will show happy smiles.
Only those of you with an IQ of 20 find this reasonable.
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They receive government benefits and recognition.
You slaughtered millions of natives, robbed them of their land, and some welfare was enough to compensate them..
it's reasonable :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

They lived 60,000 years as hunter gatherer. Now they are lucky to be in a first world democracy where they are budgeted billions of dollars.
they are lucky
Because their ancestors were slaughtered 500M, their land was taken away,
Pakistanis on this thread: “But what about, but what about, but what about, but what about”

Do a bit of soul searching. You know what you’re doing. I’m not saying it’s wrong. I’m just saying don’t pretend like this isn’t hypocrisy :)
Not that familiar with what is going on in china.

I understand you are saying that the Uighurs are not being mistreated.

Can you explain what is the story behind those Uighurs camps ?

The US can spin school as concentration camp. Hospitals as Nazi experiment on human lab.

So does that answer you question?

Lol.. BBC? Remember the fake cosplay video about a Chinese cop serving in Xinjiang from CNN?

Pakistanis on this thread: “But what about, but what about, but what about, but what about”

Do a bit of soul searching. You know what you’re doing. I’m not saying it’s wrong. I’m just saying don’t pretend like this isn’t hypocrisy :)
The real hypocrisy will be ignoring Muslim kashmir and Palestine suffering while try stir shxt in non exist xinjiang issue.

You are indirectly supporting atrocities of Israel and american against Muslim if you fall for the Xinjiang trick.
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