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Terror attack on military service bus in central Ankara leaves 28 dead, 61 wounded

Explosion happened really close to Parliament (100-200 meters) Genel Kurmay, Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı, Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı, Kara Harp okulu, Askeri Lojmanlar..it exploded between these, unbelievable. Huge intelligence deficiency.

How do you know?

Follow my posts. I wrote that we eliminated almost 300 YPG and Specnaz boys.
I was insulted and humiliated in forum.
Attack in Ankara was a surprise, if we had enough intelligence we could have avoided.
We are in "cyber space",
most so called TURKISH boys here are ENEMIES from who else ever
Fvckers still saying we are condeming the attack....if this done by PKK, we should enter Iraq, exterminate all of them, if anyone be it KRG, Iraqis, Iranians stands in our way we should kill them too....They targeted our high ranking military officers....it should be perceived as casus belli.
This is Casus Belli. Both in Turkish and English. In Turkish, we all know PKK nowadays focuses on military and police, ISIS has yet to go after military and police. In English, IF YPG/PKK is behind this, killing our very high ranking Mehmetcik, and if our politicians don't act on it by bombarding YPG back to stone age, then i don't know what the **** to say.

Turkey's security is a laughing matter now! We were mocking France for being so weak, but they went to our capital and targeted parliament/military quarters!!!!
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