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Round 2? Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump 2024


Mar 27, 2015
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We are officially in the horror movie where the monster never dies, the virus never ends and our next election sees Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump.

Yes, the two most polarizing presidential nominees of modern times refuse to go away.

Clinton and Trump are more alike than they realize. Namely, they each live in a reality of their own making.

Trump continues to insist that the 2020 election was stolen. Hillary believes that she won in 2016. “What I was doing was working,” she told New York magazine in 2017. Of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, she said, “I beat both of them.”

Back then, I called Hillary the Norma Desmond of American politics, ever-ready for her close-up, white-knuckling her grip on a scene that long ago rejected her. As she refused to rule out 2020, party leaders were vocal about moving on.

Joe Biden: “I never thought she was a great candidate.”

Chuck Schumer: “When you lose to someone who has 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things . . . you blame yourself.”

Another presidential election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton would be like reliving an old horror film.Another presidential election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton would be like reliving an old horror film.
Biden’s been hovering at the 40 percent mark for a while now. Kamala is an unmitigated disaster. The COVID fumbling, a foreign policy dominated by the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, soaring inflation — well, who else do the Dems have lined up?

Beto? AOC? Mayor Pete?

It’s a disgrace that neither party properly grooms its talent nor welcomes generational change. A coven of power-crazed Baby Boomers have a stranglehold on our national politics — it’s how we got Biden, marketed to us as safe and sane rather than the inside-the-Beltway-hack and doddering Grandpa he is.

Some Democrats are suggesting that Hillary Clinton should run for president again in 2024 — setting up a potential rematch with former President Donald Trump.Some Democrats are suggesting that Hillary Clinton should run for president again in 2024 — setting up a potential rematch with former President Donald Trump.Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Truly, the Dems couldn’t have set a better stage for the reemergence of Donald Trump. The minute he lost, we all knew he’d run again — his ego won’t allow defeat.

Neither will Hillary’s. In December, as part of her MasterClass episode (not to ask the obvious, but shouldn’t one be a master in their class to teach one of these?) Hillary delivered the victory speech she’d written for Election Night 2016.

“It’s the kind of humiliating growth exercise you might spy through the keyhole of a therapist’s office,” said the formerly slavish New York Times. “It feels as if she is being held hostage by the past, compelled to relive her defeat again and again.”

What else should we expect?

Clinton recently delivered part of her planned 2016 victory speech in a Masterclass video.Clinton recently delivered part of her planned 2016 victory speech in a Masterclass video.MasterClass/Handout via REUTERS
In the wake of her loss, Clinton asked us to feel sorry for her — rather than the other way around.

Here was a candidate handed the nomination by her party, which flushed out her most serious primary contender, Bernie Sanders, behind the scenes.

If she couldn’t beat a former reality star with that assist — plus the $150 million war chest, the backing of Beyoncé and Bruce and Oprah, the media industrial complex not just firmly behind her but rabidly anti-Trump — what makes anyone, anywhere, convinced she could pull it off in 2024? Trump’s run is a given. So is Hillary’s inevitable loss.

The good news? As we’re learning, even the most stubborn mutations weaken over time.

Hillary has no chance because Americans knew she is a witch. Only naive youngsters, retard liberals and housewives who only watch TV show will vote for her.

But I will vote for her if possible, she is thirsty for power, sex and blood, I like that kind of woman. Give her a chance.



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I liked her when she was young, like a rose. I knew she lied, she keeps lying, but definitely I can see her ambitions and energy from her eyes.

No one is innocent in D.C. not even the boy scouts. Everybody is thieves, liars, cheats, criminals there.

So why not give her a chance. At least she is smarter than most of the idiots in Washington.
I liked her when she was young, like a rose. I knew she lied, she keeps lying, but definitely I can see her ambitions and energy from her eyes.

No one is innocent in D.C. not even the boy scouts. Everybody is thieves, liars, cheats, criminals there.

So why not give her a chance. At least she is smarter than most of the idiots in Washington.
It's not that other people don't give her a chance, but that she doesn't want to go into politics anymore, otherwise she won't give up managing her figure.
Maybe she prefers the leisurely old age now. best wishes Hillary

Americans are more interested in these election circus shows than actually governing the country properly.
Depending on your perspective this entertainment show is how "Americans" govern their country.

Accountability is formally a fleeting moment and even at a specific moment is hard grasp. This makes it easy to deny any responsibility and shift blame if necessary only on a few scapegoats and sacrifical lamps.
Rooted in the constant blame game of the two puppet parties never taking any responsiblity, its become a running gag in the U.S. proletariat to blame U.S. President Obama for everything even years after he formally stepped down for silly things like hot weather or milkshake machines at Mc Donalds breaking, while others talk like that without any hint of irony.

When the public announced polices are in constant turmoil you dont actually have to meet any expectations of the population because its just chaos that the poppulation cant properly follow anything and they arent used to a cycle of the government actually fullfilling its promises and plans it makes. Again you can blame any failure on opposition obscruction or former polices and future policies.

In reverse anytime some positive anecdote can be told both puppet parties claim it as their achievement since nobody really can keep account here either.

You can easily distract from major problems in society by shifting policymakers and colluding or co-owned media to talk about the next topic, because people are conditioned to accept chaos and constant flip flopping of policies as the norm.

Nobody even expect them to have a 5, 10 or 50 year plan. Once an election circus cicle is over the next topic becomes relection or whose the next puppet candidate celebrity is running after a session of distracting identity politics and China/Russia bashing.

When you are at that point people start losing grasp of reality and start believing anything the entertainment show is telling them in terms of actual policy implementations and results. I have seen Americans living on foodstamps in trailers voting Trump and commend Trump for fixing the job market and parrot the medias lines that everyone who wants can get a job because the job market has never been better, then they look like some dead fish when the other person points out why they are still unemployed then.

The oligarchs who are behind both or at least on of these collaborating parties, meanwhile are having a field day doing whatever serves them self best.
It's not that other people don't give her a chance, but that she doesn't want to go into politics anymore, otherwise she won't give up managing her figure.
Maybe she prefers the leisurely old age now. best wishes Hillary

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Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac ---- Kissinger

She was energetic in politics for past 30 damn years until she realized that there will be no second chance as candidate for president.

I think her spiritual pillar collapsed.
Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac ---- Kissinger

She was energetic in politics for past 30 damn years until she realized that there will be no second chance as candidate for president.

I think her spiritual pillar collapsed.

Well, both Trump, and Clinton are "spent" candidates, and the third alternative is a flaming, smoking disaster.

The matter is that in the last 2 years, Dems haven't managed to cultivate a single worthy candidate, they are all really more nobodies than even independent candidates for the last few elections now. If D want to have a single chance, they need to scram, scram, and pull all efforts into making somebody electable now.

As for Reps, it's a Trump dump — it is not really Republican party holding Trump hostage, but the other way around. If Republicans don't submit a total unconditional allegiance to him right now, he threatens to not to run. Trump stomps Rep polls with some crossing 80% — a digit unheard for, I think, at least 1 century.

If I was the Democrat general secretary, I would've bribed Desantis to run for Democrats by now.
Well, both Trump, and Clinton are "spent" candidates, and the third alternative is a flaming, smoking disaster.

The matter is that in the last 2 years, Dems haven't managed to cultivate a single worthy candidate, they are all really more nobodies than even independent candidates for the last few elections now. If D want to have a single chance, they need to scram, scram, and pull all efforts into making somebody electable now.

As for Reps, it's a Trump dump — it is not really Republican party holding Trump hostage, but the other way around. If Republicans don't submit a total unconditional allegiance to him right now, he threatens to not to run. Trump stomps Rep polls with some crossing 80% — a digit unheard for, I think, at least 1 century.

If I was the Democrat general secretary, I would've bribed Desantis to run for Democrats by now.
That's the beauty of US politics, which spread all over the world, populism, radicalism, LGBT, blah, blah.
Ha I laugh at Hillary Clinton.

Her husband Bill Clinton committed adultery with Monica Lewinsky. lol

So much for having "ethics."

These peoples have no sense of "ethics."

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