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Tensions rise between Iran and Azerbaijan

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Don't quote me you dirty mongol subhuman.
Go mate with your horse you mongloids savage.

Mongols are the original gypsies and yet you call me one? you jew-worshiping scum.


Saying "Yes, this is my 15th fake account, i'm the same idiot as before" would've been sufficient, but this would do the trick as well.

Good thing about you is, you are an inbred idiot and that gypsy within you will always give you away :)
One should watch this: pro-Azerbaijani Israelis/Jews (Brenda Shaffer, Ariel Cohen, etc) on the payroll of Aliyev spreading lies and misinformation about Iran:

Iran's Influence in South Caucasus - C-SPAN Video Library

They say Azerbaijan needs US help against Iran.

I don't know USA but Be sure that Turkey and Turkish Army will always be with Azerbaijan dude.

2001 is the date When Iran forced the foreign oil company that made oil researches for Azerbaijan in Caspiansea, to leave the region and violated the Azerbaijani airspace. The tension was suddenly risen. Cause of that fact, Cheff of general staff of Turkey, Hüseyin Kivrikoglu and some other generals immediately arranged a visit to Azerbaijan and ordered to bring the Turkish jets for show of strength as a symbol of Turkey's support for Azerbaijan. Turkish Stars made a special show over Caspiansea and Baku to represent the determination of Azerbaijani and Turkey's armed forces and The show was watched by all Turkish/Azerbaijani generals along with Azerijani PM and more than 1 million Azerbaijani civilians...

Dude, I advice you not to force Turkey to play own role in region. Otherwise, It will a-cause a big headache for you.
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I don't know USA but Be sure that Turkey and Turkish Army will always be with Azerbaijan dude.

Dude, I advice you not to force Turkey to play own role in region. Otherwise, It will a-cause a big headache for you.

Who gives a fak about Turkey? Surely Iran not. I don't care how many shiny American jets you guys have to show, but we have fought a bloody 8 year war, with more than 1.000.000 deaths on both sides. If you think that Iran's battle-hardened Pasdars are scared of Turkey's role in a potential conflict, you are dead wrong. Nobody in Iran is even considering Turkey to be player. Try to defeat some small rebels in mountains, which you guys are not able of for more than 30 years, before ever thinking to stick your noses in more complex issues.

Not considering that even in Turkey Iran has supporters. ^
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Who gives a fak about Turkey? Surely Iran not. I don't care how many shiny American jets you guys have to show, but we have fought a bloody 8 year war, with more than 1.000.000 deaths on both sides. If you think that Iran's battle-hardened Pasdars are scared of Turkey's role in a potential conflict, you are dead wrong. Nobody in Iran is even considering Turkey to be player. Try to defeat some small rebels in mountains, which you guys are not able of for more than 30 years, before ever thinking to stick your noses in more complex issues.

Not considering that even in Turkey Iran has supporters. ^

Dude, It is so high volume speeches for a country which doesn't have a proper airforce/industry(propaganda and reverse engineering combination, lack of design ability) but try to maintain 60's tech USA aircrafts/systems in service. In all aspect, The countries strength doesn't rank by Iranians' foresights but some international rules so Noone actually cares What Iran think about Turkey or Turkish Army. If Iranian propagandas were in force, Today, The World should have considered Iran as Number-1 industry which is ahead of USA but You also know that It is a pipedream which is composed by yourself for internal combustions. That's why All World is laughing to all what you say (Sending 10000 missiles to Turkey bla bla ).

In this circumstances, You are more or less same one which is defeated by Iraq army at first wave and couldn't add serious capablities instead of re-inventing 1970's USA and soviet systems over passing years but choosed to spread propagada dude. so Don't tell me What you think about Turkey's role in region. You can't know How the sound of more than 350 latest generation aircrafts equipped with cruise missiles, make you feel before living so It isn't important issue whether you consider Turkey as a player or not as long as Turkish army is able to protect the benefits of Turkey's policies in region...
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i think muslims will kill each other .. we dont need west to destroy us ..we will kill ourselves ..why do we hate eachother so much

turkish hate iranian , iranians hate turks,pakistanis hate afghans and afghans hate pakistanis, arabs hate iran and iran hates arabs.. even arabs hate themselves. ...........

this hatred in enough to destroy muslims:(.. sad for us
How the hell did they ever promoted you to Jr. Think Tank? A deluded Turk who thinks that Iran has no significant military industry and was defeated by Iraq is not even worth a reply. Try harder, and perhaps ask some military experts like Rubin and others what Iran's current state is. You are a joke.
cant u guys be friends don't you think our common enemy is enough for our fighting adventures

i think muslims will kill each other .. we dont need west to destroy us ..we will kill ourselves ..why do we hate eachother so much

turkish hate iranian , iranians hate turks,pakistanis hate afghans and afghans hate pakistanis, arabs hate iran and iran hates arabs.. even arabs hate themselves. ...........

this hatred in enough to destroy muslims:(.. sad for us

you are right we are the biggest enemies of each other
Dude, It is so high volume speeches for a country which doesn't have a proper airforce/industry(propaganda and reverse engineering combination, lack of design ability) but try to maintain 60's tech USA aircrafts/systems in service. In all aspect, The countries strength doesn't rank by Iranians' foresights but some international rules so Noone actually cares What Iran think about Turkey or Turkish Army. If Iranian propagandas were in force, Today, The World should have considered Iran as Number-1 industry which is ahead of USA but You also know that It is a pipedream which is composed by yourself for internal combustions. That's why All World is laughing to all what you say (Sending 10000 missiles to Turkey bla bla ).

In this circumstances, You are more or less same one which is defeated by Iraq army at first wave and couldn't add serious capablities instead of re-inventing 1970's USA and soviet systems over passing years but choosed to spread propagada dude. so Don't tell me What you think about Turkey's role in region. You can't know How the sound of more than 350 latest generation aircrafts equipped with cruise missiles, make you feel before living so It isn't important issue whether you consider Turkey as a player or not...

Turkish indegenous " T-129" :


Just a copy of the Italian A-129


Your altay tank is just a copy of the south Korean K-2 tank. You copy german leopard and call it indigenous Turkish tank LOL

Iran even though is a isolated country still does a better job. You're pathetic country even with all this technology from NATO yer cannot properly make it's own designs.

Iran fought Iraq (+ most countries in the world who were helping them) and by the end of the war we were 15 km inside Iraq :rofl:

Your country after 30 years could not even defeat a small Iranic kurdish group.
How the hell did they ever promoted you to Jr. Think Tank? A deluded Turk who thinks that Iran has no significant military industry and was defeated by Iraq is not even worth a reply. Try harder, and perhaps ask some military experts like Rubin and others what Iran's current state is. You are a joke.

There are some differencs between the reals and delusions mate. I am talking about the painfull truths that you actually suffer but prefers to be a smart boy as keyboard warriors in forums. I have already typed which type military industry you have. After this period, Comprehension of my speeches are about your delusion level. If you aim to reach the goal with changing the understnding of my speeches with typing what I didnt type, You are in a wrong adress to discuss.


Is this fool for real?
Iran would vaporise Turkey in a matter of few hours. 0.5% of Irans missile is enough to desitmate Turkey lol. How will Turkey attack Iran? with F-16? You entire air force will be shot down in a blink of an eye you pathetic moron.
even the israelis who slaughtered your people on boats do not dare to strike Iran, even the American don't dare make a move and now this brainwashed fool in Turkey think his country is a badass.

Turkish military is just a joke, this guy thinking by copying Italians A-129 helicopters and south Korean K-1 tank (altay) that his country is somehow a power.

How on earth will Turkey even think about a conflict with Iran? Man, you pan Mongols/Tork are even more retarded than I though.

Turkish military is such a joke that after 30 years the poor PKK had to surrender due to absolute boredom as they kept slaughtering the Turks without any real counter strikes.

Don't worry dude, With this speed, You will be the an easy troll who is also banned in a short time...
Turks are not muslim. They are member of NATO. an organisation which killes muslims. yet you call them muslims?
They are jew- worshipers.

Yup, And that has anything to do with Iran and Turkish tension how? It seem that every Iranian has a buthurt for Turkey being in NATO, Ofcourse what would you expect from an inferior nation, Trying to look for excuses at these little things :)
Iran has managed to make its own spare-parts for its air crafts, in despite of the fact that nobody in US military thought that Iran was able of keeping its Tomcats air worthy. It is also capable of maintaining its F-4's, F-5's and Fulcrums, in despite of not receiving any help from its manufacturers. It has even upgraded most of these air crafts. Iran makes its own warships, and overhauls its own Russian submarines, and is even making g its own submarines. It has one of the most diverse ballistic missile arsenal in the world, and experts like Uzi Rubin have complemented Iran on its missile and space achievements. Where is Turkey's ballistic program?

Could go on though. You just enjoy your NATO-membership + joint programs.
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