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Terror attack on military service bus in central Ankara leaves 28 dead, 61 wounded

Lets see , if Erdogan use this as an excuse to invade Syria , then we can consider a False Flag operation by Erdogan and his Arab and Kurd allies ( Barezani ) to prepare Turkish people for going to war ...

Have some respect and cast aside the politics, we have dead and wounded. No Turk comes into Iranian section and acts like that....have some dignity.

That guy is obviously MEGALOMAN and I am realy sure they have multiple accounts

We know except some fanboys of Russia

You were right, a second bomb was found but defused in time.

Meanwhile, a suspicious package was found outside the Interior Ministry's building. Police and bomb-disposal experts were put on terror alert after a tip-off from the security guards. It was defused by the squad.

Death toll from Ankara explosion soars to 26: governor
Frankly. We Don't depend on KSA fighters, but we need a strong alliance against Russia.
Obama is a lame duck. Putin knows it

The alliance will take time to strengthen but it's a good start. The mixture of different forces will complicate Putin's calculations both in tactical terms and also strategically.

Obama's main concern is East Asia. America will return its attention back to the middle-east in 5 - 10 years--hence the timeline provisions in the nuclear agreement. In the meantime it's calculating that the middle-eastern countries will be forced into re-configuring their existing alliances to deal with a hegemonic power.
1- It's high time we should be in shoulder to shoulder with them, RIP brothers..


2- WTF am I seriously hearing? Some traitor bombs military shuttles just near the Air Force HQ and even before all the wounded are transferred to hospital,..you jump out and say its FSB, Germany or some other type of sh.it. Mate don't get me wrong but these posts are seriously annoying.

May Allah accept their martydom. Turkey shouldnt get involved in the Middle East.

Then you don't get involved in anything at South Asia...This is purely a different thread, go play politics at PKK/PYD/ISIS thread, else shut up!

Let me remind you that Turkey as a country is not targetted by its ''enemies'' just because it is Turkey but due to Erdogans policies. Same as the retarded mofos running my country, they are the target, not the people.

Turks should seriously deescalate the situation and look for compromise with ALL countries and entities (except the likes of ISIS).

Just because of the governing party's bad policies, a group can't blame it on the country itself, in fact a terrorist group.

When Turkey is targeted, we shall deescalate, when Turkey takes the sh.it out of YPG/PKK then we shall deescalate again? Why in all circumstances we should be the one deescalating. Yes, bcz of their policy we wouldn't be seeing harsh response but soon, it's gonna be the 4th of July in Iraq.

But if my past officer cadetship career had shown me one thing, that'd be if you hit the military in the heart like attacking unarmed shuttles that are carrying the officers and their families.. Your friends at Iraq, Syria never will get along with it, even our political authority can't prevent that. You'll see, whoever is responsible, will be bombed back to stone age relentlessly within 72 hours of notice.
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