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TerrorMata Should be Worried about...

We are happy for you

... I hope all those countries come to your aid like in 65,71,84, 99 ...

Terror Mata sure knows how to handle her TERRORISTAN baby while you keep fumbling with fake photos.

other than 71 (on the back on Bangali people) you need help more than Pakistan did, go read what your own general have to say...if you wonder why super man Modi avoiding to fulfill his election promises of breaking Pakistan.
other than 71 (on the back on Bangali people) you need help more than Pakistan did, go read what your own general have to say...if you wonder why super man Modi avoiding to fulfill his election promises of breaking Pakistan.

Cmon man ... don't rejuvenate dead troll threads. Didn't expect this from a Elite member.

Other than that ... kindly read what I posted. We are happy for you. And rest about history, neither you need to tell me, nor I need to tell you.

I hope you remember, that Pakistan has always been a member of the Western Block, an American lackey, offering bases for espionage to US, offering military support to Arabs during Arab-Israeli wars, assisting the US in Afghanistan, a Major Non-NATO Ally, Active member of OIC, Japan was a major investor in Pakistan long before they offered help to India and above all, China( to whom you illegally leased Shaksgam Tract and offered support in '62). Whereas, what support India had, Non-aligned countries and the USSR. With that kind of support, that you have always enjoyed, had your rulers (Army + Political) had even the slightest vision you would have been doing better than countries like Turkey, Egypt, Indonesia , but sadly, you value enmity against India far higher than your personal growth. And you used that support, to settle imaginary scores with India. Had you not leeched those same countries that helped you, you wouldn't be standing here with merely China as an ally.

Anyways, Modi, started his tenure as PM,with an invitation to you PM, only in a hope to mend out relations and not on a promise of breaking Pakistan. But as I stated earlier, your people(Political & Military) lack vision and maturity and only seek personal benefits over the benefits of your Nation. India too has enemies(China being one), but did it stop us from doing Trade, people to people interaction,No. Its a sign of maturity from both the nations (Chinese as well as Indians), all the while, when we host the biggest foe perceived by China i.e. Dalai Lama.

Nobody in India, wants to do anything to Pakistan, at best we can completely avoid you, but then your (Political & Military) leaderships only oxygen is hate against India so India merely needs to keep you in a state that you don't become a major hurdle in India's growth. And I would say all Indian PM's post IK Gujral have been doing good in this regard.
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