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Thanks Balakot: Modi gained at least 34 Parliament seats due to IAF strike

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Mighty Lion

Oct 3, 2018
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Thanks to balakot, Pakistan military established its superiority and utterly humiliated junkard and incompetent bharti sena. Even NY Times called it an “humiliating episode” for india...

And for what? 34 seats for modi?

May Allah have balakot like fiasco repeat 100 times over for us. Ameen :lol:
And the only cost was indian militaries humiliation
Without these 34 seats, BJP would not have majority on it's own as it would have 269 seats instead of 272 seats needed for majority thus BJP would have been susceptible to blackmail by allied parties.
bharati Netajis can get away with anything all they have to do is blame Pakistan and its a win win situation for them

Without these 34 seats, BJP would not have majority on it's own as it would have 269 seats instead of 272 seats needed for majority thus BJP would have been susceptible to blackmail by allied parties.

I would say that these seats only cost you a small portion of your national dignity.

But this is a serious matter and Modi has set a dangerous situation with his foolhardy and selfish posturing. Your millitary is still probably itching for payback for the blow to its pride, despite the fact that the whole thing was started by that pogrom complicit SOB you folks have seen fit to call PM. Whatever Modi's designs on us, he'll inflict worse on you and your country in coming years.

Of all my time on PDF, I've scarcely felt such anger at India and at certain people in my own country. But for you folks, you're electing a warmonger who's bent not just on using us as a political tool, but also seems to be tearing at your own social fabric and political system from what I hear. And after years of hard fought peace in parts of Pakistan, following the recent skirmishes we've seen a spike in terrorism in the West that we know is not mere co-incidence. The worst of what we've done in the past, are guilty of and the foolish mistakes made, are being mirrored by your leadership in 2019.
It’s ironic that to win the election he put the life of every Indian at risk and they voted him into power. Things could have easily escalated out of control. It was Pakistan’s calculated response that saved the day otherwise many Modi supporters would have been bar-b-cued. So much for the biggest democracy in Pakistan. I think an average Pakistan is smarter.
nothing new a country declared POV hero whos aircraft shot down, a country declared **** star a heroin .... nothing new about this lol
Balakot ke Terrorist aur Nepal ke londay , Subha mar jate hai aur Raat mai zinda ho jate hai :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I hope families of the crew of that MI17 do read this thread by this lunatic

This is for what your children died. 34 seats. Not for India. Not for your country. But for 34 f*cking seats
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