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The Amazing Faces On Mars!!

This isn't the work of any martian. It's Picasso!:lol:


But Picasso could have been a martian too! :P :lol:
Here's another something on Cydonia, taken from 230km above the surface of Mars...


And another. This one resembles the statues on Easter Island!!!


This one photographed by the Opportunity Rover...Check out the guy's hairstyle!! 8-)


So what are you coming to Mikey???
You mean those faces are parts of statues which belonged to civilisations which existed on mars??? Or most probably migrated to earth???
I'm pretty sure he and Salvador Dali were. Most of their 'works' are beyond our comprehension. Surrealism and abstract art are just code words the Martians are using to infiltrate art and communicate amongst themselves.:lol:
Salvador Dali reminds me :)

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So what are you coming to???
You mean those faces are parts of statues which belonged to civilisations which existed on mars??? Or most probably migrated to earth???

Salvador Dali reminds me :)

View attachment 17201

I can't help but think that he'd be yet another struggling artist if he were to be resurrected in today's World. Heck! Lady Gaga would've shamed him shut with one dress of hers.:lol:

But then again, he was the one who made such antics fashionable.
So what are you coming to Mikey???
You mean those faces are parts of statues which belonged to civilisations which existed on mars??? Or most probably migrated to earth???
Yep honey! It's quite probable that there were civilizations on Mars hundreds of thousands of years ago before much of the atmosphere escaped and the water dried up. In fact just a few days ago NASA discovered water on Mars from the Curiosity Rover!

And where there's water, there's life!

Yep honey! It's quite probable that there were civilizations on Mars hundreds of thousands of years ago before much of the atmosphere escaped and the water dried up. In fact just a few days ago NASA discovered water on Mars from the Curiosity Rover!

And where there's water, there's life!

yep i read that....so men are indeed from mars :D
:woot: Wow! How did you know? Anyway, thanks levina!

Hmmmmm...You must be from RAW! :ph34r:
How can you forget that long back you gave me links to one of them??(i guess it was about the saturn).
And today when I was reading the ATS link on fb...it just clicked me.And the water marks on your pics confirmed it ....mickey mouse.:)
@OrionHunter @thesolar65 @Dem!god

Scientists Claim To Have Found Proof Of Extraterrestrial Life

Scientists at the University of Sheffield and the University of Buckingham claim to have made a fascinating discovery, which proves the existence of extraterrestrial life.

The above images are of a body that was found in the stratosphere, recorded with an electron microscope. The body was found by a scientific balloon at an altitude of 27 kilometers from the Earth’s surface and this, according to the scientists, proves that it cannot have originated from our planet. These microbes have probably come from somewhere else.

The Sheffield scientists say such relatively large and dense particles could not have remained at those heights for more than six hours, making it even less likely they were lofted into the stratosphere by some earthly force.

Furthermore, the scientists say the particle is remarkably free of soil or any other solid material, suggesting it came from a watery environment, not volcanic debris.

“Most would suggest that these particles simply have drifted to the stratosphere from Earth. Yet, it is commonly accepted that an organism of this size is impossible to reach an altitude of 27 km. The only exception is a violent volcanic eruption, but nothing like that was recorded during the three years of our research,” said Milton Wainwright, Professor of Molecular Biology at the University.

The team of Professor Wainwright sent a research balloon in the Earth’s stratosphere during the most recent meteor showers.

“As there is no other mechanism that can carry such particles to the stratosphere, we can conclude that these entities came from the outer space. Our conclusion is that life continues arriving to Earth from space, that it is not limited to this planet and probably was not born here. If life is still coming from Space then we have to change our views about biology and evolution. The books should be rewritten!” added Professor Wainwright.

The balloon was equipped with special microscopes that were recording images between 22 km and 27 km from the Earth’s surface. When it landed, scientists discovered that it had recorded unusual entities in the stratosphere, which were too large to have traveled there from Earth.

As the scientists summarize in their paper, “We argue for its incidence from space, with a probable origin in the watery environment of a comet. We are content to claim that diatom fragment isolated during these studies has an extraterrestrial origin.”

Scientists Claim To Have Found Proof Of Extraterrestrial Life | Spirit Science and Metaphysics
@OrionHunter @thesolar65 @Dem!god

Scientists Claim To Have Found Proof Of Extraterrestrial Life

Scientists at the University of Sheffield and the University of Buckingham claim to have made a fascinating discovery, which proves the existence of extraterrestrial life.

The above images are of a body that was found in the stratosphere, recorded with an electron microscope. The body was found by a scientific balloon at an altitude of 27 kilometers from the Earth’s surface and this, according to the scientists, proves that it cannot have originated from our planet. These microbes have probably come from somewhere else.

The Sheffield scientists say such relatively large and dense particles could not have remained at those heights for more than six hours, making it even less likely they were lofted into the stratosphere by some earthly force.

Furthermore, the scientists say the particle is remarkably free of soil or any other solid material, suggesting it came from a watery environment, not volcanic debris.

“Most would suggest that these particles simply have drifted to the stratosphere from Earth. Yet, it is commonly accepted that an organism of this size is impossible to reach an altitude of 27 km. The only exception is a violent volcanic eruption, but nothing like that was recorded during the three years of our research,” said Milton Wainwright, Professor of Molecular Biology at the University.

The team of Professor Wainwright sent a research balloon in the Earth’s stratosphere during the most recent meteor showers.

“As there is no other mechanism that can carry such particles to the stratosphere, we can conclude that these entities came from the outer space. Our conclusion is that life continues arriving to Earth from space, that it is not limited to this planet and probably was not born here. If life is still coming from Space then we have to change our views about biology and evolution. The books should be rewritten!” added Professor Wainwright.

The balloon was equipped with special microscopes that were recording images between 22 km and 27 km from the Earth’s surface. When it landed, scientists discovered that it had recorded unusual entities in the stratosphere, which were too large to have traveled there from Earth.

As the scientists summarize in their paper, “We argue for its incidence from space, with a probable origin in the watery environment of a comet. We are content to claim that diatom fragment isolated during these studies has an extraterrestrial origin.”

Scientists Claim To Have Found Proof Of Extraterrestrial Life | Spirit Science and Metaphysics
may be correct may be wrong...
not enough evidence.....
crossing the ionosphere and the radiation belt and all that extreme temperature...above ,..make it impossible for a watery microbe to sustain...and live....
@OrionHunter @thesolar65 @Dem!god

Scientists Claim To Have Found Proof Of Extraterrestrial Life

Scientists at the University of Sheffield and the University of Buckingham claim to have made a fascinating discovery, which proves the existence of extraterrestrial life.

The above images are of a body that was found in the stratosphere, recorded with an electron microscope. The body was found by a scientific balloon at an altitude of 27 kilometers from the Earth’s surface and this, according to the scientists, proves that it cannot have originated from our planet. These microbes have probably come from somewhere else.

The Sheffield scientists say such relatively large and dense particles could not have remained at those heights for more than six hours, making it even less likely they were lofted into the stratosphere by some earthly force.

Furthermore, the scientists say the particle is remarkably free of soil or any other solid material, suggesting it came from a watery environment, not volcanic debris.

“Most would suggest that these particles simply have drifted to the stratosphere from Earth. Yet, it is commonly accepted that an organism of this size is impossible to reach an altitude of 27 km. The only exception is a violent volcanic eruption, but nothing like that was recorded during the three years of our research,” said Milton Wainwright, Professor of Molecular Biology at the University.

The team of Professor Wainwright sent a research balloon in the Earth’s stratosphere during the most recent meteor showers.

“As there is no other mechanism that can carry such particles to the stratosphere, we can conclude that these entities came from the outer space. Our conclusion is that life continues arriving to Earth from space, that it is not limited to this planet and probably was not born here. If life is still coming from Space then we have to change our views about biology and evolution. The books should be rewritten!” added Professor Wainwright.

The balloon was equipped with special microscopes that were recording images between 22 km and 27 km from the Earth’s surface. When it landed, scientists discovered that it had recorded unusual entities in the stratosphere, which were too large to have traveled there from Earth.

As the scientists summarize in their paper, “We argue for its incidence from space, with a probable origin in the watery environment of a comet. We are content to claim that diatom fragment isolated during these studies has an extraterrestrial origin.”

Scientists Claim To Have Found Proof Of Extraterrestrial Life | Spirit Science and Metaphysics
Photograph taken on 22 Sept 04 at Burlington at 4 a.m. of a strange worm-like object at the very edge of space...


A worm like object in space taken by the Space Shuttle, Columbia whilst RVing with the Hubble Space telescope...

UFO/amoeba-like object in space tracked on NASA control Room screens! Similar to the pulsating objects in the ‘tether incident’....

These pics of huge strange worm-like objects photographed at the edge of space. These objects continually change shape.......




This one below photographed by the Space Shuttle - continuously changing shape like in the first video.....



There's more going on up there than we can ever imagine!

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Mars Meteorite Structures: Optimism for Alien Life?

FEB 28, 2014 02:15 PM ET // BY IAN O'NEILL



This scanning electron microscope image shows speroidal features embedded in a layer of iddingsite, a mineral formed by action of water, in a meteorite that came from Mars.


A meteorite from Mars has been studied up-close and scientists have detected tiny structures thatcould be interpreted as having a biological origin.

This moment of déjà vu is brought to you by a new paper published in the February issue of Astrobiology where a team of scientists from NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., describe the results of work on a 14 kilogram (30 pound) meteorite called Yamato 000593 (Y000593). The meteorite sample contains strong evidence that Mars used to be a lot wetter than it is now, but the researchers also report on the discovery of evidence for “biological processes” that occurred on the Red Planet hundreds of millions of years ago.

Although this sounds exciting, there will likely be some skepticism, but the researchers appear to have foreseen the media circus that “Mars life” always inspires and refused to appear overly excited of some pretty fascinating evidence for ancient microbial life.

Mars Meteorite Structures: Optimism for Alien Life? : Discovery News
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