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The Algerian Armed Forces.

definitely need to replace your older jets not MIG-29 but other jets like SU-24 and Mig-25 and other jets because even with up gradation they can't match most modern planes

Algeria can manage to replace and purchase as the forex stand at $190B however it seems they want to drag the life of su-24s a little bit longer possibly for the next 5-7 years before replacing them.

Possible replacement scenario:
squadron of su-24 with su-34 atleast 1 squadron
Once additional squadron of su-30 are received scheduled to be received +16 in number deactivate completely Mig-25 squadron
@Ceylal You definitely need to replace your older jets not MIG-29 but other jets like SU-24 and Mig-25 and other jets because even with up gradation they can't match most modern planes
They give all of them a new life of 20 years plus...including our 25...Look at US U2, or the B52's how old are they?
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Possible replacement scenario:
squadron of su-24 with su-34 atleast 1 squadron
Once additional squadron of su-30 are received scheduled to be received +16 in number deactivate completely Mig-25 squadron
The 25 and the fighters that Zarvan mentioned were given recently an overhaul to extend their life for another twenty years. I am sure the Algerian air force have a plan for their replacements.

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Algerian sailors on the German sail training ship "Gorch ****" ...a randonee of 172 days and 13,000 nautical miles.

ALGIERS, Algeria, March 11 (UPI) -- Algeria's powerful armed forces, which operate Africa's largest defense budget, are seeking a 14 percent hike in defense spending as they awaits delivery of two German A200 frigates and 19 Russian T-90 tanks.

The Defense Ministry has requested a $10.3 billion budget for 2013 that reflects the country's military modernization drive and the widening security challenges it faces.

These have been dramatically heightened by the wave of pro-democracy uprisings across the Arab world in which three North African dictators have been toppled since 2011.

So far, this phenomenon has passed Algeria by but the military-backed regime in Algiers remains concerned as the turmoil drags on into its third year with domestic discontent still simmering.

The political upheaval was intensified with the 2012 seizure of northern Mali by Algerian-led jihadists, raising fears they would use that remote sanctuary for transnational terrorism.

French military intervention in Mali Jan. 11, and the seizure five days later of a major natural gas complex in the southeastern desert by Islamist diehards commanded by veteran Algerian jihadist Mokhtar Belmokhtar, deepened Algerian security concerns.

Despite the increased dangers for Algeria's oil and natural gas industry, its economic backbone, "thanks to oil and gas revenues, the Algerian state has gone from an international financial basket case in the 1990s, to one of the richest in the world, with as much as $200 billion in reserves," the Financial Times observed.

Algeria has North Africa's second largest military. Jane's information group says Algeria was arguably the biggest military spender in Africa in 2009 and is the ninth largest arms importer in the world.

After its 1954-62 independence war with France, Algeria became a major buyer of Soviet arms. Since the collapse of communism, it has remained a client of Moscow.

In 2006, it signed a $7.5 billion deal with Moscow during a visit to Algiers by Vladimir Putin in March 2006 during his first term as Russia's president.

That package included MiG-29SMT and Sukhoi Su-30 attack jets, Yakovlev Yak-130 training aircraft, AT-13 Metis-M and AT-14 anti-tank missiles, T-90 main battle tanks and Mil Mi-24 attack helicopters.

Delivery of the Su-30MKA aircraft, worth $1 billion, should have been completed at the end of 2012 by Rosoboronexport, Russia's state arms exporter.

Delivery of the last of 120 T-90 tanks under a $470 million 2006 contract is still under way. Delivery of 180 T-90s under an earlier contract was completed in 2009.

Algiers is also looking for two Project 636 advanced variants of the SSK Type 877EKM Kilo class submarines. These diesel-electric boats are stealthier than the Algerian navy's four Kilos delivered in 1988 and 2010.

In 2011, Algeria signed a contract with Russia's United Shipbuilding Corp. and Rosoboronexport for two Project 20382 Tiger class corvettes, the export model of Russia's Stergushchy class ships, the latest corvette class ship in the Russian navy.

In March 2012, Algeria's Defense Ministry ordered two Meko A2000 frigates from ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, along with six AgustaWestland Super Lynx anti-submarine helicopters, altogether worth $2.77 billion.

In 2011, the Algerian navy signed a contract with Italy's Orizzonte Sistemi Navali for a landing and logistical support vessel based on the San Giorgio class deployed by the Italian navy. Delivery is scheduled for 2015.

It will be able to accommodate three Landing Craft Mechanized, three small Landing Craft Vehicle Personnel and one large Landing Craft.

The San Giorgio class amphibious ship can carry a battalion of troops as well as up to 30 tanks or 36 armored vehicles, as well as several helicopters operating from a flight deck.

The Asian Defense website says Algiers has also signed a contract with China Shipbuilding Trading Co. for three light 2,800-ton frigates that will be built either at Guangzhou or the Shanghai Huangpu Shipyards.

Rheinmetall one of Germany's leading defense companies, plans to produce 1,200 Fuchs armored personnel carriers in Algeria over the next decade.

They will be assembled from kits as part of a move to develop Algeria's nascent domestic defense industry, which produces assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades under license from Russia and China.

In 2011, Berlin authorized the delivery of 54 Fuchs APCs worth $254 million to Algeria as well as other military vehicles worth $372.8 million.

Read more: Algeria buying military equipment - UPI.com
@Ceylal the ships mentioned in this article which Algeria will get soon are 7 3 Frigates from China 2 Meko Class frigates and 2 Tiger class corvettes and 120 T-90 are being delivered some of them already have and some are on the way these are other than those 180 T-90 which were delivered in 2009 @Aeronaut @BLACKEAGLE @Mosamania @Luftwaffe
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Delivery of the Su-30MKA aircraft, worth $1 billion, should have been completed at the end of 2012 by Rosoboronexport, Russia's state arms exporter.
It will be able to accommodate three Landing Craft Mechanized, three small Landing Craft Vehicle Personnel and one large Landing Craft.

The San Giorgio class amphibious ship can carry a battalion of troops as well as up to 30 tanks or 36 armored vehicles, as well as several helicopters operating from a flight deck.

ships mentioned in this article which Algeria will get soon are 7 3 Frigates from China 2 Meko Class frigates and 2 Tiger class corvettes and 120 T-90 are being

No, it's 5 ships. 3 frigates from China, 2 German MEKOs + the one from Italy which can operate a few helis on board in addition to being able to carry a battalion.

Those 2 Tigr-class corvettes from Russia are not happening since Algeria chose bigger Chinese frigates and increased the number to 3 ships. So the Tigr-class deal is off, it's been signed in July 2011, but now almost two years later, nothing has been heard since Algeria chose Chinese frigates in 2012 alongside the German ones. I also think this is the best choice, since both Chinese and German ships are bigger with more fire power than 1800 ton Tigr-class corvettes.

Algeria is interested in ordering another two Improved Kilo-class SSK, but the deal hasn't been signed yet; and then there is the waiting.
No, it's 5 ships. 3 frigates from China, 2 German MEKOs + the one from Italy which can operate a few helis on board in addition to being able to carry a battalion.

Those 2 Tigr-class corvettes from Russia are not happening since Algeria chose bigger Chinese frigates and increased the number to 3 ships. So the Tigr-class deal is off, it's been signed in July 2011, but now almost two years later, nothing has been heard since Algeria chose Chinese frigates in 2012 alongside the German ones. I also think this is the best choice, since both Chinese and German ships are bigger with more fire power than 1800 ton Tigr-class corvettes.

Algeria is interested in ordering another two Improved Kilo-class SSK, but the deal hasn't been signed yet; and then there is the waiting.

Sir if they haven't officially allowed that Tiger deal is over than we should wait and I know about submarines too
Sir if they haven't officially allowed that Tiger deal is over than we should wait and I know about submarines too

Well, if you take a look at the building speed of these ships, it's totally unacceptable. I am critical to using Wikipedia, because I always check sources and how credible they are. But if this is true, it looks like Russia is using about seven years to build this corvette, which is totally unacceptable.

If this is true, Algeria has to wait until 2018 for two simple 1800 ton corvettes.

Steregushchy-class corvette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It also looks like Russia has moved on to this frigate, instead of building a number of Tigr-class corvettes.

Gremyashchy-class corvette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So since Russia wasn't so happy with Tigr-class corvette, I highly doubt Algeria will be happy with it too. Algeria is actually more picky on quality than Russia (remember returned MiG-29SMT from 2008).

So yeah, it is not "officially over", but the deal was signed on 30th June 2011. In 10 days from now, it's been two years and no one has heard anything. Unless of course, we take a look at Russia's speed of building which means that Algeria should expect those two Tigr-class corvettes in service around 2018.

So personally, I don't think this is gonna happen. There is a reason Algeria har turned to Germany and China for ships, while Russia is more for submarine fleet. In my opinion, it's a wise choice.
Well, if you take a look at the building speed of these ships, it's totally unacceptable. I am critical to using Wikipedia, because I always check sources and how credible they are. But if this is true, it looks like Russia is using about seven years to build this corvette, which is totally unacceptable.

If this is true, Algeria has to wait until 2018 for two simple 1800 ton corvettes.

Steregushchy-class corvette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It also looks like Russia has moved on to this frigate, instead of building a number of Tigr-class corvettes.

Gremyashchy-class corvette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So since Russia wasn't so happy with Tigr-class corvette, I highly doubt Algeria will be happy with it too. Algeria is actually more picky on quality than Russia (remember returned MiG-29SMT from 2008).

So yeah, it is not "officially over", but the deal was signed on 30th June 2011. In 10 days from now, it's been two years and no one has heard anything. Unless of course, we take a look at Russia's speed of building which means that Algeria should expect those two Tigr-class corvettes in service around 2018.

So personally, I don't think this is gonna happen. There is a reason Algeria har turned to Germany and China for ships, while Russia is more for submarine fleet. In my opinion, it's a wise choice.
Sir okay but still I would like to remain hopeful but what about other corvettes which you already have I mean those which you got between 1980 to 1983 are you going to upgrade those too
Sir okay but still I would like to remain hopeful but what about other corvettes which you already have I mean those which you got between 1980 to 1983 are you going to upgrade those too

They are already upgraded, but they are getting old so that's why five new ships are on their way from China and Germany by 2015. Those are much more potent compared to those from 1980-1983, even though they were upgraded in 2012/2013.

Remember how fast China is building ships for Pakistan. 4 F-22P frigates were delivered within three years time, and another 4 Improved F-22P frigates are on their way for Pakistan over the period of next two to three years. So Algeria can't sit and wait for Russia to spend 7 years on two 1800 ton corvettes. That's why Algeria rather wants to order another two Improved Kilo-class subs since Russia is building Kilos much faster compared to ships.

China is preparing to export Type 054A frigate very soon. Thailand wants 3 of them, and I am sure Pakistan and Algeria will also be one of the customers a few years ahead, when the deliveres of Improved F-22Ps has been completed.
They are already upgraded, but they are getting old so that's why five new ships are on their way from China and Germany by 2015. Those are much more potent compared to those from 1980-1983, even though they were upgraded in 2012/2013.

Remember how fast China is building ships for Pakistan. 4 F-22P frigates were delivered within three years time, and another 4 Improved F-22P frigates are on their way for Pakistan over the period of next two to three years. So Algeria can't sit and wait for Russia to spend 7 years on two 1800 ton corvettes. That's why Algeria rather wants to order another two Improved Kilo-class subs since Russia is building Kilos much faster compared to ships.

China is preparing to export Type 054A frigate very soon. Thailand wants 3 of them, and I am sure Pakistan and Algeria will also be one of the customers a few years ahead, when the deliveres of Improved F-22Ps has been completed.

yes sir our problem is our economy otherwise our navy wants to have at least 22 to 24 frigates by 2025 and around 12 to 14 submarines hope our economy gets stronger and fulfil our future plans
No, it's 5 ships. 3 frigates from China, 2 German MEKOs + the one from Italy which can operate a few helis on board in addition to being able to carry a battalion.

Those 2 Tigr-class corvettes from Russia are not happening since Algeria chose bigger Chinese frigates and increased the number to 3 ships. So the Tigr-class deal is off, it's been signed in July 2011, but now almost two years later, nothing has been heard since Algeria chose Chinese frigates in 2012 alongside the German ones. I also think this is the best choice, since both Chinese and German ships are bigger with more fire power than 1800 ton Tigr-class corvettes.

Algeria is interested in ordering another two Improved Kilo-class SSK, but the deal hasn't been signed yet; and then there is the waiting.

@PRC2025, could it be F-22 class Frigates?
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