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Terrorist Attack in Peshawar Market

After the TTP denial of the Meena Bazar tragedy, rumors abound in the intelligence and law enforcement community that the Peshawar Bomb yesterday was more of a 'catalyst' event stage managed by Indian RAW to achieve two purposes. a) to respond in kind to the recent Indian Embassy Kabul bombing 'alleged' to ISI and b) to have the onus dawned on TTP and its cronies and fuel already strong public opinion against them.

Has anyone else ran into such information?

If this is indeed true; chances of which are very real; then India should very carefully watch its back in coming weeks. WALAIKUM ASALAAM MANMOHAN SINGH! We will pay your kindness in twice the enthusiasm!

Haha what an inane observation...

If there is another terror attack in india with pakistani complicit ,its surely gonna bring the two nation to the a brink of war...and its dream come true for the TTP guys as the current focus of PA would shift to the eastern border giving them precious new lease of life.
Pakistan is not 'importing' people from across Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere to 'populate' SW with 'God's chosen people', by stealing and occupying the land of the locals - no comparisons to be made here.
I'm not sure where you learned your history, AM, but certainly before 1947 all the land settled by Jews in Palestine was either long owned by them or recently purchased or leased, if only because Palestine was under British or Turkish rule and Jews could do nothing else. Even those Jews who had recently been expelled from Arab countries like Jordan had to do this. (Jews were quickly expelled from Jordan in the 1920s as part of the League of Nations plan, under the British Mandate, to create separate Jewish and Arab entities east and west of the Jordan River.) Yet that didn't stop Arabs from attacking their Jewish neighbors, who had no means of redress in any court - hence the U.N.'s post-WWII recommendation for an additional partition into two more states.

That's a pretty crude way to put it. I recommend reading Alan Dershowitz' book The Case for Israel which addresses these issues further. Then you may perceive that the Israeli and Pakistani situations are similar.
I'm not sure where you learned your history, AM, but certainly before 1947 all the land settled by Jews in Palestine was either long owned by them or recently purchased or leased, if only because Palestine was under British or Turkish rule and Jews could do nothing else. Even those Jews who had recently been expelled from Arab countries like Jordan had to do this. (Jews were quickly expelled from Jordan in the 1920s as part of the League of Nations plan, under the British Mandate, to create separate Jewish and Arab entities east and west of the Jordan River.) Yet that didn't stop Arabs from attacking their Jewish neighbors, who had no means of redress in any court - hence the U.N.'s post-WWII recommendation for an additional partition into two more states.

That's a pretty crude way to put it. I recommend reading Alan Dershowitz' book The Case for Israel which addresses these issues further. Then you may perceive that the Israeli and Pakistani situations are similar.

Stick to topic please start a new thread on Israel and Pakistan.
What can someone do when Moderator goes on a rant.:mod:
I saw one story about people donating blood in support of victims of the attack, has any one seen any stories about imams and social workers providing emotional support for the survivors?
After the TTP denial of the Meena Bazar tragedy, rumors abound in the intelligence and law enforcement community that the Peshawar Bomb yesterday was more of a 'catalyst' event stage managed by Indian RAW to achieve two purposes. a) to respond in kind to the recent Indian Embassy Kabul bombing 'alleged' to ISI and b) to have the onus dawned on TTP and its cronies and fuel already strong public opinion against them.

Has anyone else ran into such information?

If this is indeed true; chances of which are very real; then India should very carefully watch its back in coming weeks. WALAIKUM ASALAAM MANMOHAN SINGH! We will pay your kindness in twice the enthusiasm!


You cannot use this board to openly threaten a neighbour country. Please delete your post.

Are you giving ideas to terrorists what to do next. This type of post is not acceptable---your anger is understandable---but you cannot redirect it to another group of people.

Wasn't the sincereity and efficiency of these same agencies questioned years ago when they were going after these terrorists and people didn't want them to.
You are correct Mastankhan.Everyone was crying like little babies few years ago when Army wanted to clear Wazrisitan..but Pakistanis was like ye to hamary apnay log hay.inko army bewaja mar rahi hay.Now suffer the pain..Even today that JI Ameer Munawar Hussain said Pakistan Army is killing Pushtuoons in the biggest Pushtun genocide in history.These kind of people should be taken out by our agencies i think in such a way that it looks like natural death.
These kind of people should be taken out by our agencies i think in such a way that it looks like natural death.
You don't think this sort of extra-judicial killing is one of the things that messed Pakistan up in the first place? Why can't you guys select your imams by regular election, rather than opportune assassination and force?
You are correct Mastankhan.Everyone was crying like little babies few years ago when Army wanted to clear Wazrisitan..but Pakistanis was like ye to hamary apnay log hay.inko army bewaja mar rahi hay.Now suffer the pain..Even today that JI Ameer Munawar Hussain said Pakistan Army is killing Pushtuoons in the biggest Pushtun genocide in history.These kind of people should be taken out by our agencies i think in such a way that it looks like natural death.

Now who is giving ideas here... @MastanaKhan
Rediff has this story about Mr.Mehsud blaming BlackWater for this blast ....

Pakistani Taliban [ Images ] chief Hakimullah Mehsud has claimed that controversial American security firm Blackwater was behind the deadly bomb attack on a market in Peshawar that killed 105 people on Wednesday.

In an interview with BBC Urdu, he claimed that Blackwater and 'Pakistani agencies' were involved in attacks in public places, in an attempt to discredit the militants.

US security firm behind Peshawar blast: Taliban: Rediff.com India News
Why don't you guys look at another possibility. I had until now the impression that Pakistani's are best conpiracy theorist who look at all angles of any attack on them. But you guys have let me down. Why didn't any of you remember and see the similarities between Baghdad Bombing and Peshawar Bombing. Both are similar : Designed to cause maximum casualties.

And the fact that Iran is very angry after it's top commandents died in the audacious attack in sistan-baluchistan can't be ignored. Everyone know that if Iran is angry it will have repercusions in the areas of countries it blames. So why don't you guys look from that perspective.

And the arrest of 11 revolutionary guards by FC didn't help the situation. May be both the Baghdad and peshawar Bombing are Iran's revenge for the spilled blood in sistan which it believes is the handywork of Pakistan and US.

You guys should investigate from that perspective. TTP is not involved that I can assure you because if they had to kill innocents then they would have done that already. They always had the chance to do it. Why would they kill innocents when they know that killing womens and childrens will only turn people to support the army in obliterating them????. Besides look at all the attacks done by them so far.

The ratio of dead was always against them. They lost 8 of their members in GHQ while killing only 13 army personnel. Instead if they would have wanted they could have killed thousands of civilians instead of attacks on the security establishments had they wanted to kill innocents. And I am neither a supporter of TTP nor do I want to clear them of any wrong doing. But even in the attack by a 13 old boy in northwest when 45 people died the boy had jumped on an army convoy before blasting himself.

The rest is pakistan's problem so you guys discuss it. I have just provided you the fodder and it is your decision whether to accept it or deny it.


Thanks for taking the time to put your thoughts over here. There is always that chance of an unpredictable adversary taking advantage of a situation to further its means.

All terrorists and terrorist activities have their unique signatures of application---this current attack which is so different from the previous ones, may also shed some light in the mind of the attackers---for TTP to stage this attack at this time in the heart of peshawar is mind boggling---to attack their pushtun brethren in this manner in the middle of the state capitol, means that the TTP has finally written off whole of the pushtun nation and they have declared themselves to be a totally seperate and independant group---it can happen---a group within the larger group can do something on its own.

But then the other aspect brought up by 'macrocks' is not 'unholy' either. The similiarities to the blast in iraq are very similiar---or do we have copy cats over here now---taking lead from what is happeing around the world.

If Mehsud made the comments that pak agy or blackwater did it---that is totally ill-conceived---under these circumstance blackwater is not going to such a thing---and our agencies would not do such a thing.

I think that Mesud has started believing in himself---that is a dangerous omen.
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Pakistani Taliban [ Images ] chief Hakimullah Mehsud has claimed that controversial American security firm Blackwater was behind the deadly bomb attack on a market in Peshawar that killed 105 people on Wednesday.

In an interview with BBC Urdu, he claimed that Blackwater and 'Pakistani agencies' were involved in attacks in public places, in an attempt to discredit the militants.
US security firm behind Peshawar blast: Taliban: Rediff.com India News
Gee, if Mehsud knows so much, why didn't he stop the attack in the first place, and thus have his Taliban earn credit for doing so? And if he only found out afterward, why doesn't he share his sources of information with the rest of us?
Jew Christian Muslims White red Black
whoever was behind this mass slaugter of innocent children and civilian is a psychopath and needs to be hunted down and brought to justice.
You don't think this sort of extra-judicial killing is one of the things that messed Pakistan up in the first place? Why can't you guys select your imams by regular election, rather than opportune assassination and force?


Pakistan has gone beyond that stage where a nice and acceptable manner of selecting the imams was possible. The religious fanaticism must be eradicated at all costs---it would have been nice when this job could have been completed at tora bora escape route---but then the state of pakistan and the citizens of pakistan made one bad decision after the other.

Somebody in our foreign office should have picked up a phone and called their counter part in the sudans and asked, "what made you kick out your muslim brother from your country "---" nation, self preservation I guess "---that answer should have been the guiding light for the pakistanis---but no---we made the choice of living in darkness of this obssession of ours of being the soul maurauders of the brotherhood of islam.

Pay the price to the piper now---how so painful it may seem---. Read the papers from years ago---pakistanis were yearning for a dogfight---they were itching to have a go at something---the problem is that sometimes the issues and objectives change right in the middle of the confrontation and you being the hunter, becomes the hunted.

This is a dilemma that the paks are facing today---we cannot comprehend as to where did we go wrong---we are still divided as to what our priorities are---the only thing we are doing is a knee jerk reaction---we had the oppurtunity to grab the bull by the horns---we opted to hang on by the tail.

Now this brotherhood needs to be taken out if the nation wants to be a part of the civilized world---.
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we cannot comprehend as to where did they go wrong---we are still divided as to what our priorities are---the only thing we are doing is a knee jerk reaction---we had the oppurtunity to grab the bull by the horns---we opted to hang on by the tail.

Now this brotherhood needs to be taken out if the nation wants to be a part of the civilized world---.
Is that how it is? Now I think I understand better. To know where to go it helps to know where you should be going, and Pakistan doesn't; but Pakistan does know it now has to fight off the barbarians blocking the road if it is going to get anywhere.

I imagine every home, every tavern, every hostel, every assembly, becomes a forum for debate, usually indecisive. What a country! Some day I really must visit.
we cannot comprehend as to where did they go wrong---we are still divided as to what our priorities are---the only thing we are doing is a knee jerk reaction---we had the oppurtunity to grab the bull by the horns---we opted to hang on by the tail.

Now this brotherhood needs to be taken out if the nation wants to be a part of the civilized world---.

Thats scary...If Pakistani's are still divided on how to tackle this menace how are you going to win over it?? I mean how many more bombs blast ..how many more lives needs to be lost before there is a consensus on the approach??? what are elites in pakistan doing??? How about your media?? Now pakistan is ruled by a civilian government so comparatively people should have more freedom...Also since this attack is against common people i am sure this will dent the support for TTP... Also would you mind explaining what lost opportunity you are talking about?

Your post seems to be very depressing bro...Are you just jolted by the deadly blast or you actually mean it???
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