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Thank you, Mr Modi!

You know, we indians are really concerned about pakistan. There are a lot of talks, debates by intellectuals like M J Akbar, Lord Meghnath Desai, and others on why pakistan has become what it has become today.
As M J Akbar writes in his book "Tinderbox", The idea of india is stronger than an indian, and the idea of pakistan is weaker than a pakistani.

Pakistan was created on an ideology of divisiveness. That a muslim and a hindu cannot live together without killing each other. Thats a pathetic argument coz after 1971, we see even muslims and muslims cannot live together.
And there are more muslims in india now than in pakistan and they are a slap in the face of the two nation theory, and they proudly say that they are indians and are peacefully living with hindus, and i a hindu can proudly say that we have muslims who are indians and as patriotic as i am.

Thank god we did not create a hindu pakistan, and i would like RSS and other groups to take the example of pakistan and tweak their ideology.

M J Akbar. : "Islam was a brotherhood and never a nationhood"

And the great maulana abul kalam azad had predicted precisely what will be the future of pakistan and he was proven right
Thank you, Mr Modi
By Rizwan Mehboob
Published: July 6, 2015

The writer is a public policy expert

For many Pakistanis, Mr Modi, it all began with that infamous pronouncement from one of your illustrious predecessors. “We have drowned the Pakistani ideology in the Indian Ocean” was how Indira Gandhi bragged about the events of 1971. As we tried to reconcile with the reality of the dismemberment of Pakistan, our national outlook on the Pakistani ideology started undergoing a transition. The majority amongst us chose to remain loyal to this notion just like faithful sailors on board a storm-hit ship who refuse to get away on lifeboats. But there were others amongst us who sought to question this ideology by reaching out to the safety of the lifeboats of pragmatic notions, such as softening of borders and harping on about shared cultures between India and Pakistan.

And it is about these exchanges over the last four decades, between us on the storm-hit ship, and the wise lifeboat people that I will tell you, my dear Mr Modi. The first thing that the lifeboat people kept harping about was that the predicament of our ship was not a phenomenon resulting from 1971. We were informed that the ship should, in fact, not have taken sail in 1947 in the first place. We were told that our ship – the Pakistani ideology – was actually an artificial after-thought by a band of zealots, who were completely divorced from the vision of our founding fathers.

And to the collective dismay of those glued to the storm-hit ship, the lifeboat people also started, what they termed, was the deconstruction of myths about our national history. They took pains to convince us that our founding fathers had no intention of according central significance to religion in our national life. We were told to forget the butchering of hundreds of thousands during Partition and rather focus on one speech amongst hundreds made by the Father of the Nation, to prove that there was a disconnect between our ideology and Pakistan. And, I must admit, my faith in the Pakistani ideology was shaken a bit. The lifeboat people also started enlightening us on the nexus between this faulty ideology and security paradigms and that there was an unwarranted build-up of security apparatus at the cost of the wellbeing of billions in this region. Ceremonies, such as the Wagah border flag-lowering every evening, were termed uncalled for events, scaring peace-loving doves on both sides.

Every now and then, these doves would cross the border, dancing and chanting songs of peace. Our faith in the Pakistani ideology would be further diluted as we were told stories of the love which they received on the other side of border. The blood spilt during Partition, the three India-Pakistan wars, Kashmir, the Bangladesh debacle — all of these were fast becoming hazy in contrast to the colours of peace that these doves painted.

But then came you, Mr Modi and that picture. We saw you smiling as you received souvenirs from the Bangladeshi prime minster for services rendered during the unfortunate 1971 saga. We could not miss the scorn, the venom, which came shrieking out of that picture. The lancet cut you jointly administered to us with your Bangladeshi counterpart through that picture has been a blessing in disguise. Our faith in the Two-Nation Theory and the Pakistani ideology is reborn. Our commitment to uphold democratic values as the best guarantee against shenanigans of incompetent rulers will never again be lost on us. We are reminded how important it is to stand behind our soldiers who would always be our ultimate line of defence against the wiles of unrelenting foes.

So, Mr Modi, we will always remember this picture of yours and liken it to the picture of Dorian Gray, reminding us of the collective sins of our adversaries, perpetrated to soil the intrinsic beauty of our cherished ideology. Let me also assure you that the next time we visit the Wagah border, we will chant Pakistan Zindabad slogans at the top of our voices so that we are heard – and clearly understood – on your side of the border.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 6th, 2015.

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Thank you, Mr Modi - The Express Tribune

So Modi ji wasn't that bad for Pakistan after all! :smitten:
looks like this writer wants to proove his Hub Bul Watani to pakistani nation desparetally ;)
Thank you, Mr Modi
By Rizwan Mehboob
Published: July 6, 2015

The writer is a public policy expert

For many Pakistanis, Mr Modi, it all began with that infamous pronouncement from one of your illustrious predecessors. “We have drowned the Pakistani ideology in the Indian Ocean” was how Indira Gandhi bragged about the events of 1971. As we tried to reconcile with the reality of the dismemberment of Pakistan, our national outlook on the Pakistani ideology started undergoing a transition. The majority amongst us chose to remain loyal to this notion just like faithful sailors on board a storm-hit ship who refuse to get away on lifeboats. But there were others amongst us who sought to question this ideology by reaching out to the safety of the lifeboats of pragmatic notions, such as softening of borders and harping on about shared cultures between India and Pakistan.

And it is about these exchanges over the last four decades, between us on the storm-hit ship, and the wise lifeboat people that I will tell you, my dear Mr Modi. The first thing that the lifeboat people kept harping about was that the predicament of our ship was not a phenomenon resulting from 1971. We were informed that the ship should, in fact, not have taken sail in 1947 in the first place. We were told that our ship – the Pakistani ideology – was actually an artificial after-thought by a band of zealots, who were completely divorced from the vision of our founding fathers.

And to the collective dismay of those glued to the storm-hit ship, the lifeboat people also started, what they termed, was the deconstruction of myths about our national history. They took pains to convince us that our founding fathers had no intention of according central significance to religion in our national life. We were told to forget the butchering of hundreds of thousands during Partition and rather focus on one speech amongst hundreds made by the Father of the Nation, to prove that there was a disconnect between our ideology and Pakistan. And, I must admit, my faith in the Pakistani ideology was shaken a bit. The lifeboat people also started enlightening us on the nexus between this faulty ideology and security paradigms and that there was an unwarranted build-up of security apparatus at the cost of the wellbeing of billions in this region. Ceremonies, such as the Wagah border flag-lowering every evening, were termed uncalled for events, scaring peace-loving doves on both sides.

Every now and then, these doves would cross the border, dancing and chanting songs of peace. Our faith in the Pakistani ideology would be further diluted as we were told stories of the love which they received on the other side of border. The blood spilt during Partition, the three India-Pakistan wars, Kashmir, the Bangladesh debacle — all of these were fast becoming hazy in contrast to the colours of peace that these doves painted.

But then came you, Mr Modi and that picture. We saw you smiling as you received souvenirs from the Bangladeshi prime minster for services rendered during the unfortunate 1971 saga. We could not miss the scorn, the venom, which came shrieking out of that picture. The lancet cut you jointly administered to us with your Bangladeshi counterpart through that picture has been a blessing in disguise. Our faith in the Two-Nation Theory and the Pakistani ideology is reborn. Our commitment to uphold democratic values as the best guarantee against shenanigans of incompetent rulers will never again be lost on us. We are reminded how important it is to stand behind our soldiers who would always be our ultimate line of defence against the wiles of unrelenting foes.

So, Mr Modi, we will always remember this picture of yours and liken it to the picture of Dorian Gray, reminding us of the collective sins of our adversaries, perpetrated to soil the intrinsic beauty of our cherished ideology. Let me also assure you that the next time we visit the Wagah border, we will chant Pakistan Zindabad slogans at the top of our voices so that we are heard – and clearly understood – on your side of the border.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 6th, 2015.

Like Opinion & Editorial on Facebook, follow @ETOpEd on Twitter to receive all updates on all our daily pieces.
Thank you, Mr Modi - The Express Tribune

So Modi ji wasn't that bad for Pakistan after all! :smitten:
So you were expecting a gloomy face of Mody in Bangladeh. Your cries are as if the worst crime of this century is the smile of Modi. A terrorist national looking for excuse to salute his country and support his army. and look what he finds modi's smile.
Mr. Rizwan it is not modi's smile, it is your own reflection. Just look carefully.
Hehehe... Must be one hell of ideology which needs its enemy's smiling face to kick in... Article is full of contradictions ..

BTW I like how that surrender picture reminds Pakistanis of the horrific crimes her armed forced committed in original Pakistan ( now Bangladesh) and they do anything to look away.
But chanting slogans without the hard work to back them up does not mean much.
this is the first step my friend first step. And in second and third step hard work and other things will follow. Be patient and follow the step by step approach.
Pakistan make urself relevant so that no Indian PM ever use these photo again to Humiliate u ...

by making urself relevant I dont mean u to become more emotionally charged against India...

what I mean is Make ur self Relevant to India...

And by the way Modiji is not using this photo to humiliate Pak... But it was used to remind Bangladesh and its people that what Indian nation did for their freedom and they should never forget this ...

And Bangladesh recognized it by conferring " Friends of Bangladesh Liberation War Award" to Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Pakistan make urself relevant so that no Indian PM ever use these photo again to Humiliate u ...

And by the way Modiji is not using this photo to humiliate Pak... But it was used to remind Bangladesh and its people that what Indian nation did for their freedom and they should never forget this ...

PM Modi didn't give this photo, it was presented to him by the BD PM.
Yes, you the chosen people. Allah's miracle is so great that Modi will do what Allah wants him to do, i.e. help Pakistan and its very true ideology that Muslims and Kaffirs can't live togethor. Our end is near.

you Sir are a very wise Kafir

That's why india's economy is fastest growing in the world. Lol . He is doing exllnt job for India. He is good for Pakistan in only one way. He unites Pakistan. So thank him for this.

So according to your logic since India's economy were shit for first 40 years means you had all chutia leader in the beginning till the great Modi arrived. Get a Grip man, The whole of "3rd world" is developing including the African countries. Is Moodi responsible for Indinasia, Malaysia, Turkey, South Africa, and Brazil and Mexico's developement too.
But then came you, Mr Modi and that picture. We saw you smiling as you received souvenirs from the Bangladeshi prime minster for services rendered during the unfortunate 1971 saga. We could not miss the scorn, the venom, which came shrieking out of that picture.

What would the author have liked Modi to do when BD presented him the picture ?

Say, Sorry I wont take it because I already have one and / or it might offend the sensibilities of your alma mater & my loving neighbour ?

Tell BD to ask me before hand what you intend to present me next time .

I conceed, he should not have smiled ( did he ?) , he should have grumped or maybe shed a tear.


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