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Terrorist strong network:



New Recruit

Jan 15, 2009
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Recently C.I.A in Karachi has arrested 6 terrorist involved in murder of two policemen, involve in attack on S.S.P and other members of a law enforcing agency, sources provided proofs of their contacts with “BAITULLAH MEHSOOD GROUP”.
Heavy machine guns, rocket launchers, drugs, gold and money were recovered.
They have been involved in bank robberies and dacoits throughout the previous years and had chosen Mangopir (Kunwari colony) as their asylum.

All these terrorists namely Naik Salam Mehsood, Rehman Mehsood, Farooq Mehsood, Attullah Mehsood, Habibullah Mehsood and Javed Punjabi were arrested from Mangopir (Kunwari Colony) along with 1 rocket launcher, 3 missile rockets, 4 Ak47’s, 2 pistol and heavy amount of drugs whereas; 6 other men managed to ran from the spot and law enforcement agencies are still looking for them.

According to police sources:
1. They send money and other resources to Waziristan.
2. They have been involved in kidnapping and ransom crimes and the money received is sent to Waziristan.
3. They have been involved in well-planned bank robberies in recent years in Karachi.
4. These terrorist have been involved in attack on N.A.T.O Forces in recent time.
5. They were also involved in attacks on F.C and other ARMY personals.
6. They have been transferring weapons and drugs.

It proofs that they have a strong network in Karachi, they easily enter and disappear in the city after killing policemen, looting shops, banks and getting engage in ransom crime.

“Can Baitullah Mehsood Era eradicated”
Unfortunately its not the first time, We still have a large number of these Talibans in the city, Bank robbery, Street crime is the problems we are facing everyday, Many pre-planned Murders, terrorists attacks have been made my these forces.
Government should take some immediate steps to counter these talibans and to keep an eye on them.

Karachi is the main Hub for the economy which attracts these terrorists and they came here to give boost to their finance.
The money is looted from the city and then used against Pakistan Army and innocent people.
And if we know them and still we are not taking any action against them in the city, then we are also a part of their evil acts.
this is very true that they have strong network in Karachi , why not our Army and Forces start operation on those activist who were involved with these Talibaans ???, who helped them in every step. Pakistan Government Should banned all those political or non-political activist who support talibaans. There are several networks working with slogan of Islam Government Should take action against them.
^^^^I dont thing your country can do that..!! As they have just succmbed to the preassure from another faction of Taliban in swat..!!!
Our government should take strong action against them and ban all those parties and groups supporting them in Karachi
Pakistan has to investigate this properly and arrest those who are involved in these criminal acts.

Pakistani officials cant be like MQM, who have stereotyped Pashtuns in Karachi and have targeted innocent Pashtuns in Karachi.

Pakistani officials must use its intelligence and target only who are involved in terrorist activities and not be like MQM.
Pakistan has to investigate this properly and arrest those who are involved in these criminal acts.

Pakistani officials cant be like MQM, who have stereotyped Pashtuns in Karachi and have targeted innocent Pashtuns in Karachi.

Pakistani officials must use its intelligence and target only who are involved in terrorist activities and not be like MQM.

well m not agree with u on this. m not support any political party or noot point out any political party but my point of view is totally different from u, why we people still pointing out each other, like above indian said ur country can't do this, my question is that why not?? we can do that we can eliminate Taalibanization from roots, our weekness is that we still point out each other, we are not united and thats the basic thing help these talibaans and their allians. yet we have a time to decide to take action against them or to point out political parties. why we can't united against these talibaans?????

Whats this all happening in my country.I think they will hijack Pakistan in 2 or 3 years.i dont know what is all going on who is behind all these Agenda

If they captured Karachi means that they conquered Pakistan and then we will be sister country to somalia

Hope that they have no naval Forces :azn:
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