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Terrorists shot dead CRPF personnel at his home in kashmir

That is your view.
They have their own and different view .

And their view is wrong. Mine is supported by the overwhelming majority of Islamic scholars, theirs is not.

Who was a Murtad when operation was done in Waziristan? Pashtuns or Pak Army?

Neither, the militants were Kharijis, not Murtads.

Being a Khariji is pretty bad in case you didn't know.

Hoe can you your point of view be right without having bias to Pakistan? To decide who is murtard? Taliban soldier defending his fellow villagers or Pakistani soldier who is there to kill Taliban guy.

I really don't see how you can paint killing civilians as defending ones fellow villagers.
We should shift the fight from streets to their home... every terrorist should be burnt and their family should pay for their sins...

The problem is, whether the government has the b@lls to do that. Our forces are capable of taking this war to any level and solve the problem of terrorism once and for all. But mostly politicians are Lilly-livered and don't give a damn.

I really hope that we have learnt our lesson from the operations of KGB and Shin Bet when dealing with terrorists.
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