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The Afghan endgame, & the potential players

And why cant all the countries in the neighbourhood work with afghani people to help stabalise and help the afghans. pakistan and india should work together on ipi and other pipelines. The neighbourhood has much to gain by working together with all the regional powers that is china russia the cars iran, afghan and pakistan.

because there is an ally of taliban in the neighbourhood...it creates problems for others....
Afghanistan will be sharply divided along ethnic lines: North Afghanistan will be dominated by non-Pashtun elements, whereas the South will be dominated by Pashtun elements. A deal will be brokered where the Taliban will (be allowed to) administer the regions in the South, & will be asked not to interfere in the administration by the non-Pashtun elements in the North. That is if the US plans for the Afghan endgame go according to plan, & the Taliban is convinced to join the negotiating table... As of now, the Taliban are not interested in peace talks, & the only one that is interested is the US.

Losers dont dictate the terms so from where i can see as soon as the Americans leave Kabul mayor unless he flies with them is as good as dead all agreements signed by him will be null so this whole dividing Afghanistan on Wests Terms is A pipe dream.
I hope peace stays in Afghanistan but i doubt that will be the case it will be sad to see it go back in civil war .
Yes and I am sure ISI will be more then Happy to go after that neighbor once the Americans leave Pay back is a *****.

ISI couldn't wrest kashmir in 64 years, but thats another story, also there are reports of US maintaining force in afghanistan even after 2014, don't get too excited right now kid....
Once Iranians find out that India aids the Balouch Insurgency across the border, they will be swiftly booted out. The insurgency is a problem for Iran, just as much as it is for Pakistan.

You mean to say that Iranians are so foolish that they dont even know things about their backyard that even a child with oversized glasses on defence.pk knows :D
You mean to say that Iranians are so foolish that they dont even know things about their backyard that even a child with oversized glasses on defence.pk knows

Exactly. The US has time and time again said that Pakistan is the key to stability in Afghanistan.
thats because they want to milk pakistan even more....u don't to be too happy hearing it.....

That may or may not be, but anyone with an IQ above 50 would know that it's the truth.
That may or may not be, but anyone with an IQ above 50 would know that it's the truth.

for ur info i have a measured iq of 151 and ur statement is stupid in itself.....u guys shout everywhere claiming that US is a liar, and now when they say something to praise u, u just take it and show it to world claiming that since US has said it, it ought to be true.....
for ur info i have a measured iq of 151 and ur statement is stupid in itself.....u guys shout everywhere claiming that US is a liar, and now when they say something to praise u, u just take it and show it to world claiming that since US has said it, it ought to be true.....

Congrats on your iq. Since you will keep arguing for the sake of arguing, the best way to settle this is to give it time. Then you will see. Afghanistan is our neighborhood and we know it well.
This is rather stupid why do you guys allways want to make it an india pakistan fight. Afghanis needs after americans and their puppets are gone to have reconciliation and free and fair elections so we have true afghani reps. After all if blacks and whites can reconsile their diff in s africa why cant afghanis. Iran pakistan its two neighbours should assist in all ways to stabalise their neighbour. Once thats done its in china and indian interests to use transit routes and pakistan will get transit fees for pipelines etc. Seems to me the only bastarx who shouldnt have a say is aipac sponsered regime of america. They have a home to go to. Afghanis of all hues have to live in afghanistan.
This is rather stupid why do you guys allways want to make it an india pakistan fight. Afghanis needs after americans and their puppets are gone to have reconciliation and free and fair elections so we have true afghani reps. After all if blacks and whites can reconsile their diff in s africa why cant afghanis. Iran pakistan its two neighbours should assist in all ways to stabalise their neighbour. Once thats done its in china and indian interests to use transit routes and pakistan will get transit fees for pipelines etc. Seems to me the only bastarx who shouldnt have a say is aipac sponsered regime of america. They have a home to go to. Afghanis of all hues have to live in afghanistan.

Though I agree completely, The only challenge is this.. The reason why you are even able to talk about a conflict free democratic Afghanistan is because of a thousand Billion dollars ploughed into the country by USA. And no one spends that kind of money out of good (or even bad) intentions.. Its a pipe dream i you think USA is just gonna walk away from it..
Pakistan will have no issue if our nation's security is not compromised. I don't understand why all these bhartis are jumping up and down, but to say that Pakistan will have the most influence is completely correct.
Though I agree completely, The only challenge is this.. The reason why you are even able to talk about a conflict free democratic Afghanistan is because of a thousand Billion dollars ploughed into the country by USA. And no one spends that kind of money out of good (or even bad) intentions.. Its a pipe dream i you think USA is just gonna walk away from it..

i dont think they have a choice. They are drawing down troops allready. They think pakistanis and indians and chinese are stupid and we will be if we allow them a role.
Pakistan will have no issue if our nation's security is not compromised. I don't understand why all these bhartis are jumping up and down, but to say that Pakistan will have the most influence is completely correct.

only if US actuaally leaves......
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