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Texas support for Hillary Clinton

I hope that you didn't take my previous post too seriously. It was somewhat in jest. Obviously, everyone has their own opinions. With that said....

The crap hole I used to own in San Fran and then in LA, worth $ 2 million, gave me a 6000 sqft home with a library and two pools, and half an acre worth of back yard with a 5 car Garage in Texas, in an area filled with the CEO's and CFO's of companies like Exxon, Fidelity, etc, etc.

You are absolutely right that Texas is cheaper than California. No one is doubting that. That's by far the biggest thing that it has going it its favor. Arguably the only major thing. It's all about supply and demand.

In California, the only comparable city is Beverly Hills. While every other big city in Texas is like this, infrastructure wise. You could land a helicopter in my back yard. While in California, even Ambulances can't get into people's chicken box homes on time :rofl:.

I really doubt that every city in urban Texas is like Beverly Hills. That's absurd.:haha: Maybe you should visit again. Also, there are many houses in urban California (LA, Bay Area, SD, Sacramento) that are quite large. Perhaps fewer per capita than urban Texas, but many are definitely there. You should visit the Inland Empire, parts of Orange County (especially the southern part), and the East & North Bay among many other areas. SD and Sacramento have many, many houses like this.

Life is measured with the quality of living. Not due to the fact that one lives in an expensive chicken box, has little outside life due to mortgages being too high, and they pretty much box in for years to create equity or a better living standard.

Agreed, and quality of life cannot be tied to the size of your house. Not everyone wants a gigantic house. You should get out more. "Chicken box"?! :laughcry:Outside of SF city and a few parts of West LA/Downtown, most people don't live in "chicken boxes". And people can create equity pretty quickly actually due to rising housing costs. Much faster than they can in Texas. You contradicted yourself.

I also see cars with Cali and pretty much all other states in Texas in large numbers (North Texas has the highest migration in the country, top 3,4,6, and 10th cities to move to, are in Texas so people are moving to Texas for a reason in such large quantities). Btw, Sugar-land isn't real Texas as majority of Indian and Pakistanis live there. Its truly a lower class neighborhood of Houston!! Check out the other side of Houston starting from Kirby st up. Or Dallas, Ft. Worth area, etc, etc. Numbers of migrants and quality of life speak for itself.

Agreed. That's why California still has the largest population of any state in America (and it continues to grow at a healthy rate). People are indeed voting with their addresses. Send me a message when Texas' population surpasses California. And this is despite the fact that housing costs here are double or even more than in Texas. There are some things in life that you can't really put a price on.

You remove the Tech sector out of California and then you'll have Water Melons, Wheat and Rice to sell to others as that's what was originally big in Cali outside of the Hollywood. If you remove the tech sector, your real estate will drop by 60%. But these aren't the factors in Texas as their model post Oil based economy is everything. So Texas isn't solely depending on one or two things to stay up economy wise.

You're post was kind of okay up until this point. Now you're just going off the rails, with all due respect. California has a very, very diverse economy, more so than Texas. The Silicon Valley only makes up a part of it. Texas is much more reliant on Agriculture/livestock and mineral/energy extraction (especially oil) than California. This is a breakdown of California's economy:


It has the highest numbers of thriving businesses and most startups out of Austin (that's right, more compared to Cali). In the next 5-7 years, Texas will become the second largest state economy (after NY) and people, and quality of living wise.

I don't know if Texas has more startups than California, though I'm pretty skeptical. But even if it somehow does, it will never catch up to California economically. At least not in my lifetime (or yours).

I have no earthly idea where you got the idea that New York has the largest economy (or will one day) among states in America. California has the largest economy among states, not New York, and it has for quite a while now. Texas is actually 2nd (behind California of course). And contrary to your belief, California's economy is actually growing faster than Texas'. Click the link:


"The Texas economy grew by 3.8% in 2015, faster than any state other than Oregon and California. Texas has nearly one-third of the nation’s crude oil reserves, and its economy is heavily dependent on the price of oil. As oil prices have fallen in recent years, the economies of many of the most oil-dependent counties in the state also suffered."

"California’s $2.2 trillion GDP is the largest in the country. Its 4.1% economic expansion in 2015 was also the fastest in the U.S., tied only with Oregon. Growth was driven primarily by the professional and business services industry as well as the information industry, which grew by 7.0% and 10.3%, respectively."

So unfortunately for you, the gap is widening, not shrinking. We are the 6th largest economy in the world. In fact, we may soon surpass the UK for the 5th largest economy in the world:


"It’s reasonable to expect that California’s GDP will be greater than the U.K.’s in less than a decade and perhaps less than half that time."

I hope that clears up your gross misconceptions about the economies of Texas and California.

Maybe you should do a little research on economics before commenting and making yourself look like a naive person in front of the readers? :dirol:
I hope that you didn't take my previous post too seriously. It was somewhat in jest. Obviously, everyone has their own opinions. With that said....

You are absolutely right that Texas is cheaper than California. No one is doubting that. That's by far the biggest thing that it has going it its favor. Arguably the only major thing. It's all about supply and demand.

I really doubt that every city in urban Texas is like Beverly Hills. That's absurd.:haha: Maybe you should visit again. Also, there are many houses in urban California (LA, Bay Area, SD, Sacramento) that are quite large. Perhaps fewer per capita than urban Texas, but many are definitely there. You should visit the Inland Empire, parts of Orange County (especially the southern part), and the East & North Bay among many other areas. SD and Sacramento have many, many houses like this.

Agreed, and quality of life cannot be tied to the size of your house. Not everyone wants a gigantic house. You should get out more. "Chicken box"?! :laughcry:Outside of SF city and a few parts of West LA/Downtown, most people don't live in "chicken boxes". And people can create equity pretty quickly actually due to rising housing costs. Much faster than they can in Texas. You contradicted yourself.

Agreed. That's why California still has the largest population of any state in America (and it continues to grow at a healthy rate). People are indeed voting with their addresses. Send me a message when Texas' population surpasses California. And this is despite the fact that housing costs here are double or even more than in Texas. There are some things in life that you can't really put a price on.

You're post was kind of okay up until this point. Now you're just going off the rails, with all due respect. California has a very, very diverse economy, more so than Texas. The Silicon Valley only makes up a part of it. Texas is much more reliant on Agriculture/livestock and mineral/energy extraction (especially oil) than California. This is a breakdown of California's economy:

I don't know if Texas has more startups than California, though I'm pretty skeptical. But even if it somehow does, it will never catch up to California economically. At least not in my lifetime (or yours).

I have no earthly idea where you got the idea that New York has the largest economy (or will one day) among states in America. California has the largest economy among states, not New York, and it has for quite a while now. Texas is actually 2nd (behind California of course). And contrary to your belief, California's economy is actually growing faster than Texas'. Click the link:


"The Texas economy grew by 3.8% in 2015, faster than any state other than Oregon and California. Texas has nearly one-third of the nation’s crude oil reserves, and its economy is heavily dependent on the price of oil. As oil prices have fallen in recent years, the economies of many of the most oil-dependent counties in the state also suffered."

"California’s $2.2 trillion GDP is the largest in the country. Its 4.1% economic expansion in 2015 was also the fastest in the U.S., tied only with Oregon. Growth was driven primarily by the professional and business services industry as well as the information industry, which grew by 7.0% and 10.3%, respectively."

So unfortunately for you, the gap is widening, not shrinking. We are the 6th largest economy in the world. In fact, we may soon surpass the UK for the 5th largest economy in the world:


"It’s reasonable to expect that California’s GDP will be greater than the U.K.’s in less than a decade and perhaps less than half that time."

I hope that clears up your gross misconceptions about the economies of Texas and California.

Maybe you should do a little research on economics before commenting and making yourself look like a naive person in front of the readers? :dirol:

There is a saying in Texas and all across the US "never argue with stupids, they'll bring them down to your level and will try to beat you with stupidity and experience vs. facts or knowledge". I follow this saying very carefully in my life.

If you don't mind me asking, what's your background? Any education related to Economy? Please do establish credentials so we can continue to discuss this. General MBA doesn't count as they'll give you a book on everything instead of letting students focus on a specific thing like Economy, or New Markets, etc, etc.

Also, some older articles you should read up on. Like I said, everything is bigger and better in Texas. You don't measure an economy when 20% of the population makes a whole lot of money and the remainder 80% lives off of the bubble the 20% create and enjoy a chicken box lifestyle. The economy's most significant driver and measurement is the quality of living its citizens enjoy. I think this concept is too intense for you as you ignored it totally in my two previous posts.



And to correct you, I don't know where you pulled the chart from, but its not accurate or the person putting it together wasn't awake. Texas is behind in Agriculture vs. California. Its ahead in Live Stock and Oil. Just setting it correctly.

And I don't take things seriously from online posters who show me total malfunction on a topic. I've done very well for myself and when I write on a topic, I open my mouth after I've experience in that arena a little bit.

Like I said, California is the largest economy based on a couple of things which are moving to India and China very quickly. Your own analysis show me that the largest growth in Cali's economy was due to information tech. Which is going to India year by year. Soon in the next ten years, they are predicting that only management offices will be left in the Silicon Valley while the work will be done in India (for Information Services) and in China (for Manufacturing). There is a reason why California tried to buy (or already bought) pre-built bridges from China which were going to be delivered over a ship. And now the high speed rail is being discussed for contract with China also. Just the nature of the global economy we live in.

Texas has mostly white. They like white supremacy, they will vote for trump.
There is a saying in Texas and all across the US "never argue with stupids, they'll bring them down to your level and will try to beat you with stupidity and experience vs. facts or knowledge". I follow this saying very carefully in my life.
I have refrained from personal insults. I only ask that you so the same. I don't claim to be a genius either.

With all due respect, your last post made vague arguments and it contained some outright falsehoods. This one isn't much better. I cited many facts, many of which you continue to ignore. Please refute them (with facts and citations) if you want to have a real, substantive debate.

If you don't mind me asking, what's your background? Any education related to Economy? Please do establish credentials so we can continue to discuss this. General MBA doesn't count as they'll give you a book on everything instead of letting students focus on a specific thing like Economy, or New Markets, etc, etc.
I never stated that I was economist, if that's what you're asking. You don't have to be to discuss basic economic facts that. I have an educational background in Accounting/Business and am an Accountant. And regardless, Ad hominem arguments will not help your case. Are you implying that you are an economist?

You don't measure an economy when 20% of the population makes a whole lot of money and the remainder 80% lives off of the bubble the 20% create and enjoy a chicken box lifestyle. The economy's most significant driver and measurement is the quality of living its citizens enjoy. I think this concept is too intense for you as you ignored it totally in my two previous posts.

"80% lives off of the bubble the 20% create and enjoy a chicken box lifestyle" - I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. And then you ask me for "credentials" after a statement like this. What bubble? I don't think this term means whatever you might think it means. An economy is not a "bubble". A stock market can have a bubble. A real estate market can have a bubble. Asset markets in general can have a bubble. An economy is not a "bubble". Everyone contributes to this economy. Where did you get this 80%/20% figure from anyway? What does that even mean? I'd like to see some sources.

We don't live a "chicken box lifestyle" either, whatever that's supposed to mean. As I have said before, quality of life cannot be measured in the size of your house. I think this concept is too intense for you as you ignored it totally in my previous post. Look beyond your house. And there are tons of large houses out here anyway, if you want one. Although as I have stated before, not everyone wants an oversized house like yourself. And despite the fact that Texas housing is indeed cheaper, people are willing to pay a substantial premium to live in California anyway. Despite cheaper housing, we still have more people than Texas. It's easier to create equity too as a result of this.

And to correct you, I don't know where you pulled the chart from, but its not accurate or the person putting it together wasn't awake. Texas is behind in Agriculture vs. California. Its ahead in Live Stock and Oil. Just setting it correctly.

You are not correct. California's economy has a significantly smaller percentage of its economy involved in Agriculture. This is one of the most absurd things that you're posting. California's Agricultural economy may be larger in absolute terms, but it definitely smaller as percentage of overall GDP. We're not farmers. This isn't the Midwest. It doesn't even make up 2% of our economy. Texas meanwhile is far more tied to Oil & Gas.

Also, some older articles you should read up on. Like I said, everything is bigger and better in Texas.

Like I said, California is the largest economy based on a couple of things which are moving to India and China very quickly. Your own analysis show me that the largest growth in Cali's economy was due to information tech. Which is going to India year by year. Soon in the next ten years, they are predicting that only management offices will be left in the Silicon Valley while the work will be done in India (for Information Services) and in China (for Manufacturing). There is a reason why California tried to buy (or already bought) pre-built bridges from China which were going to be delivered over a ship. And now the high speed rail is being discussed for contract with China also. Just the nature of the global economy we live in.

Yes exactly, they are indeed older. You are still living in 2013 & 2014, but it is now 2016. Post something from 2015 or later as I have. We are involved in far more than Tech. That's what my post showed. The pie chart clearly showed the percentage of Info/Tech was only a small fraction of the economy. It was created from the Bureau of Economic Analysis' (BEA) data from 2008. The vast majority of the state does not live or work in the Silicon Valley. I don't know how it is you think they do. And most of those jobs are not being moved overseas anyway. Who exactly is predicting that, as you claim? They are much more stable than low-skill jobs like in manufacturing. So here's something in response to your first article. Try reading it. I read yours:


"Texas has a significant presence in five of the fifty advanced industries. That makes it the twelfth most diverse state—less diverse than California, which is involved in fourteen advanced industries, but more so than New York, the third-most-populous state. But three of the five advanced industries present in Texas are related to the energy sector—for instance, manufacturing of petroleum and coal products—which means they could be vulnerable to the oil crash, too. “By this measure, Texas is not monolithically tied to oil and gas, but it’s highly oriented towards it,” Muro told me. “One would have to wonder about the implications of the gas crash.”

And here's a response to your second article from last month:


"Figures show California added nearly 447,000 new jobs last year, more than Texas and Florida combined."

I've done very well for myself and when I write on a topic, I open my mouth after I've experience in that arena a little bit.

I'm very happy that you have done well for yourself. I hope you continue to do so. I don't have anything against you or the state of Texas. My previous post was only in response to your reply to correct your misconceptions. Same goes for this one.

Some facts I will leave you with (and links for proof):

1. California has the largest economy in the country, by far (2015 GDP: $2.21 trillion),

Texas is second (2015 GDP: $1.48 trillion) - $750 billion more than Texas (that's an enormous gap)


2. California has a faster growing economy than Texas (tied for fastest in the country with Oregon):

California's 2015 GDP growth: 4.1% vs. Texas' 2015 GDP growth: 3.8%


3. California is involved in 14 advanced industries vs. 5 for Texas (3 of which are energy related)


4. California added more jobs last year (2015) than Texas and Florida combined


5. California added more jobs than Texas from 2010-2015 too:
California: 1.77 million jobs / Texas: 1.5 million jobs


6. California has more startups than Texas (#3 in Nation vs #9 for Texas)


I have refrained from personal insults. I only ask that you so the same. I don't claim to be a genius either.

I didn't use any personal insult. I merely told you and I'll repeat, there is a saying I heard when I was like 4 years old. I took it to heart and I follow is very closely. That saying says, don't ague with stupids, they'll bring you down to your level and will try to beat you with stupidity and experience. This is a common English saying that American parents teach their kids. I am following what I've learned. There is no insult to anyone. The Sun "always" comes from the East.....now would that also be offensive to someone? I guarantee you it would be. There are some religions and cultures on this planet that don't follow the fact that the Earth revolves around the Sun and that the Sun comes from the East. Some will tell you that one of their supermen Gods changed it from North to East and after a gazillion years, an Alien space ship, with that God's cousin, will change it to South West. So like I said, this isn't offensive. Its just what I've heard like anyone else living in America, similar to America is the greatest country......now I believe in it. But many on here would get offended to that. Why can't we just be humans and let things go and appreciate what others know and care for?

With all due respect, your last post made vague arguments and it contained some outright falsehoods. This one isn't much better. I cited many facts, many of which you continue to ignore. Please refute them (with facts and citations) if you want to have a real, substantive debate.

Dude, like I said, you want to bet on the future. I don't do that. If I am going to be wasting time betting on the future on this unpaid forum, I might as well put my bet on Facebook or Google's option contract. I might make a million in a day as the Options if you play them successfully, generate a lot of revenue. So sorry, instead of writing another post back, I'd advise you to continue to watch the Texan economy. You'd be surprised :enjoy:
Texas is a Republican state. These guys can dance on the street naked for the next 15 years and Texas will still vote Republican :lol:. One of the few lucky representatives who were democrats, include my friend's mom, Wendy Davis. She is a hell of a lady and had to do a LOT of work to win. But outside of these few examples, Texas is Texas and everything is bigger and better in Texas as they say (and you can see it compared to the rest of the country).

If Texas was its own republic, it would make the 16th top economy in the globe :lol::rofl::enjoy:

Perhaps if Hillary threatens to dance naked in the street unless you vote democrat?

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