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The Amazing Faces On Mars!!

Some of the pics were heart wrenching...like the pic of the man about to be shot.The armenian kids teased to get food.:(
Oh...my apologies...did not wanted to make you feel sad......:sad:
but yes few pics were heart wrenching....
This means nothing, probably our illusions, I can make different shapes out of that face if a choose to look at in a certain way and I remember a while back there was an article about it saying it's nothing to be impressed about.,

That doesn't mean there aren't species that exist that we don't know of(aliens). But, if people believe they are behind civilization as we know it they're going to do a lot more than that. Lines on land won't prove anything either.

However all of us tend to agree there is something behind this universe since everything operates within certain laws. So the existence of these laws in itself point to something else.
Perhaps they were made so that they could be only seen from space? Were they some sort of signs for beings from outer space?

Check out the Nazca lines in Peru. You can't identify them from the ground. Only from the air. Here are some...





Those straight lines in the first two images are dozens of miles long and those figures hundreds of yards across and can only be discerned fro the air while flying over them. They have been photographed from the ISS too!! These are thousands of years old. No one knows who made them!

Nazca lines are most amazing ancient shit ever, seriously nothing top them.
Sorry you can see them from the ground;

Nazca Lines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Contrary to the popular belief that the lines and figures can only be seen with the aid of flight, they are visible from atop the surrounding foothills."
There's a difference between 'seeing' them and 'distinguishing' them!

From the 'air' means above ground! You can therefore see them from the hills. At ground level though one can see the lines, but they cannot be distinguished as to what they are. Only as dug-outs.

This is what they look like from ground level....



These cannot be distinguished. But they can if you see them from above. Here.....

Here are some images taken by various Mars orbiters. If these are all natural rock formations or hills, then I'm Santa Claus! Check it out.....

@OrionHunter Sirjee, you ARE Santa Claus.:lol:
I do believe that there are more intelligent beings out there in space.
Just that I am not sure about the faces on mars.
Here's another something on Cydonia, taken from 230km above the surface of Mars...


And another. This one resembles the statues on Easter Island!!!


This one photographed by the Opportunity Rover...Check out the guy's hairstyle!! 8-)


Here's another something on Cydonia, taken from 230km above the surface of Mars...

And another. This one resembles the statues on Easter Island!!!



This isn't the work of any martian. It's Picasso!:lol:

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