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Terrorists shot dead CRPF personnel at his home in kashmir

This killing again shows that the Kashmir issue is not a straight-cut "India vs Kashmir" issue.

For how long should the militancy continue?? Another 50 years??

There is only one end solution to this.

The ultra-nationalists on both sides need to withdraw and allow the progressives to talk peace.

Good idea, doesn't work
Lahore and Agra summit were done for that purpose only... see above reply...

If you are talking about the Vajpayee-Musharraf meetings then they were incomplete and not ambitious.

The biggest problem with Pakistan is that your democratically elected are not as powerful as your army... and your army don't want to forget 71...

Good idea, doesn't work

If left entirely to nationalists and the military then the 'Aman ki asha' initiative will also not be present.

Let us remember that Rabindranath Tagore spoke against nationalism.

And maybe this forum is not appropriate for talking peace.
I think we are past simple encounters and protests/processions/parades. Learn from China. Enough with the soft hand approach.
By the way, what I thought does not translate into my Government's policy... so take a chill pill...

I don't care, you hate the militants because you claim they commit acts of terrorism, but then you say that you literally want the Hindustani military to commit acts of terrorism.

That's called hypocrisy.

@hussain0216 Another Muslim bites the dust at the hands of a Muslim.

This person is no Muslim, he is a Murtad for working with the Hindustani military against his fellow Muslims.

Muslims killing Muslims.
Nothing new.

See my previous post.
I don't care, you hate the militants because you claim they commit acts of terrorism, but then you say that you literally want the Hindustani military to commit acts of terrorism.

That's called hypocrisy.

This person is no Muslim, he is a Murtad for working with the Hindustani military against his fellow Muslims.

See my previous post.
Muslims have along history of using words like Murray to kill against each otger.

A recent example from Pakistan is that today a Pakistani soldier was killed in a bomb attack in Waziristan by Islamist rebels .
Muslims have along history of using words like Murray to kill against each otger.

Not quite, we've rarely ever used it. It's only recently that the trend has picked up for everyone to start using it.

Doesn't change the fact that sometimes, calling someone a Murtad is pretty legitimate. This is one of them.
Not quite, we've rarely ever used it. It's only recently that the trend has picked up for everyone to start using it.

Doesn't change the fact that sometimes, calling someone a Murtad is pretty legitimate. This is one of them.
Then rebels in Waziristan calling the Pakistani soldier killed today a murtad is also legitimate as per your logic.
Then rebels in Waziristan calling the Pakistani soldier killed today a murtad is also legitimate as per your logic.

No he's not, because the Pakistani army is only fighting them because they hurt innocent Muslims throughout the rest of Pakistan. These guys in our country are Khariji's.
No he's not, because the Pakistani army is only fighting them because they hurt innocent Muslims throughout the rest of Pakistan. These guys in our country are Khariji's.
That is your view.
They have their own and different view .
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This person is no Muslim, he is a Murtad for working with the Hindustani military against his fellow Muslims.
Who was a Murtad when operation was done in Waziristan? Pashtuns or Pak Army?
No he's not, because the Pakistani army is only fighting them because they hurt innocent Muslims throughout the rest of Pakistan. These guys in our country are Khariji's.

Hoe can you your point of view be right without having bias to Pakistan? To decide who is murtard? Taliban soldier defending his fellow villagers or Pakistani soldier who is there to kill Taliban guy.
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