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Thailamd sent naval ships, plane to chase away a group of Vietnamese fishing boat.

Let me guess: you don't have a proper police force, either, relying on the army to do policing?

believe me, our police force and gendarmerie, at least at personal level, have received better equipment and training compared to the whole vietnamese soldiers. Speaking from the budget perspective, Vietnamese military force has smaller budget than indonesian police force (USD 3,3/3,4 Bns vs. USD 5 Bns).
Thailand must be a hungry place to see,even in this remote area of africa(somalia) we have this problem of illegal fishing with both the thailand illegal fishing and spanish illegal vessels,they traval all around from thailand to fish in african water and the somali pirates teach them lesson,just 2012,4 thailand vessels were captured,put in prison,sanctioned with huge load of money ransom,flogged and whipped,threatened with destruction of the vessels ,they cries never to come back and demanded to be released but after were released after 4 years in captivity.;)
Somali pirates free Thai fishermen held for four years

It is believed that they spent longer in captivity than any other victims of Somali piracy.

At one time Somali pirates made millions of dollars in ransoms.

but i say,they still do that bussiness,even nato cant stop the pirates beacause of budget and other urgent regional issues like south china sea,mediterrean sea etc.

"We collected them from a remote area," Omar Sheikh Ali, an official in Somalia's central Galmudug administration, was quoted as saying by the AFP news agency.

They called their families by phone and cried and cried and cried," he said.

It is not known whether any ransom was paid for the releases. One unconfirmed report claims $150,000 (£97,000) was handed over while another says $1m (£650,000) was paid.

He said six members of the original crew of 24 died of illness, while another 14 from Myanmar were released in May 2011.
how the hell a myanmar fisherman reach the coast of africa illegally fishing,they will just die in the captivity.poor soul
Somali pirates are still holding 26 more hostages from another vessel .of the captured were spanish vessels also illegal fishing :o:
Correct. Illegal fishing is not an isolated event but happens virtually all over the world, with all nations involving from rich to poor. With one exception: some few countries on this planet think they must desperately try to keep every single fish in the waters, otherwise they believe their people will die next day.

I never read the german government sends out navy to intercept illegal Dutch fishing boats. Neither does the British send the new aircraft carrier to stop illegal German fishermen.
Correct. Illegal fishing is not an isolated event but happens virtually all over the world, with all nations involving from rich to poor. With one exception: some few countries on this planet think they must desperately try to keep every single fish in the waters, otherwise they believe their people will die next day.

I never read the german government sends out navy to intercept illegal Dutch fishing boats. Neither does the British send the new aircraft carrier to stop illegal German fishermen.

If anything, you miss the entirety of this event.

1. You are making a not-apple-to-apple comparison by taking EU with its CFP as an analogy. Nor Indonesia neither Vietnam share a common understanding that sea is shared resource. Therefore, any vessels, REGARDLESS the country, must comply to the rules that Indonesia made for its own territories. That also applies to the indonesian fishermen who operate in territories of other countries that do not have common fishing policy and framework with Indonesia.

2. Illegal fishing happens all over the world, so does thievery or killing, or massacre. You don't justify killing in your neighborhood because it happens in the neighborhood next to yours, do you? IF you do, there must be something wrong with your logic, which I can understand, since agent orange stays for years, if not generations.

3. The point of being though on illegal fishing is not to preserve the fish in the waters, that job belongs to Greenpeace and such. The whole point of that is preserving the fish, so that our own fishermen can catch them. you see, this is just a simple fact that Indonesia protect the interest of its citizen.

The psychological effect that affects Viet fishermen is no concern of Indonesia. If they want to fish in Indonesian waters, be legal.

Anyway, the CFP has sparked outrage, especially in countries where being in EU is a big concern. Read the article as well as the comments.

Indonesian navy blows up illegal foreign fishing vessels in spectacular fashion | Daily Mail Online
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How to blow up illegal fishing boats with style

The psychological effect that affects Viet fishermen is no concern of Indonesia. If they want to fish in Indonesian waters, be legal.

No chances now. Susi has stated that we will not grant any fishing license for foreign business. Instead, they can invest in fish processing business in Indonesia.
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