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Terrorism to be totally eliminated in 2016: Army Chief

Pthankot ?? OMG Now please grow up and start admitting that your agencies need "more practice" to carry out such coward acts to sabotage the peace processes. Just stop blaming Pakistan every time, even if a baby farts in India. Your government has "a very good excuse". Did your government ever tell you that things went wrong due to its negligence???

And if you want to promote peace and harmony then stop these Pathankot like things and do something real.
Wish you all the best.

that's plain dumb...like a 4 year old kid that simply repeats 'you did it' when caught red handed. with attitudes and wits like yours, it is not surprising the terror groups find it easy to recruit in the hundreds in Pakistan. But that time is hopefully coming to an end; we'll see if the two sherief's are able to keep up their words
that's plain dumb...like a 4 year old kid that simply repeats 'you did it' when caught red handed. with attitudes and wits like yours, it is not surprising the terror groups find it easy to recruit in the hundreds in Pakistan. But that time is hopefully coming to an end; we'll see if the two sherief's are able to keep up their words
Alright, keep living in the fools paradise. While having RSS, Shiv Sena and BJP at home Who are doing their level best to bring peace in the region. No more Arguments. Period.
Alright, keep living in the fools paradise. While having RSS, Shiv Sena and BJP at home Who are doing their level best to bring peace in the region. No more Arguments. Period.

there never was any argument. relationship was ruined because of terrorists and support for terrorism.Now Pakistan has talked the talk and here is a chance to prove and walk the walk against terrorism. If they do that, relationship will improve.
When terrorism is officially finished we should give Gen. Raheel Sharif the rank of field Marshal and celebrate a day annually as victory day of winning the most expensive and most deadliest war in our history.
there never was any argument. relationship was ruined because of terrorists and support for terrorism.Now Pakistan has talked the talk and here is a chance to prove and walk the walk against terrorism. If they do that, relationship will improve.
The ultimate solution is the Kashmir Issue. Why don't you let Kashmiris decide their fate rather than imposing force on them?

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