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That 'tremendous' call between Trump and Pakistan's PM Nawaz Sharif, What might India say?

Indians Know the value of Trump's statements.

Indians also know the credibility of Nawaz's Media cell.

Therefore all we can say is that, Pakistan truly deserve appreciating words of President Trump
Trump is going to be more of a threat to India than to Pakistan .
1. He wants to bring manufacturing era to US .
2. He wants to create jobs for ordinary Americans rather than Indians who are flying day in and out .
3. Trump can check China as well by offering bigger development package ,military aids in return for Pak to come back .
4. He is not interested in Jihadi war or crusading ,he wants to make US great again .

So for all those who criticize him must understand that he is a business man and not politician ,he will make sure manufacturing developments in US ,Indian dream of Manufacturing hub is now dol drum
We are concerned about our Pakistani brothers..:D...Afghan war, 3 million refugees, threatening, bombing, drone attack, refusal for 8 fighter jets etc etc....may Uncle Sam be more merciful this time.

Neither Indians nor Pakistanis are going to get benefitted by trump. Over jealous racist fucks and ivanka are the only ones going to get benefitted.
Trump is going to be more of a threat to India than to Pakistan .
1. He wants to bring manufacturing era to US .
2. He wants to create jobs for ordinary Americans rather than Indians who are flying day in and out .
3. Trump can check China as well by offering bigger development package ,military aids in return for Pak to come back .
4. He is not interested in Jihadi war or crusading ,he wants to make US great again .

So for all those who criticize him must understand that he is a business man and not politician ,he will make sure manufacturing developments in US ,Indian dream of Manufacturing hub is now dol drum

Indians think they have Trump in their back pocket because during the election campaign he uttered the words "I like Hindu" and attended a B grade Bollywood gathering. LOL during election campaign only votes matter. Little did the nationalistic Indians know how cunning and shrewd Trump really is. Heck, I couldn't figure Trump out. Trump is not going to alienate an entire country full of potential to merely please another country. Obama politics is the past. The Indians have enjoyed their one sided diplomacy and success under the Obama rule. Trump is different and he is going to think about America first. If Pakistan, China and Russia (past adversaries of Obama) have anything to offer, Trump is going to grab it with both hands.
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Indians think they have Trump in their back pocket because during election campaign he uttered the word "I like Hindu" and attended a B grade Bollywood gathering. Little do they know how cunning and shrewd Trump is. Trump is not going to alienate an entire country full with potential to please the another country. Obama politics is the past. The Indians have enjoyed their one sided diplomacy under the Obama rule. Trump is different and he is going to think about America first. If Pakistan, China and Russia (past adversaries of Obama) have anything to offer, Trump is going to grab it with both hands.
Precisely ,History has told us that republicans being conservative always are simpler where as democrats are the one who are complex . US need Pakistan not for Afghanistan but to Check India as well ,After all After China who else is growing massively so some one has to be there ,US will keep Pakistan a float weather thru Kerry Loger / IMF plans .Where as world is ignoring a sickness i.e Indians for time being due to commercial interest soon these interests are going to fade and we all see where India stands
Precisely ,History has told us that republicans being conservative always are simpler where as democrats are the one who are complex . US need Pakistan not for Afghanistan but to Check India as well ,After all After China who else is growing massively so some one has to be there ,US will keep Pakistan a float weather thru Kerry Loger / IMF plans .Where as world is ignoring a sickness i.e Indians for time being due to commercial interest soon these interests are going to fade and we all see where India stands

Trump is going to join the one bel one road project. No doubt about it.
US need Pakistan not for Afghanistan but to Check India as well ,After all After China who else is growing massively so some one has to be there

The first part is correct but as to the second, America needs India precisely because of China, not the other way around.

President Trump will cozy-up to Modi just as he is trying to cozy-up to PM Sharif.
Good decision by Trump. He has taken the key step to Make America great again. But it is upto Pakistan if they will allow USA to join CPEC and give Trump the opportunity to make America great again. USA is also concerned of China-Russia-Turkey-Pakistan. The axis of power. We can only watch and see Pakistan and America become great again.:D
Trump does not know diplomacy as he is not a politician.

Nawaz Sharif does not have a good reputation as he is a politician and used public office to enrich himself and his family.

The rest said by idiotic Indians is just that - idiotic.
Trump is going to join the one bel one road project. No doubt about it.
As a business person only insane person will not join (by the way we have one in our Eastern) as fruits have to be ripped ,China is writing history today and keeping in view the desperate requirement of infrastructure and quality services to offset shipping industries US/EU are planning to jump in , Pak has to play its card right instead of confrontation ,collaboration is the way forward.
Unusual move by GOP. Will give ammunition to anti-Pakistan people in Trump's administration... Made a laughing stock of country.

Here is one of the reactions :

Not satisfied with that, the account, commonly known as read-outs, culminates with this flourish: "Please convey to the Pakistani people that they are amazing and all Pakistanis I have known are exceptional people, said Mr Donald trump .
Good decision by Trump. He has taken the key step to Make America great again. But it is upto Pakistan if they will allow USA to join CPEC and give Trump the opportunity to make America great again. USA is also concerned of China-Russia-Turkey-Pakistan. The axis of power. We can only watch and see Pakistan and America become great again.:D
Hi if you have followed him you can see he is least bothered about fighting and liberating other countries ,His focus will be economics and job creation (this is where Indians are going to have a tough time in US already my brother is saying that H1 visa`s for Indians are stopping .
There's similarity between Pakistani and US politics..
Surprise win (check)
disqualification threat over scandals (check)
Alleged "dhandli" in US as well :) (check)
Daily protests against new government (check)
Hate for govt (check)

Both trump and nawaz have a lot in common than ANYONE in world in politics..

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