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Terrorists Attempt to Attack Five Star Hotel in Islamabad Foiled by Islamabad Police

Nice work. They already had the intelligence hence it is a nice catch by agencies.

There were earlier reports that Five Star hotels in Islamabad esp the Marriot and Serena would be targeted mainly for hostage taking reasons and one such attempt had been foiled by Intel guys few months back. Then there were reports that more than 10 talis have crossed through Torkham for creating issues here.
Nonetheless Good job by LEAs.
Good work. Umer Naray elimination was the first step, now we should go after for the rest of TTP leadership and their sponsors in NDS and RAW.
Back in June this year, this incident was discussed in ''secret'' words on this forum.
Now cat is out of bag ..............
Some good work in past few days in our war on terror.

1 Umar narray killed
2 6 terrorists killed in Okara
3 1 TTP wanted commander killed in Mansehra
4 Terror attack foiled on Islamabad
5 Several other terrorists killed or arrested in Karachi, Lahore and KPK

@Assault Rifle would be feeling sad however!!
There were earlier reports that Five Star hotels in Islamabad esp the Marriot and Serena would be targeted mainly for hostage taking reasons and one such attempt had been foiled by Intel guys few months back. Then there were reports that more than 10 talis have crossed through Torkham for creating issues here.
Nonetheless Good job by LEAs.
IG Police is referring to same news which came few months back
Good Job! Let's work together!
We need to work in bigger prospective, US wants and tries to build India against China for south China sea and other matters even Russia offer N-Aircraft carrier to Indians for different reasons in that scenario we China / Pak should strengthen their defense ties further, China should nuclear Pakistan navy to counter Indian dominance dreams.
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