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Texas support for Hillary Clinton

Its not your heritage,ethnicity,caste,religion or social status that makes you a bad person but what you say and do in life

Famous qoute by Sheikh Asim

Abhi abhi :D
@The Sandman @Moonlight @Pakistani Exile @django
"Its not your heritage,ethnicity,caste,religion or social status that makes you a bad person but what you say and do in life",
One for the ages.
Well he endorsed the wrong candidate.
Trump might be a loud mouth and a bully but compared to Clinton he is OK.
Hillary Rodham Clinton is a war monger, a pathological liar and power hungry witch. She looks like a freaking goblin everytime she opens her mouth.

After nearly 30 years in public service, one would hope she has some core values. She got none. She is for this today and against it the next. She would do anything to get into a position of power. .Can't be trusted. She lies with passion and have absolutely no shame. Bosnian sniper fire story she faked is a great example and of course her email controversy where she lied multiple times. She will lie looking straight in your eye. That woman is a bad example for all especially women, young and old.

Moreover, her campaign cunningly tricked the American Muslim Goldstar family into a political propaganda against Trump. The family should have known better that this woman voted for the very unjust war which killed their son. God forbid how many sons and daughters she would sent to their death if she becomes POTUS seeing how she is a big time war monger.. She destroyed Libya and was all for US intervention Syria. Libya and Syria are both in terrible conditions today with hundred of thousands death.

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This lady burned the Middle East i had slight support for Sanders she is just a war monger
Trump will do worse

did you see the video i posted
i was trying to be cheeky
and you ruined my "charisma"

although jewish but he had my gratitude as well
bhai lagta hai hum meily main bichry thy:P
Trump will do worse
it has always been the democrats who ruined the world
with the execption of chachu bush
I think it is better to deal with the person who is straight forward then deal with the one who says "we are with you and appreciate your sacrifice
but do more"
it has always been the democrats who ruined the world
with the execption of chachu bush
I think it is better to deal with the person who is straight forward then deal with the one who says "we are with you and appreciate your sacrifice
but do more"
Good point

Texas is a Republican state. These guys can dance on the street naked for the next 15 years and Texas will still vote Republican :lol:. One of the few lucky representatives who were democrats, include my friend's mom, Wendy Davis. She is a hell of a lady and had to do a LOT of work to win. But outside of these few examples, Texas is Texas and everything is bigger and better in Texas as they say (and you can see it compared to the rest of the country).

If Texas was its own republic, it would make the 16th top economy in the globe :lol::rofl::enjoy:
A wise enemy is better than a stupid friend.
Trump is a very dangerous person not only for America but the whole world, not because he is a hawk, because he is incredibly stupid.

This lady burned the Middle East i had slight support for Sanders she is just a war monger
Texas will vote for Trump by a wide margin. Anyone thinking otherwise is deluding themselves. After all, it is Texas.
Texas is a Republican state. These guys can dance on the street naked for the next 15 years and Texas will still vote Republican :lol:. One of the few lucky representatives who were democrats, include my friend's mom, Wendy Davis. She is a hell of a lady and had to do a LOT of work to win. But outside of these few examples, Texas is Texas and everything is bigger and better in Texas as they say (and you can see it compared to the rest of the country).

If Texas was its own republic, it would make the 16th top economy in the globe :lol::rofl::enjoy:
Hillary having this much support in Texas the oil "republican" state is a big thing.She's making History

Mark Cuban Endorses Hillary Clinton Over "Jagoff" Donald Trump
Dallas billionaire Mark Cuban returned to his birthplace of Pittsburgh on Saturday to endorse Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, borrowing a local term to assail her bombastic Republican rival.:usflag:

What about them Texans eh? One thing is for sure, Texas is a Red state. The Dems can stay in this big convention for the next 20 years, but I don't see this state turning Blue. Just the nature of the politics.

There has been a tiny fraction (literally "a few") Democrat senators who've been able to win from here. And that's it. So one little show doesn't mean "Texas for Hillary", it means some thousand people sitting in this ONE convention are for Hillary / Democrats.

Texas will vote for Trump by a wide margin. Anyone thinking otherwise is deluding themselves. After all, it is Texas.

Everything is bigger and better in Texas. There is no doubt about it. You can go visit the entire country and then compare it to Texas. Nothing beats Texas :usflag:
Everything is bigger and better in Texas. There is no doubt about it. You can go visit the entire country and then compare it to Texas. Nothing beats Texas :usflag:

California's population and economy are bigger.:rolleyes1:

And no offence, but aside from BBQ, I don't think anything is "better" in Texas. Maybe you should travel more. :D
California's population and economy are bigger.:rolleyes1:

And no offence, but aside from BBQ, I don't think anything is "better" in Texas. Maybe you should travel more. :D

I've lived in NYC downtown for years, NJ and CT also, lived in San Fran and LA for 3 years, lived in Denver and St. Louis for a couple of years, and eventually came back to Texas again. I've been to 43 states more than many times for business and pleasure. And the 7 left, will also be discovered in my lifetime for sure. May be you should visit more places to find out more about the local culture, economy, infrastructure, etc, etc before commenting and making yourself look like a naive person in front of the readers?

The crap hole I used to own in San Fran and then in LA, worth $ 2 million, gave me a 6000 sqft home with a library and two pools, and half an acre worth of back yard with a 5 car Garage in Texas, in an area filled with the CEO's and CFO's of companies like Exxon, Fidelity, etc, etc.

In California, the only comparable city is Beverly Hills. While every other big city in Texas is like this, infrastructure wise. You could land a helicopter in my back yard. While in California, even Ambulances can't get into people's chicken box homes on time :rofl:.

Life is measured with the quality of living. Not due to the fact that one lives in an expensive chicken box, has little outside life due to mortgages being too high, and they pretty much box in for years to create equity or a better living standard.

You remove the Tech sector out of California and then you'll have Water Melons, Wheat and Rice to sell to others as that's what was originally big in Cali outside of the Hollywood. If you remove the tech sector, your real estate will drop by 60%. But these aren't the factors in Texas as their model post Oil based economy is everything. So Texas isn't solely depending on one or two things to stay up economy wise. It has the highest numbers of thriving businesses and most startups out of Austin (that's right, more compared to Cali). In the next 5-7 years, Texas will become the second largest state economy (after NY) and people, and quality of living wise.

I also see cars with Cali and pretty much all other states in Texas in large numbers (North Texas has the highest migration in the country, top 3,4,6, and 10th cities to move to, are in Texas so people are moving to Texas for a reason in such large quantities). Btw, Sugar-land isn't real Texas as majority of Indian and Pakistanis live there. Its truly a lower class neighborhood of Houston!! Check out the other side of Houston starting from Kirby st up. Or Dallas, Ft. Worth area, etc, etc. Numbers of migrants and quality of life speak for itself.
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