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Terms which can save Pakistan

Ever since the starting of the so-called "War of Terror", Pakistan is continuously descending into civil unrest, with state of the affairs going completely hopeless, and now, after the results of the 2013 Elections, it seems only a huge miracle could save Pakistan.

But miracles have a nasty habit of not happening without effort, and effort is non-existent in our country. Our people have a lot of potential no doubt, but if we follow these terms, then there is no force in the world which could match us.

"Race" is non-existent

When ever we are bored, we like to remark about how Sindhs like to do blah blah blah and why Punjabis do blah blah blah. This might be called racism, and racism is directed at a race, and it is a completely stupid thing to do.

It is stupid because, the term "race" is stupid. Race are a group of people who are thought to be similar to each other, and that is false, because you see, every human on the planet is identical to each other, and we are all completely the same at default, except appearance. The differences are caused by the environment, and no thing is coded in out genetics. So, a Sindhi and a Punjabi are exactly the same, but they would have different traits adopted by looking at the people living nearby.

Pakistani first, Muslim later

Alright folks, we are getting a little controversial here, so we by any chances you are against the idea of the re-study of religion, you might not read further.

Did you know that parda is not essential in Islam? Or that interest rate is allowed? Well, this and many more reasons are that we are clear about Islam. But this is not the topic of discussion here, the topic is, that the we should care about the safe-keeping Pakistan more than we care about the safety of Islam.

Now, don't get me wrong please! I am a Muslim, and I have firm belief in Islam, but there are so many non-Pakistani Muslims in the world, and surely their countries are in better shape then us, so we should care about our county, because they are taking care of our religion, and it won't damage your faith.

So, if choosing to save Islam or save Pakistani, save Pakistani because only YOU can choose that, while all the other Muslims in the world will choose Islam.

"Global Friends" don't exist

The popular stuff today is that should Pakistan side with Al-Qaeda or the US, but the truth is neither. In Politics, you are alone, and alone, and even though you could help and be helped by others, at the end of the day the fact that how much profit did YOU earned, not your helpers, and but aligning itself in this war, we have fallen into a deep pit. Now, we need to save ourself from both the US and Taliban, and make source that we don't need help from others, but others need out help.

We can't go on asking for resources from others, we need to earn them. We need to stand on our feet ourselves, not by support from foreign who are doing this just in the name of humanity.

Support the Army

In the end, I would like to advise that we should love every single man in the army, because they are sacrificing everything they have for your protection, and between you and hordes of enemy soldiers, are these heroes risking their lives to save yours.


Okay, so that would be what I think could make a better and stronger Pakistan.
This list might has it's share of flaws, but it could still work.

Oh, and I am 12 in age, seriously.

I agree with your 2nd and 3rd point..and I want to add another..

let your country convince not to pursue misadventure as end of the day,it'll hurt them more than others..Pakistan has every potential to become a successful state..only they have to play right move and they have to earn it through hard work..poking others is the reason what hurting them most..and another thing,never become a cannon fodder for others,which Pakistan is exactly doing in last 60 years..let them become a player than a mere pawn..

anyway...welcome in this forum kid...hope you'll not loose your sanity by staying here..
Country before religion .....that will go a long way , it will unite the country.
Its not about like or dislike!
Its all about how poor your behavior is against Muslims. Why you say that Muslim and Pakistan are two different things? Why you said that?

poor behaviour??what u saying?? what about the minorities eh??
according to me religion is a personal matter and state policies should be independent of that,and should be the same for all..

and country is the most important thing according to me.. u are known in the world by your country,not by your religion.. in tough times,u are saved because of your passport not because of quran/geeta..

and my comment was a reflection of my view point,hate it or like it..

What about 99% Indian here?

I wonder how you become as a "Senior Member" here??????????
Because your avatar says it all . . . .

@Ayush became a senior member by TROLLING.

Nearly 5500 Posts in 9 months. Only a TROLL can do that. Enough Said.

As for his Avatar, others have used that in the past.

That Krait fellow had this Hannibal - Hecter the Lecter Avatar before him.

It suits these brain dead TROLLS.
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Why troll like that...? You asked for it now....

I have only noticed around 10-20% of Pakistanis here want Country before riligion
And as for the trolling part..... this is very light....there are some Elite members who have the freedom to openly abuse military men and get away with it...
I have only noticed around 10-20% of Pakistanis here want Country before riligion
And as for the trolling part..... this is very light....there are some Elite members who have the freedom to openly abuse military men and get away with it...
Same applies to your country men who are senior members and mock dead relatives of members on this forum.
poor behaviour??what u saying?? what about the minorities eh??
according to me religion is a personal matter and state policies should be independent of that,and should be the same for all..

and country is the most important thing according to me.. u are known in the world by your country,not by your religion.. in tough times,u are saved because of your passport not because of quran/geeta..

and my comment was a reflection of my view point,hate it or like it..


You are not everyone are you, to me my religion first and then my country, in the name of religion my forefathers shunned nationalism and gave their land purely because of religion, i take pride in knowing my nation is the representative of my religion in letter and spirit.

Pakistan may not be perfect but well with a struggle it will be, it will be transformed with time, everyone must go through crisis to become strong and stable.
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