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Terrorism case lodged against Indian spy Jadhav

Just like mumbai and kasab.. :azn:

A Pakistani extremist linked to the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks has reportedly been arrested in Austria on suspicion of planning attacks in Europe.

The suspect is one of two men arrested in Salzburg posing as refugees on suspicion of planning attacks for Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil). The 34-year-old man, who has not previously been identified, was named as Muhammad Ghani Usman by the Sunday Times.

He is said to be a former bombmaker for Lashkar-e Taiba (LeT), the Pakistani group behind the 2008 attacks in Mumbai, in which 164 people were killed.

Mumbai terror attack suspect defected to Isil and 'posed as refugee to plan attack in Europe'

Link between Paris and Mumbai attacks under probe - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

Terrorist linked to group behind 2008 Mumbai attacks arrested in Europe posing as refugee | Fox News
Who was this Afzal Guru?

A simple Muslim labelled as terrorist in India and then hanged in haste to please the public.

“The gravity of the crime… is something which cannot be described in words. The incident, which resulted in heavy casualties, had shaken the entire nation and the collective conscience of the society will only be satisfied if the capital punishment is awarded to the offender. The challenge to the unity, integrity and sovereignty of India… can only be compensated by giving the maximum punishment… The appellant, who is a surrendered militant and who was bent upon repeating the acts of treason against the nation, is a menace to the society and his life should become extinct. Accordingly, we uphold the death sentence.” - See more at: What Supreme Court said when it upheld death for Afzal Guru | The Indian Express

What Supreme Court said when it upheld death for Afzal Guru | The Indian Express
A Pakistani extremist linked to the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks has reportedly been arrested in Austria on suspicion of planning attacks in Europe.

The suspect is one of two men arrested in Salzburg posing as refugees on suspicion of planning attacks for Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil). The 34-year-old man, who has not previously been identified, was named as Muhammad Ghani Usman by the Sunday Times.

He is said to be a former bombmaker for Lashkar-e Taiba (LeT), the Pakistani group behind the 2008 attacks in Mumbai, in which 164 people were killed.

Mumbai terror attack suspect defected to Isil and 'posed as refugee to plan attack in Europe'

Link between Paris and Mumbai attacks under probe - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

Terrorist linked to group behind 2008 Mumbai attacks arrested in Europe posing as refugee | Fox News

Look dear..in reality this is how things work..Pakistan got a upper card vs the case of mumbai and others non-state actors played by india.. which will be used on different forums against you now.. neutralizing your non-state actor case..now stop whining..
A simple Muslim labelled as terrorist in India and then hanged in haste to please the public.

What Supreme Court said when it upheld death for Afzal Guru | The Indian Express

Are you a troll?

On Circumstantial Evidence

Circumstantial evidence against Afzal included the following: he knew the dead terrorists and identified their bodies; he was in frequent telephonic contact with the terrorist Mohammed, including three calls that the latter made to him minutes before the attack; the various locations used by the fidayeen in Delhi before the attacks; the various purchases made by them, including chemicals, dry fruit, a Yamaha motorcycle and mobile phones; and the laptop (along with its contents) that was found in Afzal’s custody.

COURT VIEW: The court said these circumstances clearly established Afzal’s association with the terrorists “in almost every act done by them in order to achieve the objective of attacking the Parliament House”. “Short of participating in the actual attack,” Afzal, the court said, “did everything to set in motion the diabolic mission”.

What Supreme Court said when it upheld death for Afzal Guru | The Indian Express
Are you a troll?

On Circumstantial Evidence

Circumstantial evidence against Afzal included the following: he knew the dead terrorists and identified their bodies; he was in frequent telephonic contact with the terrorist Mohammed, including three calls that the latter made to him minutes before the attack; the various locations used by the fidayeen in Delhi before the attacks; the various purchases made by them, including chemicals, dry fruit, a Yamaha motorcycle and mobile phones; and the laptop (along with its contents) that was found in Afzal’s custody.

COURT VIEW: The court said these circumstances clearly established Afzal’s association with the terrorists “in almost every act done by them in order to achieve the objective of attacking the Parliament House”. “Short of participating in the actual attack,” Afzal, the court said, “did everything to set in motion the diabolic mission”.

What Supreme Court said when it upheld death for Afzal Guru | The Indian Express

Your personal attacks on me won't wash away what your courts did................. read again with wide open eyes and think again what it means

"collective conscience of the society will only be satisfied if the capital punishment is awarded to the offender."

They tried to satisfy an extremist society, a society with violent nature that believes in lynching, killing, maiming and oppressing its minorities, women and girls.
Your personal attacks on me won't wash away what your courts did................. read again with wide open eyes and think again what it means

"collective conscience of the society will only be satisfied if the capital punishment is awarded to the offender."

They tried to satisfy an extremist society, a society with violent nature that believes in lynching, killing, maiming and oppressing its minorities, women and girls.
I very well know what it means, probably you can give a eyewash to the case and focus on a single line which you cannot intellectually comprehend due to the +5 power of bigotry lenses on your glasses.
This will actually be a base of many more cases to come ahead if any, but for you the last line should be ....to be hanged till death. Because it's in simple english.
To satisfy an extremist society? Man, our extremist society fed biryani to Kasab for 4 years before dispatching him to gallows. Ignoring away you rest diatribes. Bye.
First, as a neutral observer I have to remind the two countries- spies and spycraft is everywhere. We catch Russian spies all the time, russians catch ours too. Civilized countries understand they are not a means to torture. I've seen so many comments from pakistanis saying let's torture the guy. That might make you sound great internally, but when the world is silently watching, it reflects badly.

Secondly, consular access among civilized countries is always given if the person has been acknowledged as a citizen of another country.

I read earlier, right here in PDF, where a Indian who crossed over was implicated as a spy decades ago. His crimes/ charges were yet adjudicated by Pakistani courts as being innocent, yet he was not let go and died recently.

Now_ let's take a moment and understand that pakistani courts back in 90's were a model of fair and proper justice compared to the last 10 years i.e. In today's Pakistan, the justice who found the killer of the governor to be guilty had to relocate to another country, and the guy who put a garland around the neck of the killer was given the job of being judge in Pakistani courts.

Pakistanis may not get this- but such behavior alarms the rest of the world. It's just not proper.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Think about it.:azn:
I very well know what it means, probably you can give a eyewash to the case and focus on a single line which you cannot intellectually comprehend due to the +5 power of bigotry lenses on your glasses.
This will actually be a base of many more cases to come ahead if any, but for you the last line should be ....to be hanged till death. Because it's in simple english.
To satisfy an extremist society? Man, our extremist society fed biryani to Kasab for 4 years before dispatching him to gallows. Ignoring away you rest diatribes. Bye.

????? Moron do you have anything else except attacking me????? Your comment reads like a woman going through sever monthly hormonal imbalance.

And what the heck do you intend to show by stating "Bye" at the end? I never invited your bahareti / hindustani a&& for a debate it was you who could not ignore me and started............................ anyways now please don't bother replying me I have no time for an extremist citizen of a terrorist country.
Counselor access is not given to terrorists, just like India didn't provide to Kasab. He will rot in jail for rest of his life, however if he cooperate and help Pakistan in dismantling terror web of Hindustan than maybe he will not have to do hard labor during his imprisonment.
Untrue - Kasab was provided consular access. The Pakistan Govt. refused to meet him.


I feel sorry for this man. What he did for patriotism was kill innocent human beings, and for what? To prove a point that India is big and bad? Okay Indians, your man funded the killing of a shit ton of Pakistani civilians. Is it something to be proud of? Something to note is that when Indians conduct false flag ops, they make sure that the "militants" only attack army or police personnel. Why is that? They know that Pakistani or Kashmiri militants do not attack civilians. They make an effort to show this for authenticity.

Even their higher ups know that Muslims do not attack civilians. The Indians say that we Pakistanis claim to be Indian in foreign countries, when the Kashmiris are fighting with tooth and claw to not be called Indians. :lol:

Holding on to Kashmir sounds like an Indian holding a rape victim hostage. You guys should realize the people want nothing to do with you. Just let it go. Even If you occupy Kashmir for eternity, the Kashmiris will never accept you Indians. The conflict seems rather pointless.

On the other hand, I see the same bharti posters on this site talking shit about Pakistanis and Islam on their little Bharti defense forum, which was copied from Ehsan. Please read what they write about us there. Just google "Indian defence forum", and see what they write about Pakistanis. It's sad and also hilarious. So much hate and butt hurt. I shit on their little forum. The same Indians kissing *** here are the ones with the same accounts calling Pakistanis all sorts of names and in general being butt hurt.

Listen bhartis, the Kashmiris hate your guts.. Release Kashmir Valley for their independence, and **** off and keep your Ladakh so that we can have peace.
Kinda rich considering you attacked the free state of Kashmir first in violation of the India Independence Act of the British Parliament to which you had agreed.
First, as a neutral observer I have to remind the two countries- spies and spycraft is everywhere. We catch Russian spies all the time, russians catch ours too. Civilized countries understand they are not a means to torture. I've seen so many comments from pakistanis saying let's torture the guy. That might make you sound great internally, but when the world is silently watching, it reflects badly.

Secondly, consular access among civilized countries is always given if the person has been acknowledged as a citizen of another country.

I read earlier, right here in PDF, where a Indian who crossed over was implicated as a spy decades ago. His crimes/ charges were yet adjudicated by Pakistani courts as being innocent, yet he was not let go and died recently.

Now_ let's take a moment and understand that pakistani courts back in 90's were a model of fair and proper justice compared to the last 10 years i.e. In today's Pakistan, the justice who found the killer of the governor to be guilty had to relocate to another country, and the guy who put a garland around the neck of the killer was given the job of being judge in Pakistani courts.

Pakistanis may not get this- but such behavior alarms the rest of the world. It's just not proper.

Another dramay baz indian hiding behind an america flag
Giving consular access to arrested spy's is not an international norm, execution is.

He is wrongly implicated. He was first abducted from Iran, then forced to speak a tutored line in a video. Now this. And all the time Pakistan refused to give Yadav Indian consular access which is a international norm.
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