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The Algerian Armed Forces.

Awsumn pictures Ceylal. Does Algeria have any plan to join up with GCC military force?
Awsumn pictures Ceylal. Does Algeria have any plan to join up with GCC military force?
To reply to your question the answer is no. But Algeria will certainly be there with Egypt if a war is forced on Arab land, like she did en 67 and 73.
First Algerian supersonic target drone's production slated for 2016 thru a partnership with South Africa.
@Ceylal there is rumor saying a delegation of Algeria having been visiting China, do you have any formal news about it?
@Ceylal there is rumor saying a delegation of Algeria having been visiting China, do you have any formal news about it?
I think they are after two systems (I still have to confirm this) , the Xianlong UAV and the J20 and associated equipments and technologies.
Performance of Ylong in the Algerian squadron was deemed very impressive and helped tremendously in keeping a watching eye and destroying targets with pinpoint accuracy,on the the Malian, Nigerian borders and in Libya proper.


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I think they are after two systems (I still have to confirm this) , the Xianlong UAV and the J20 and associated equipments and technologies.
Performance of Ylong in the Algerian squadron was deemed very impressive and helped tremendously in keeping a watching eye and destroying targets with pinpoint accuracy,on the the Malian, Nigerian borders and in Libya proper.



More rumors come. One of the weapon Algeria may have ordered is WS-43, you can see it from the video
中国超暴力防务系统亮相 曝光大批敏感参数 - 搜狐视频
start from 2:30, also it showed CH-4 starting from 3:10
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An AAF mig 25, crashed yesterday ,in the training polygone of Hassi Behbah. The pilot ejected safely. This is the second aircraft that crashed in the last two months.

The Algerian Air force :part 1

Part 2


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