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Terrorist Executions suspended: Military courts Bill to be Sabotaged in National Assembly

Did i not told you.. that TTP have political influence in Pakistan, mostly among the ranks of non mullas.
It was so obvious, we only needed to have a broad minded person to see this before its wide open.
Narrow mindedness is also the reason, we ignore the most obvious hints and evidence and most important... the traps.
Now enjoy democracy and keep voting for whom so ever you like, do whatever reforms you may like, nothing's going to change!
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UN and EU can't do much. Even Saudi Arabia executes more people every month, but no one has a problem.

And it was very much expected of the religious parties to change their color. They have done it plenty of time.

But what would Zardari gain out of this?
this is where you and I would speculate

possibilities include

* just out of habit for PPP's hostilities towards army
* fearing for his own self thinking he might one day get trapped in these courts.
* fearing army action in Sindh which would affect his power directly in case target killers are arrested who might betray their links to PPP..
What has happened to the executions now?

The only people executed were the ones under Army Act...th others which are also under Army Act were appealed in courts but I heard the appeal got rejected.

Can anybody enlighten me why are the executions not continuing?

Are they waiting for the military courts to first form?

Wouldn't make a difference though.
it was a fresh wound and ns was angry enough to make such statements. time will cure the wound and we will slowly forget about this wound the way we have forgot other wounds. If we execute eu will start blackmailing and eventualy wishfully or not we'll end up not executing terrorists. we can ask eu to pay for expenses to give high security to prisons to keep those terrorist alive during rest of their filthy lives.
All these problems ain't going to settle down any sooner or atleast until we have royals ruling us...with no good past record...and we have same crap for more than 3 decades and the expire date is not near anyhow unless we kill them all.... Case rests...:close_tema:

your opposition as a westerner to the military courts is a genuine one. it based on the question of accountability and saving the innocent from miscarriage of justice.
people I have mentioned have their own vested interests some are trying to safeguard their proxies, some have their own interests and madrassahs and target killers and some are doing it just out of habit for the hatred for the military

Or is it because nobody wants to set a precedent for military courts to be above the regular civil courts as a violation of the basic legal hierarchies set forth in the Constitution?
Did i not told you.. that TTP have political influence in Pakistan, mostly among the ranks of non mullas.
This is not just about TTP influence on the political class - a major factor behind the inaction is that our venal political class is vested in a continuation of the current broken and corrupt system that allows them to reap benefits at the expense of the majority of Pakistanis.
it was a fresh wound and ns was angry enough to make such statements. time will cure the wound and we will slowly forget about this wound the way we have forgot other wounds. If we execute eu will start blackmailing and eventualy wishfully or not we'll end up not executing terrorists. we can ask eu to pay for expenses to give high security to prisons to keep those terrorist alive during rest of their filthy lives.
And we definitely will forget...since how long did we remind Thar's people? But yea never forget BHUTTO zinda hae... And all money dumped on a graveyard...
Well it makes since many political and religious groups would oppose military courts as they would not be able to escape themselves if such courts set their eyes on them whereas the current courts are easily navigable through threats and/or bribes to judges.
I see no such intent on the part of our civilian leadership - why wasn't the great Khan asking for reforms in law enforcement instead of some stupid short-term commission and the resignation of Sharif? An independent and depoliticized law enforcement would have actually arrived at that very goal.
Well he did present this agenda of de-politcization of our police force in the elections and you can see the results of the elections..
A de-politicized police force is not going to happen unless the electorate demands for it and forces the politicians to look into it...plus disagree with him all you want at least he has tried to put this into practice in KPK
A de-politicized police force is not going to happen unless the electorate demands for it and forces the politicians to look into it...plus disagree with him all you want at least he has tried to put this into practice in KPK
How is he depoliticizing the police in KPK? Has the process of appointing/transfering the police chiefs been changed?
How is he depoliticizing the police in KPK? Has the process of appointing/transfering the police chiefs been changed?
I can't answer that right now would have to do a little research on that
but what you don't see in KPK anymore is using police to settle political scores like in Punjab
If i know NS, then military courts will get established, by hook or by crook. other politicians parties simply can't stop the process even if they go against PML-N. Two out comes can stop PML-N to implement these promises.

1) PML-N internal rift due to other party involvement.
2) Judges putting their leg to stop the process.

Both looks highly unlike, when Party knows Army will be on their side if they able to complete their promises.
Did i not told you.. that TTP have political influence in Pakistan, mostly among the ranks of non mullas.
It was so obvious, we only needed to have a broad minded person to see this before its wide open.
Narrow mindedness is also the reason, we ignore the most obvious hints and evidence and most important the trap.
No enjoy democracy and keep voting for whom so ever you like, do whatever reforms you may like, nothing's going to change!

It's actually two opposite side extremist joined hands to improve Security Situation in Pakistan. TTP is the threat, so does liberal extremists.
all Politicians are so scared of military courts, because all are bloody murderers or corrupts . a common man want quick justice , and our judiciary is Mashallah , last Cheap justice has really turn out to be a jerk .. who release the terrorist like they are his " phuppi ke larke "
all eyes are on respected COAS , if army took the initiative, than we might see MC working in full pace ..
This is not just about TTP influence on the political class - a major factor behind the inaction is that our venal political class is vested in a continuation of the current broken and corrupt system that allows them to reap benefits at the expense of the majority of Pakistanis.

True... but again we can't change system, while being part of it. As it's popular saying these days... the solution lies in revolution and best way is what Musharraf and Dr. Qadri have laid out.

However, why do we really have to kill the scumbags... to be honest, i don't approve of it.
I would just hire them to build some thing constructive in voids e.g. dig water channels, break stones, build schools, houses, roads in Baluchistan etc.
Now since UN is criticizing, ask them to pay for the bill and that would definitely create some jobs. Just not forget to mine the surroundings of their prisons.
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