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The 10 Most Excellent Reasons to Attack Iran


Dec 30, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
1. Iran has threatened to fight back if attacked, and that's a war crime. War crimes must be punished.

2. My television says Iran has nukes. I'm sure it's true this time. Just like with North Korea. I'm sure they're next. We only bomb places that really truly have nukes and are in the Axis of Evil. Except Iraq, which was different.

3. Iraq didn't go so badly. Considering how lousy its government is, the place is better off with so many people having left or died. Really, that one couldn't have worked out better if we'd planned it.

4. When we threaten to cut off Iran's oil, Iran threatens to cut off Iran's oil, which is absolutely intolerable. What would we do without that oil? And what good is buying it if they want to sell it?

5. Iran was secretly behind 9-11. I read it online. And if it wasn't, that's worse. Iran hasn't attacked another nation in centuries, which means its next attack is guaranteed to be coming very soon.

6. Iranians are religious nuts, unlike Israelis and Americans. Most Israelis don't want to attack Iran, but the Holy Israeli government does. To oppose that decision would be to sin against God.

7. Iranians are so stupid that when we murder their scientists they try to hire a car dealer in Texas to hire a drug gang in Mexico to murder a Saudi ambassador in Washington, and then they don't do it -- just to make us look bad for catching them.

7. b. Oh, and stupid people should be bombed. They're not civilized.

8. War is good for the U.S. economy, and the Iranian economy too. Troops stationed in Iran would buy stuff. And women who survived the war would have more rights. Like in Virginia. We owe Iranians this after that little mishap in 1953.

9. This is the only way to unite the region. Either we bomb Iran and it swears its eternal love to us. Or, if necessary, we occupy Iran to liberate it like its neighbors. Which shouldn't take long. Look how well Afghanistan is going already.

10. They won't give our drone back. Enough said.

The 10 Most Excellent Reasons to Attack Iran
11. The Irani Tea last time round I tasted wasn't strong enough - down with Iran :D
13 : Iran isn't bowing down to zionist pressure , we have even tried selling weapons to our puppet GCC states ... Tehran just doesn't budge ... DAMN IT ! They aren't letting IAEA visit their military facilities which is absolutely against the basic " freedom to spy on others " right !

---------- Post added at 05:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:38 PM ----------

LoL Muslim nation my a$$
**** ! I forgot that any only Saudi Arabia can determine whether a country is Islamic or not ! The House of Saud awards this certificate right ! maintaining strict quality control and checking whether the said country is following Wahhabism or not ? :rofl:

BTW , How many wives did Abudullah have in the last count ? :P ... Stats on all on active service and those on reserve command :rofl: ?
15: iran say no to us its not right, they have to realize we are super power which means we r king of the world and thus they have to do what we say, saying no to us is treason to the entire world we must destroy iran to save the world from treason:p:P
13 : Iran isn't bowing down to zionist pressure , we have even tried selling weapons to our puppet GCC states ... Tehran just doesn't budge ... DAMN IT ! They aren't letting IAEA visit their military facilities which is absolutely against the basic " freedom to spy on others " right !

---------- Post added at 05:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:38 PM ----------

**** ! I forgot that any only Saudi Arabia can determine whether a country is Islamic or not ! The House of Saud awards this certificate right maintaining strict quality control and checking whether the said country is following Wahhabism or not ? :rofl:

BTW , How many wives did Abudullah have in the last count ? :rofl: ... Stats on all on active service and those on reserve command :P ?

:rofl: :rofl:

btw, why the fcuk in this world does Iran need to be so boastful about nuclear weapons ? Didnt they know "silence is GOD"
^^ Ignorance is BLISS ! :rofl: ... Well , even if Iran didn't tell them , they would know wont they ? :lol: Just in case of Iraq ... :P
I am not flattering myself ... If you wanted to show respect , you would have done that without calling Iranians racist or anything ... Yes , you are done because your own country is worst than them ... Contain your anger and next thing dont take cheap shots because the other party is capable of doing it too :P Take Xanax ! the words you used aren't used under normal circumstances on the WWW ... :rofl: BTW talking of bastards , how many bastards does the House of Saud produce in European hotels each year ? :azn:

Yes almost all Iranians I have met are racist bastards who think their Persian genes makes them the royalty of humanity. There is no talking to those folks at all. And yeah keep talking like that show your true colors.
Yes almost all Iranians I have met are racist bastards who think their Persian genes makes them the royalty of humanity. There is no talking to those folks at all. And yeah keep talking like that show your true colors.
So those few people you have met in your real life ( unless you are referring to forum members which would make it even more ridiculous ) determine your perception/view of the entire race , does it ? :azn: ... Just how old are you , so to speak ? Shows my true colors , I am neither a Iranian nor a Shi'ite but i have always respected Arabs and Iranians ... But dont expect me to extend the same courtesy to your respective Arab Govt's !
The most important reason to attack Iran: The orders come straight from Tel Aviv.
Attack on Iran will bring down the developing economies, with the rising fuel prices it'll be impossible to afford daily requirements for the third world country citizens, while the citizens of developed countries will just have to cut their luxury.

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