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The Algerian press attacks Egypt after Taboun's visit to Cairo!!!

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (R) meets with Algerian interim President Abdelkader Bensalah in Cairo, July 18, 2019 - Press photo

The Algerian press is angry at the Egyptian authorities after the failure of President Abdelmadjid Tebboune's visit to Cairo on January 24-25. Some newspapers even went as far as asking Algeria to review its relations with Cairo, mainly due to its full understanding with Rabat.

AA The Algerian newspaper, Le Jeune Indépendant, attacked the Egyptian authorities in its issue of January 25, the day of the end of Abdelmadjid Tebboune's visit to Cairo. The reason for this anger: At the same time that Tebboune was preparing to board the plane to Cairo, Egypt was reasserting its strong ties with Morocco.

Thus, the Egyptian ambassador in Rabat, Yasser Mustafa Othman, was accused of spoiling the official visit of the Algerian president to Cairo after declaring to the Moroccan newspaper Hespress that Egypt had always supported and recognized the Moroccanness of the Sahara.

On Sunday, January 23, 2022, Yasser Mustafa Othman said: "Egypt firmly supports the territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Morocco, rejects any interference in its internal affairs, and rejects any harm to its territorial integrity. Second, we do not recognize the Sahrawi Republic and we do not have any relations with the Polisario," adding that Egypt "supports the territorial integrity of Morocco, and we support the UN track and the recent Security Council resolution, which Morocco welcomed and Egypt also welcomed. Therefore, when you see the Egyptian position as a whole, it is a strong position, and I do not think that it can be interpreted differently or even questionable.. Our position Strong and clear with the territorial integrity of Morocco.

The Algerian newspaper denounced what it calls the "double discourse" of the Egyptian government, before adding: "Do we then build a real economic partnership with a country that practices treachery and diplomatic contempt?"

For its part, the daily Liberté reported, in an editorial published on January 26 under the title "Treachery of Sisi", attacking Egypt because of the statement of its ambassador in Rabat.

And Liberty newspaper wrote: "If this statement reminds of Egypt's historical hostility towards the desert issue, its timing is a message to the Algerian authorities that Cairo has more common positions with Rabat than with Algeria. Consequently, Ambassador Mustafa Othman's exit prevents, in advance, Algeria from Reaping diplomatic fruits from Taboun's visit.

Moreover, it is clear from Tebboune's own statements that his visit to Egypt was a complete failure. Indeed, the Algerian president spoke, on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, during a joint press conference with his Egyptian counterpart, about "the necessity of continuing and expanding consultations, in anticipation of the Arab summit to be hosted by Algeria." Thus, Abdel Majid Tebboune hinted indirectly that many obstacles and disagreements still stand in the way of holding an Arab summit in Algeria, which Tebboune did not risk this time to set a new date for its convening.

The recent initiative taken by Algeria to play good offices among the various Palestinian factions was, it must be recalled, the object of resentment in Cairo, which considered this gesture an infringement of its diplomatic sphere.

The Algerian military junta, which wants to achieve a diplomatic achievement, has accumulated huge mistakes and lapses. It is clear that Tebboune's announcement of holding a conference in Algiers between the Palestinian factions is a diplomatic mistake that can only provoke the discontent of the Egyptian authorities.

A former diplomat of an EU country in Cairo had confirmed in a previous interview with Le360: "The interlocutor and mediator between the Palestinian factions is Egypt. This field is Cairo's domain. For Algeria to interfere in an almost exclusively Egyptian sphere is clumsy and it certainly will not satisfy President Sisi," adding that "Egypt will never accept Algeria's interference in its field."

The London-based Al-Arab newspaper also reported, in its January 26 edition, that the Algerian mediation with the Palestinian factions was in turn a failure, because its real goal was not actually reconciliation between the Palestinians, but rather inciting them to publicly condemn the resumption of relations between Morocco and Israel, with the exception of other Arab countries Which has normalized its relations with the Hebrew state. Which did not happen.

Blinded by its pathological hatred of Morocco, the Algerian regime is compounding its gaffes and diplomatic failures. So much so that every move by the junta is now interpreted by foreign embassies as motivated by hostile action towards Morocco. Thus, this hysterical hostility to the military junta of the kingdom contributed greatly to the failure of Tebboune's visit to Egypt.


Dumb media mad about pre-existing controversial Egyptian stance from the Algerian perspective and dumb media perpetuating the thought that Palestinian meetings belong to Egypt. This is garbage.
Dumb media mad about pre-existing controversial Egyptian stance from the Algerian perspective and dumb media perpetuating the thought that Palestinian meetings belong to Egypt. This is garbage.
Algerian media is hyper alarmist this is there style where alarmism sales papers

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