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Terror attack in Sinai,200+ killed

BREAKING: Egyptian state TV now saying 155 killed in Sinai attack, 120 injured - @AFP

These animals are the scum of the earth. They've been failing against military targets and personnel so they've reached out their filthy tentacles to the innocent civilian pops. These people need to be skinned one by one and face the ultimate painful death. This IS lowlife vermin cretin are worst than fecal matter. They need to be eradicated in the worst way possible.
These animals are the scum of the earth. They've been failing against military targets and personnel so they've reached out their filthy tentacles to the innocent civilian pops. These people need to be skinned one by one and face the ultimate painful death. This IS lowlife vermin cretin are worst than fecal matter. They need to be eradicated in the worst way possible.
and in a Mosque...
May Allah grant them jannah.
What is all about this EGYPT terrorism issue? What is the expectation of terr from Egypt?
Egypt mosque attack: At least 155 killed in Sinai

Image copyrightEPA
Image captionThe militants targeted a mosque near al-Arish
Suspected militants have launched a bomb and gun attack on a mosque in Egypt's North Sinai province, killing 155 people, state media report.

Witnesses say the al-Rawda mosque in the town of Bir al-Abed, near al-Arish, was targeted during Friday prayers.

Local police said men in four off-road vehicles opened fire on worshippers, AP reported.

Egypt has been fighting an Islamist insurgency in the region, which has intensified since 2013.

There have been regular attacks blamed on militants on the Sinai peninsula, but this is the deadliest assault of its kind.

Pictures from the scene show rows of bloodied victims inside the mosque. More than 100 people were also wounded, reports say.

One report said the target appeared to be supporters of the security forces who were praying at the mosque.

President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi is to meet security officials to discuss the incident, Egypt's private Extra News TV reported.

It is not yet known who was behind Friday's attack.

Jihadist militants have been waging an insurgency in recent years, stepping up attacks after Egypt's military overthrew Islamist President Mohammed Morsi in July 2013.

Hundreds of police, soldiers and civilians have been killed since then, mostly in attacks carried out by Sinai Province group, which is affiliated to so-called Islamic State (IS).

In September, at least 18 policemen were killed in an attack on a convoy near al-Arish by militants affiliated with IS.

The jihadists have also killed dozens of people in attacks targeting Egypt's Coptic Christian minority elsewhere in the country, and claimed they planted the bomb that brought down a Russian plane carrying tourists in Sinai in 2015, killing 224 people on board.


These bastard terrorists reached unprecedented level by targeting mosques where innocent people worship Allah and look only for a moment of peace.
What is all about this EGYPT terrorism issue? What is the expectation of terr from Egypt?

The source and motivation is rather complicated, but the end result of this source and motivation is pretty clear and that is the destabilization of the current, Sisi regime, which is greatly strengthened by the military.
My condolence to our Egyptian brothers and sisters. West would ignore you but not us. Show those terrorists no mercy.
Time for Egypt to roll the whole army into Sinai. House by house, cave by cave they need to clear out ISIS. This will only get worse the more Egypt sits back.

Are those terrorist are Islamic terrorist?

Recently, there is a initiave by Gulf Nations where they created a military alliance to fight with terrorism..I beleive, this alliance should start helping Egypt to fight against these terrorist?

@Imran Khan @Iqbal Ali @Kaptaan @Joe Shearer ...Do not you think, Islamic alliance created by Gulf countries should help Egypgt to fight against these animals in Egypt???
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